lighting, sounds, etc, to accompany and enhance a stage, film, or broadcast production
Examples of 'effects' in a sentence
Many of those effects would now be produced on computer.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Synonyms of 'effects'
belongings, goods, things, property
More Synonyms of effects
All related terms of 'effects'
The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing.
ill effects
If something has ill effects , it causes problems or damage .
harmful consequences , effects
light effects
the illumination of a play, film, etc
sound effects
any sounds artificially produced, reproduced from a recording , etc, to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop ; used in plays, films, etc
special effects
techniques used in the production of scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques
household effects
privately owned goods consisting chiefly of furniture , appliances , etc., for keeping house
lighting effects
the illumination of a play, film, etc
personal effects
personal possessions ; property
sound effects man
a person who produces sounds artificially or reproduces them from a recording , etc, to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop . Such sound effects are used in plays, films, etc
sound effects woman
a woman who produces sounds artificially or reproduces them from a recording , etc, to create a theatrical effect, such as the bringing together of two halves of a hollow coconut shell to simulate a horse's gallop . Such sound effects are used in plays, films, etc
suffer the effects of
The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing.
The after-effects of an event, experience, or substance are the conditions which result from it.
Auger effect
the spontaneous emission of an electron instead of a photon by an excited ion as a result of a vacancy being filled in an inner electron shell
blast effect
the damage caused by the force of an explosive blast
electro-optical effect
the production of double refraction in certain transparent substances by the application of a strong electric field
Gunn effect
a phenomenon observed in some semiconductors in which a steady electric field of magnitude greater than a threshold value generates electrical oscillations with microwave frequencies
Hall effect
the production of a potential difference across a conductor carrying an electric current when a magnetic field is applied in a direction perpendicular to that of the current flow
halo effect
the beneficial effect on sales of a company's range of products produced by the popularity or high profile of one particular product
Joule effect
the production of heat as the result of a current flowing through a conductor
Joule heating
the production of heat as the result of a current flowing through a conductor
Kerr effect
the production of double refraction in certain transparent substances by the application of a strong electric field
magneto-optical effect
the production of double refraction in certain transparent substances by the application of a strong electric field
notch effect
the increase in stress in an area of a component near a crack , depression , etc, or a change in section, such as a sharp angle: can be enough to cause failure of the component although the calculated average stress may be quite safe
pinch effect
the constriction of a beam of charged particles , caused by a force on each particle due to its motion in the magnetic field generated by the movement of the other particles
Raman effect
a change in wavelength of light that is scattered by electrons within a material. The effect is used in Raman spectroscopy for studying molecules
Schottky noise
the inherent electronic noise arising in an electric current because of the discontinuous nature of conduction by electrons
shot noise
the inherent electronic noise arising in an electric current because of the discontinuous nature of conduction by electrons
side effect
The side-effects of a drug are the effects, usually bad ones, that the drug has on you in addition to its function of curing illness or pain .
skin effect
the tendency of alternating current to concentrate in the surface layer of a conductor , esp at high frequencies , thus increasing its effective resistance
sound effect
Sound effects are the sounds that are created artificially to make a play more realistic , especially a radio play.
stage effect
a special effect created on the stage by lighting, sound, etc
Stark effect
the splitting of the lines of a spectrum when the source of light is subjected to a strong electrostatic field, discovered by Johannes Stark (1874–1957) in 1913
toxic effect
an adverse effect of a drug produced by an exaggeration of the effect that produces the therapeutic response
Babinski effect
the reflex curling upwards of the toes ( instead of inwards ) when the sole of the foot is stroked, normal in infants below the age of two but a pathological condition in adults
Bradley effect
the distortion of opinion polls caused by the reluctance of respondents to admit to a preference that is regarded as socially unacceptable
chilling effect
a discouraging or deterring effect, esp. one resulting from a restrictive law or regulation
Compton effect
a phenomenon in which a collision between a photon and a particle results in an increase in the kinetic energy of the particle and a corresponding increase in the wavelength of the photon
Coriolis effect
a deflection in the path of a body moving in latitude relative to the Earth when observed from the Earth. The deflection is due to the Earth's rotation and is to the east when the motion is towards a pole
domino effect
If one event causes another similar event, which in turn causes another event, and so on, you can refer to this as a domino effect .
Doppler effect
a phenomenon , observed for sound waves and electromagnetic radiation , characterized by a change in the apparent frequency of a wave as a result of relative motion between the observer and the source
ground effect
the improvement to the aerodynamic qualities of a low-slung motor vehicle resulting from a cushion of air beneath it
Meissner effect
the phenomenon in which magnetic flux is excluded from a substance when it is in a superconducting state, except for a thin layer at the surface
noodle effect
the theoretical process by which an object approaching a black hole is progressively broken down into a long thin string of particles by increasing gravitational forces, esp the vast difference in gravitational strength at either end of the object
oxygen effect
the increased sensitivity to radiation of living organisms, tissues, etc, when they are exposed in the presence of oxygen
Peltier effect
the production of heat at one junction and the absorption of heat at the other junction of a thermocouple when a current is passed around the thermocouple circuit . The heat produced is additional to the heat arising from the resistance of the wires
placebo effect
The placebo effect is the fact that some patients' health improves after taking what they believe is an effective drug but which is in fact only a placebo.
position effect
the effect on the phenotype of interacting genes when their relative positions on the chromosome are altered , as by inversion
primacy effect
the process whereby the first few items on a list are learnt more rapidly than the middle items
ratchet effect
an effect that occurs when a price or wage increases as a result of temporary pressure but fails to fall back when the pressure is removed
(plural noun)
personal belongings
His daughters came to collect his effects.
I collected my belongings and left.
You can give all your unwanted goods to charity.
His family evidently loved the trappings of power.
personal property
Understated eveningwear can be dressed up with accoutrements.
Additional synonyms
in the sense of accoutrements
clothing and equipment for a particular activity
Understated eveningwear can be dressed up with accoutrements.
bells and whistles,
in the sense of goods
movable personal property
You can give all your unwanted goods to charity.
in the sense of trappings
the accessories that symbolize a condition, office, etc.
His family evidently loved the trappings of power.