Viscera are the large organs inside the body, such as the heart, liver, and stomach.
viscera in British English
plural nounWord forms: singularviscus (ˈvɪskəs)
1. anatomy
the large internal organs of the body collectively, esp those in the abdominal cavity
▶ Related adjective: splanchnic
(less formally) the intestines; guts
Word origin
C17: from Latin: entrails, pl of viscus internal organ
viscera in American English
plural nounWord forms: singularˈviscus (ˈvɪskəs)
the internal organs of the body, esp. of the thorax and abdomen, as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc.; specif., in popular usage, the intestines
Word origin
L, pl. of viscus, an inner part of the body
Examples of 'viscera' in a sentence
More viscera, still oozing with blood, had been dumped in a large plastic bowl on the floor beside the table.
Pritchard, John NIGHT SISTERS (2004)
Visible, and in the case of the kidneys, pronounced deterioration of the viscera.