释义 |
View usage for: (njuːmərəs, US nuːm-) adjectiveIf people or things are numerous, they exist or are present in large numbers. Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today. Despite numerous attempts to diet, her weight soared. Synonyms: many, several, countless, lots More Synonyms of numerous numerous in British English (ˈnjuːmərəs) adjective2. consisting of many units or parts a numerous collection Derived forms numerously (ˈnumerously) adverb numerousness (ˈnumerousness) or numerosity (ˌnjuːməˈrɒsɪtɪ) noun numerous in American English (ˈnumərəs; ˈnjumərəs) adjective1. consisting of many persons or things a numerous collection Derived forms numerously (ˈnumerously) adverb numerousness (ˈnumerousness) noun Word origin L numerosus < numerus, number Examples of 'numerous' in a sentencenumerous He has published numerous books, and was one of the economists to foresee the financial crisis.I made numerous calls complaining about the issue and wrote a letter.I have made numerous calls on her behalf.Founded in 1990, the clinic has won numerous awards and been at the forefront of pioneering research for the last decade.She was the recipient of numerous awards and the subject of many books.There are numerous books available on how to begin a compost heap and introduce organic gardening methods.This took three weeks and numerous phone calls and emails.There are numerous other examples of such physical problems that can cause decreasing returns to scale.Numerous international attempts to stabilise the country have failed so far.Over a thousand of his drawings were published in numerous books of engravings.This is despite calling numerous times to chase.There are now numerous examples of environmental initiatives at universities.Numerous attempts to control the weather have been made around the world.Her life story has been quoted in numerous texts studying the social history of the period she grew up in.The hotel has 266 bedrooms and has won numerous awards.The brand has won numerous awards and is now a million-dollar business venture.This photo has been reproduced in numerous books about Hemingway.It was a big popular success in Spain with four million viewers and numerous awards.Moreover, the book contains numerous factual errors.There have been numerous studies on the effects of light or noise on birds, but this is the first study to combine both factors. In other languagesnumerous British English: numerous / ˈnjuːmərəs/ ADJECTIVE If people or things are numerous, they exist or are present in large numbers. Crimes were just as numerous then as they are today. - American English: numerous
- Arabic: مُتَعَدِّدُ
- Brazilian Portuguese: numeroso
- Chinese: 无数的
- Croatian: brojan
- Czech: četný
- Danish: adskillige
- Dutch: talrijk
- European Spanish: numeroso
- Finnish: lukuisa
- French: nombreux
- German: zahlreich
- Greek: πολυάριθμος
- Italian: numeroso
- Japanese: 多数の
- Korean: 매우 많은
- Norwegian: tallrik
- Polish: liczny
- European Portuguese: numeroso
- Romanian: numeros
- Russian: многочисленный
- Latin American Spanish: numeroso
- Swedish: otalig
- Thai: มากมาย
- Turkish: sayısız
- Ukrainian: численний
- Vietnamese: nhiều
Chinese translation of 'numerous' adj - [examples, attempts etc]
许(許)多的 (xǔduō de) on numerous occasions 许(許)多次 (xǔduō cì)
Definition consisting of a large number of people or things Such crimes were just as numerous then as they are today.She made numerous attempts, but could never beat the world record. Synonyms several countless lots thick on the ground Opposites few , not many , scarcely any Additional synonymsThere is an abundant supply of labour. Synonyms plentiful, full, rich, filled, liberal, generous, lavish, ample, infinite, overflowing, exuberant, teeming, copious, inexhaustible, bountiful, luxuriant, profuse, rank, well-provided, well-supplied, two a penny, thick on the ground, bounteous, plenteousDefinition existing or produced in large quantities He drank copious quantities of tea and coffee. Synonyms abundant, liberal, generous, lavish, full, rich, extensive, ample, overflowing, plentiful, exuberant, bountiful, luxuriant, profuse, bounteous, superabundant, plenteousDefinition too many to be counted He has invented innumerable excuses and told endless lies. Synonyms countless, many, numerous, infinite, myriad, untold, incalculable, numberless, unnumbered, multitudinous, beyond number Additional synonymsDefinition numerous and varied The difficulties are manifold. Synonyms numerous, many, various, varied, multiple, diverse, multiplied, diversified, abundant, assorted, copious, multifarious, multitudinous, multifold Definition existing in large amounts or numbers a plentiful supply Synonyms abundant, liberal, generous, lavish, complete, ample, infinite, overflowing, copious, inexhaustible, bountiful, profuse, thick on the ground, bounteous (literary), plenteousDefinition plentiful or abundant This plant produces profuse bright-blue flowers. Synonyms plentiful, ample, prolific, abundant, overflowing, teeming, copious, bountiful, luxuriantDefinition very many He has produced umpteen books, plays and television series. Synonyms very many, numerous, countless, millions, gazillions (informal), considerable, a good many, a thousand and one, ever so many |