identical in size, quantity, degree, intensity, etc; the same (as)
having identical privileges, rights, status, etc
everyone is equal before the law
having uniform effect or application
equal opportunities
evenly balanced or proportioned
the game was equal between the teams
5. (usually foll by to)
having the necessary or adequate strength, ability, means, etc (for)
to be equal to one's work
6. another word for equivalent (sense 3a)
a person or thing equal to another, esp in merit, ability, etc
he has no equal when it comes to boxing
verbWord forms: equals, equalling, equalledWord forms: USequals, equaling or equaled
8. (transitive)
to be equal to; correspond to; match
my offer equals his
9. (intransitive; usually foll byout)
to become equal or level
10. (transitive)
to make, perform, or do something equal to
to equal the world record
11. (transitive) archaic
to make equal
▶ USAGE The use of more equal as in from now on their relationship will be a more equal one is acceptable in modern English usage. Equally is preferred to equally as in sentences such as reassuring the victims is equally important. Just as is preferred to equally as in sentences such as their surprise was just as great as his
Derived forms
equally (ˈequally)
Word origin
C14: from Latin aequālis, from aequus level, of obscure origin
egal in American English
Word origin
[1350–1400; ME egall ‹ AF, OF egal ‹ L aequālis]This word is first recorded in the period 1350–1400. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: drag, range, screen, train, tune