Sprinkle with the extra almonds and dust with icing sugar.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Dust some cocoa powder all over the mixture and then scatter over some hazelnuts.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Garnish with lemon slice and mint dusted with icing sugar.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
His father was a furnace man who would arrive home covered with the fine red dust of iron ore.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Dust with cocoa powder before serving.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Dust in the air also makes it difficult to model a lander's descent.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Her scooter sat in the garage, covered in dust.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Struggling through clouds of dust and smoke, they hoped to catch other members of their extended family fleeing the attack.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The dad of three's cancer was linked to his exposure to dust and toxic air while working at the scene for months after the attack.
The Sun (2017)
The dust was dry upon the road.
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
So busy bouncing that they have trouble picking up dust and dirt.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The wash scattered their tools and covered them in dust.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Wash the walls to remove any dust and stains.
The Sun (2010)
Top with blueberries and dust with icing sugar to serve.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
At close range she smelled of fried fish and coal dust.
Tracy Chevalier Burning Bright (2007)
Use green clay as a dusting powder for the feet.
Martlew, Gillian & Silver, Shelley Stay Well This Winter (1989)
Yet there is dust in the air.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The air inside was thick with a fine yellow dust that hung like fog.
Oliver Poole BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad (2003)
Vast clouds of volcanic dust were shot into the stratosphere and swept around the globe.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
There were also graphic images of workers covered in dust on the ground on site.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Pat the salmon fillets dry then dust generously with cumin.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
It was not surprising with so much dirt and dust on the floor.
Christianity Today (2000)
It is a building site and my nice new shoes got covered in dust.
The Sun (2007)
Give a final quick burst of compressed air to remove any fresh dust.
Freeman, Michael Photographers Handbook (1993)
The flavour of the great dust bowl was sugar and gin.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Top each mousse with a spoonful of cream and dust with cocoa powder.
The Sun (2014)
There was also an unusual amount of dust in the air last week.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Everything is covered in a fine brown dust.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
There was constant drilling that gave off clouds of white dust and noise.
The Sun (2015)
Pat the fish fillets dry then dust the top generously with salt.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
That way can only lead to painful failure and the eating of considerable quantities of dust and dirt.
In other languages
British English: dust /dʌst/ NOUN
Dust consists of very small dry particles of earth, sand, or dirt.
I could see a thick layer of dust on the stairs.
American English: dust
Arabic: غُبَار
Brazilian Portuguese: poeira
Chinese: 灰尘
Croatian: prašina
Czech: prach
Danish: støv
Dutch: stof vuil
European Spanish: polvo suciedad
Finnish: pöly
French: poussière
German: Staub
Greek: σκόνη
Italian: polvere
Japanese: ほこり ごみ
Korean: 먼지
Norwegian: støv
Polish: kurz
European Portuguese: poeira
Romanian: praf
Russian: пыль
Latin American Spanish: polvo parte más menuda de la tierra muy seca
Swedish: damm smuts
Thai: ฝุ่น
Turkish: toz
Ukrainian: пил
Vietnamese: bụi
British English: dust /dʌst/ VERB
When you dust or dust furniture or other objects, you remove dust from them using a dry cloth.
I vacuumed and dusted and polished the living room.
American English: dust
Arabic: يُنَظِّفُ مِنْ الغُبَار
Brazilian Portuguese: espanar tirar o pó
Chinese: 除灰
Croatian: brisati prašinu
Czech: oprášit
Danish: støve af
Dutch: stoffen
European Spanish: quitar el polvo
Finnish: pyyhkiä pölyt
French: épousseter
German: Staub wischen
Greek: ξεσκονίζω
Italian: spolverare
Japanese: ほこりを払う
Korean: 먼지를 털다
Norwegian: tørke støv
Polish: zakurzyć
European Portuguese: limpar o pó limpar
Romanian: a șterge praful
Russian: пылиться
Latin American Spanish: desempolvar
Swedish: damma rengöra
Thai: ปัดฝุ่น
Turkish: toz almak
Ukrainian: витирати пил
Vietnamese: phủi bụi
All related terms of 'dust'
A dust-up is a quarrel that often involves some fighting.
bull dust
fine dust
dust bag
the bag used in some models of vacuum cleaner for the collection of dust
dust ball
a ball or roll of dust and lint that accumulates indoors , as in corners or under furniture
dust bath
the action of a bird of driving dust into its feathers , which may dislodge parasites
dust bowl
a semiarid area in which the surface soil is exposed to wind erosion and dust storms occur
dust cart
a garbage truck
dust down
to remove dust from by brushing or wiping
dust mite
Dust mites are very small creatures that cause allergies.
dust off
If you say that someone dusts something off or dusts it down , you mean they are using an old idea or method , rather than trying something new.
dust shot
the smallest size of shot for a shotgun
gold dust
Gold dust is gold in the form of a fine powder.
zinc dust
zinc in powder form which is obtained by grinding or processing ; used as a paint and deoxidizing agent
(of the environmental impact of a manufactured item ) taking into account all phases of the item's existence from construction to eventual disposal
angel dust
→ PCP 1
cosmic dust
fine particles of solid matter occurring throughout interstellar space and often collecting into clouds of extremely low density
dust bunny
a small mass of fluff and dust
dust cloud
a large cloud of dust that hangs in the air
dust cover
a perspex cover for the turntable of a record player
dust devil
a strong miniature whirlwind that whips up dust , litter , leaves, etc into the air
dust jacket
A dust jacket is a loose paper cover which is put on a book to protect it. It often contains information about the book and its author .
dust ruffle
a ruffled skirt hung from under the mattress and extending to the floor around the sides of a bed as a decoration
dust sheet
A dust sheet is a large cloth which is used to cover objects such as furniture in order to protect them from dust.
dust storm
A dust storm is a storm in which strong winds carry a lot of dust.
gather dust
to not be dealt with for a very long time
smart dust
a network of tiny autonomous devices embedded in everyday objects or sprinkled on the ground, able to communicate using wireless links
diamond dust
pulverized diamonds , used as an abrasive
dust wrapper
→ dust jacket (sense 1 )
very dry
dust collector
A dust collector is a vessel or piece of equipment for the removal of dust from a gas .
dust explosion
an explosion caused by the ignition of an inflammable dust, such as flour or sawdust , in the air
bite the dust
to fail or to stop existing
dust and ashes
something that is very disappointing
lick the dust
to be servile ; grovel: cf. Mic. 7:17
the Dust Bowl
the area of the south central US that became denuded of topsoil by wind erosion during the droughts of the mid-1930s
to gather dust
If you say that something is gathering dust , you mean that it has been left somewhere and nobody is using it or doing anything with it.
a quarrel; argument ; row
to bite the dust
If you say that something has bitten the dust , you are emphasizing that it no longer exists or that it has failed .
A duster is a cloth which you use for removing dust from furniture, ornaments , or other objects.
p henyl c yclohexyl p iperidine (phencyclidine); a depressant drug used illegally as a hallucinogen
make the dust fly
to act energetically
be left in the dust
to be outdone or left far behind by someone or something
the dust has settled
said to mean that a situation has become calmer and steadier after a series of confusing or chaotic events
when the dust settles
If you say that something will happen when the dust settles , you mean that a situation will be clearer after it has calmed down. If you let the dust settle before doing something, you let a situation calm down before you try to do anything else.
be eating someone's dust
to be completely defeated by another person in a competitive situation
throw dust in someone's eyes
to mislead or deceive someone
throw dust in the eyes of
to confuse or mislead
the dust settles when the dust settles
If you say that something will happen when the dust settles , you mean that a situation will be clearer after it has calmed down. If you let the dust settle before doing something, you let a situation calm down before you try to do anything else.
shake the dust from one's feet
to depart gladly or with the intention not to return
shake the dust from your feet
to leave a place or a situation , with the intention that you will never return to it
Chinese translation of 'dust'
(= dirt)
(outdoors) 尘(塵)土 (chéntǔ)
(indoors) 灰尘(塵) (huīchén)
[furniture]拭去 ... 上的灰尘(塵) (shìqù ... shang de huīchén)
to dust sth with sth[cake] (with flour, sugar) 把某物撒在某物上 (bǎ mǒuwù sǎ zài mǒuwù shang)