an area defined by its environmental conditions, esp climate, landforms, and soil characteristics
Examples of 'ecoregion' in a sentence
Finally, we compared lizard diversity and ecoregion diversity on the two continents.
Joseph S Wilson, Aaron D Pan, Erica S Limb, Kevin A Williams 2018, 'Comparison of African and North American velvet ant mimicry complexes: Another exampleof Africa as the 'odd man out'.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
This approach demonstrates well the value of biodiversity conservation in an endangered ecoregion.
Carmen X. Luzuriaga-Quichimbo, Míriam Hernández del Barco, José Blanco-Salas, CarlosE. Cerón-Martínez, Trinidad Ruiz-Téllez 2018, 'Chiricaspi (Brunfelsia grandiflora, Solanaceae), a Pharmacologically Promising Plant',Plants Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Environmental factors determine the phytophysiognomies that distinguish the ecoregion from the surroundingareas.
Emilia de Brito Valente, Kátia Cavalcanti Pôrto, Cid José Passos Bastos 2013, 'Species richness and distribution of bryophytes within different phytophysiognomiesin the Chapada Diamantina region of Brazil', Acta Botânica Brasílica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This dataset consists of 116 selected sampling sites throughout the ecoregion.
Ghaffar Sajeela, Stevenson R. Jan, Khan Zahiruddin 2016, 'Cyanobacteria Dominance in Lakes and Evaluation of Its Predictors: a Study of SouthernAppalachians Ecoregion, USA', MATEC Web of Conferences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Phylogenetic composition was important in determining the species richness and endemism in each ecoregion.
Fernanda Thiesen Brum, Larissa Oliveira Gonçalves, Laura Cappelatti, Marcos BergmannCarlucci, Vanderlei Júlio Debastiani, Elisa Viana Salengue, Guilherme Dubal dos SantosSeger, Camila Both, Jorge Sebastião Bernardo-Silva, Rafael Dias Loyola, Leandro daSilva Duarte 2013, 'Land use explains the distribution of threatened New World amphibians better thanclimate.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Additional assessments were performed as a function of dominant vegetation type and ecoregion to further evaluate regional products.
Craig Mahoney, Ron J. Hall, Chris Hopkinson, Michelle Filiatrault, Andre Beaudoin,Qi Chen 2018, 'A Forest Attribute Mapping Framework: A Pilot Study in a Northern Boreal Forest, NorthwestTerritories, Canada', Remote Sensing Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The key findings can contribute to the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in a fragile ecoregion.
Helge Walentowski, Steffi Heinrichs, Stefan Hohnwald, Alexander Wiegand, Henry Heinen,Martin Thren, Oscar A. Gamarra Torres, Ana B. Sabogal, Stefan Zerbe 2018, 'Vegetation Succession on Degraded Sites in the Pomacochas Basin (Amazonas, N Peru)—EcologicalOptions for Forest Restoration', Sustainability Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Environmental types are uniquely classified according to the geomorphic features found within the bathomes in each ecoregion.
Lucinda L. Douglass, Joel Turner, Hedley S. Grantham, Stefanie Kaiser, Andrew Constable,Rob Nicoll, Ben Raymond, Alexandra Post, Angelika Brandt, Daniel Beaver 2014, 'A Hierarchical Classification of Benthic Biodiversity and Assessment of ProtectedAreas in the Southern Ocean', PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0100551. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
This study aimed to investigate the distribution of bryophyte flora in this ecoregion, by phytophysiognomy and elevational zone.
Emilia de Brito Valente, Kátia Cavalcanti Pôrto, Cid José Passos Bastos 2013, 'Species richness and distribution of bryophytes within different phytophysiognomiesin the Chapada Diamantina region of Brazil', Acta Botânica Brasílica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (