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English translation of '关'



  1. (= 合拢) close
    ⇒ 关窗户 (guān chuānghu) close the window
  2. (= 圈起来) imprison
    ⇒ 战俘被关进集中营。 (Zhànfú bèi guānjìn jízhōngyíng.) The prisoners of war were imprisoned in a concentration camp.
    ⇒ 别让孩子整天关在家里。 (Bié ràng háizi zhěngtiān guānzài jiā li.) Make sure the children aren't cooped up at home all day.
  3. (= 停业) close down
    ⇒ 这家公司早就关了。 (Zhè jiā gōngsī zǎo jiù guān le.) The company closed down a long time ago.
  4. (= 断电) turn ... off
    ⇒ 关灯 (guān dēng) turn off the light
  5. (= 牵连) concern
    ⇒ 这不关他的事。 (Zhè bù guān tā de shì.) This matter does not concern him.

  1. (= 守卫处所) pass
  2. (= 出入境收税处) customs pl
    ⇒ 海关 (hǎiguān) customs pl
  3. (= 转折点) critical point
    ⇒ 手术这一关他总算闯过去了。 (Shǒushù zhè yī guān tā zǒngsuàn chuǎng guòqù le.) His critical operation passed off safely.
  4. (= 关联部分)
    ⇒ 关节 (guānjié) joint
    ⇒ 关键 (guānjiàn) key

Nearby words of

  • 拐弯抹角
  • 怪异
  • 怪罪

Related terms of

  • 公关
  • 关于
  • 关切
  • 关卡
  • 关口




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