

单词 air traffic controller

Examples of 'air traffic controller' in a sentence
air traffic controller

It is responsible for assigning the codes for airlines, airports and individual aircraft used by air traffic controllers across the world.A commuter aircraft was flying through fog and torrential rain, when the pilot told air traffic controllers that the aircraft had been hit by lightning.

In other languages
air traffic controller

British English: air traffic controller /ɛə ˈtræfɪk kənˈtrəʊlə/ NOUN
An air traffic controller is someone whose job is to organize the routes that aircraft should follow, and to tell pilots by radio which routes they should take.
  • American English: air-traffic controller
  • Arabic: مُراقِبُ الـمُرُورِ الـجَوِّيّ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: controlador de tráfego aéreo
  • Chinese: 空中交通管理员
  • Croatian: kontrola letenja
  • Czech: letecký dispečer
  • Danish: flyveleder
  • Dutch: luchtverkeersleider
  • European Spanish: controlador aéreo
  • Finnish: lennonvalvoja
  • French: aiguilleur du ciel
  • German: Fluglotse
  • Greek: ελεγκτής εναέριας κυκλοφορίας
  • Italian: controllore di volo
  • Japanese: 航空管制官
  • Korean: 항공 관제사
  • Norwegian: flygeleder
  • Polish: kontroler ruchu lotniczego
  • European Portuguese: controlador de tráfego aéreo
  • Romanian: controlor de trafic aerian
  • Russian: авиадиспетчер
  • Latin American Spanish: controlador aéreo
  • Swedish: flygledare
  • Thai: ผู้ควบคุมเส้นทางการบิน
  • Turkish: hava trafik kontrolörü
  • Ukrainian: авіадиспетчер
  • Vietnamese: kiểm soát viên không lưu
British English: air traffic controller NOUN
An air traffic controller is someone whose job is to organize the routes that aircraft should follow, and to tell pilots by radio which routes they should take.
  • American English: air traffic controller
  • Brazilian Portuguese: controlador de tráfego aéreo
  • Chinese: 空中交通管理员
  • European Spanish: controlador aéreo
  • French: aiguilleur du ciel
  • German: Fluglotse
  • Italian: controllore del traffico aereo
  • Japanese: 航空管制官
  • Korean: 항공 교통 관제사
  • European Portuguese: controlador de tráfego aéreo
  • Latin American Spanish: controlador aéreo





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