You can use architect to refer to a person who plans large projects such as landscaping or railways.
...the landscape architect for Hampshire county council.
...Paul Andreu, chief architect of French railways.
3. countable noun
The architectof an idea, event, or institution is the person who invented it or made it happen.
...Russia's chief architect of economic reform. [+ of]
Synonyms: creator, father, shaper, engineer More Synonyms of architect
More Synonyms of architect
architect in British English
a person qualified to design buildings and to superintend their erection
a person similarly qualified in another form of construction
a naval architect
any planner or creator
the architect of the expedition
4. (transitive)
to plan or create (something, esp a computer system)
Word origin
C16: from French architecte, from Latin architectus, from Greek arkhitektōn director of works, from archi- + tektōn workman; related to tekhnē art, skill
architect in American English
a person whose profession is designing and drawing up plans for buildings, bridges, etc. and generally supervising the construction
any similar designer in a specialized field
a naval architect
any planner or creator
the architects of our Constitution
Word origin
L architectus < Gr architektōn < archi-, chief + tektōn, carpenter: see technic
Synonyms of 'architect'
designer, planner, draughtsman or woman or person, master builder