C18: via New Latin from Latin obstetrīcius, from obstetrix a midwife, literally: woman who stands opposite, from obstāre to stand in front of; see obstacle
obstetric in American English
(əbˈstɛtrɪk; ɑbˈstɛtrɪk)
of childbirth or obstetrics
: also obˈstetrical
Derived forms
obstetrically (obˈstetrically)
Word origin
ModL obstetricus, for L obstetricius, belonging to a midwife < obstetrix, midwife, lit., she who stands before < ob- (see ob-) + stare, to stand
Examples of 'obstetric' in a sentence
I foresee no problems at all, but perhaps you would like to consult an obstetric specialist?
Thomas, Rosie THE WHITE DOVE
We were entering the old obstetric unit: the wards long since closed through lack of funding.