a state of the southeastern US, on the Gulf of Mexico: consists of coastal and W lowlands crossed by the Tombigbee, Black Warrior, and Alabama Rivers, with parts of the Tennessee Valley and Cumberland Plateau in the north; noted for producing cotton and white marble. Capital: Montgomery. Pop: 4 500 752 (2003 est). Area: 131 333 sq km (50 708 sq miles)
Abbreviation: Ala or (with zip code) AL
a river in Alabama, flowing southwest to the Mobile and Tensaw Rivers. Length: 507 km (315 miles)
Alabama in American English
Southern state of the SE U.S., on the Gulf of Mexico: admitted, 1819; 50,744 sq mi (131,426 sq km); pop. 4,447,000; cap. Montgomery
abbrev. AL or Ala
river flowing through central and SW Ala., joining the Tombigbee to form the Mobile river: 315 mi (607 km)