A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks.
to enclose with bars
barred i
a high central vowel with phonetic quality approximating that of the vowels in pit , put, putt , or pet , and considered by most phonologists as a phonetic variant of one of these vowels, depending on the context , but by some as an autonomous phoneme in some varieties of English
barred owl
a large, North American owl ( Strix varia ) with bars of brown feathers across the breast
barred spiral
a spiral galaxy in which the arms originate at the ends of a bar-shaped nucleus
barred window
A window is a space in the wall of a building or in the side of a vehicle, which has glass in it so that light can come in and you can see out.
barred warbler
a small passerine songbird, Sylvia nisoria , of the family Muscicapidae
barred woodpecker
a climbing bird , Picoides minor , of the family Picidae
no holds barred
If you say that there are no holds barred when people are fighting or competing for something, you mean that they are no longer following any rules in their efforts to win .