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View usage for: (vaɪl) Word forms: comparative viler, superlative vilestadjectiveIf you say that someone or something is vile, you mean that they are very unpleasant. The weather was consistently vile. She was in too vile a mood to work. More Synonyms of vile (vaɪl) adjective1. abominably wicked; shameful or evil the vile development of slavery appalled them 2. morally despicable; ignoble vile accusations 3. disgusting to the senses or emotions; foul a vile smell vile epithets 4. tending to humiliate or degrade only slaves would perform such vile tasks 5. unpleasant or bad vile weather Derived forms vilely (ˈvilely) adverb vileness (ˈvileness) noun Word origin C13: from Old French vil, from Latin vīlis cheap (vaɪl) adjective1. morally base or evil; wicked; depraved; sinful 2. offensive to the senses or sensibilities; repulsive; disgusting 5. highly disagreeable or most inferior; very bad: a generalized term of disapproval vile weather SIMILAR WORDS: base Derived forms vilely (ˈvilely) adverb vileness (ˈvileness) noun Word origin ME vil < OFr < L vilis, cheap, base < ? IE * wezlis < * wesno-, price > venal Examples of 'vile' in a sentencevile She heard the vile comments, made in an accidental call to her mobile.When he refuses, a row ensues, during which the pair are heard hurling vile abuse.She doesn't want anyone else to be hurt, damaged or in despair because of vile comments spewing from the phones and computers of trolls.It was also said how he sent vile messages boasting how the production team would protect him from being found out.Some of the online comments are vile.We have no idea what effect these vile images have on such young minds.Vile crimes were allowed to continue due to widespread political correctness.He had to toughen his skin against constant and vile abuse.His vile temper is aimed at the baroque plots and nonsensical script.There are too many of these vile creatures getting away with it.She then reported the vile comments to cops.But the vile abuse about his family crosses a line.It was now in the realm of possibility to confront this vile creature.How did the vile comments affect her?The campaign aims to change appalling attitudes toward this vile crime and the conditions victims have to deal with.Their views are vile and despicable.The vile, disgusting messages from the stalker played havoc with our lives.And now he wants to bring his vile message to Britain.He is vile and despicable.An awful lot of us, brought up with these ghastly people, always thought there was something vile lurking in their undergrowth.AT last I have decided to do something about my vile image. British English: vile / vaɪl/ ADJECTIVE If you say that someone or something is vile, you mean that they are extremely unpleasant. The weather was vile. - American English: vile
- Arabic: وَضِيع
- Brazilian Portuguese: desprezível
- Chinese: 极坏的
- Croatian: grozan
- Czech: hnusný
- Danish: afskyelig
- Dutch: walgelijk
- European Spanish: vil
- Finnish: paha viheliäinen
- French: infect
- German: abscheulich
- Greek: πρόστυχος
- Italian: disgustoso
- Japanese: 堕落した
- Korean: 비열한
- Norwegian: sjofel
- Polish: nikczemny
- European Portuguese: desprezível
- Romanian: infam
- Russian: подлый
- Latin American Spanish: vil
- Swedish: avskyvärd
- Thai: ชั่วร้าย เลวร้าย
- Turkish: kokuşmuş
- Ukrainian: огидний
- Vietnamese: ghê tởm
Chinese translation of 'vile' adj - (= offensive) [behaviour, language]
可恶(惡)的 (kěwù de) - (= unpleasant) [weather, food, temper]
极坏(壞)的 (jí huài de)
Definition morally wicked a vile and despicable crime Synonyms appalling ugly humiliating coarse degrading vulgar loathsome Opposites pure , noble , honourable , worthy , upright , righteous , chaste Definition disgusting the vile smell of mouldy cheese Synonyms noxious yucky or yukky (slang) yucko (Australian, slang) Opposites lovely , pleasant , agreeable , delicate , marvellous , splendid , sublime Additional synonymsan abject traitor Synonyms despicable, base, degraded, worthless, vile, sordid, debased, reprehensible, ignominious, contemptible, dishonourable, ignoble, detestable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition evil or immoral I felt that I was a selfish, ungrateful, and generally bad person. Synonyms wicked, criminal, evil, corrupt, worthless, base, vile, immoral, delinquent, sinful, depraved, debased, amoral, egregious, villainous, unprincipled, iniquitous, nefarious, dissolute, maleficent Definition dishonourable or immoral Love has the power to overcome the baser emotions. Synonyms dishonourable, evil, corrupt, infamous, disgraceful, vulgar, shameful, vile, immoral, scandalous, wicked, sordid, abject, despicable, depraved, ignominious, disreputable, contemptible, villainous, ignoble, discreditable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) - vigorous
- vigorously
- vigour
- vile
- vileness
- vilification
- vilify
Additional synonymsDefinition deserving to be despised or hated Her husband is a contemptible little man.It was an utterly contemptible thing to do. Synonyms despicable, mean, low, base, cheap (informal), worthless, shameful, shabby, vile, degenerate, low-down (informal), paltry, pitiful, abject, ignominious, measly (informal), scurvy (old-fashioned), detestable, odiousDefinition open to or involving bribery or other dishonest practices corrupt politicians who took bribes Synonyms dishonest, bent (slang), crooked (informal), rotten, shady (informal), fraudulent, unscrupulous, unethical, venal, unprincipled, bribable a dysfunctional and morally debased organization Synonyms degraded, corrupt, fallen, low, base, abandoned, perverted, vile, sordid, depraved, debauched, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition having deteriorated to a lower mental, moral, or physical level the degenerate attitudes he found among some of his fellow officers Synonyms depraved, base, corrupt, fallen, low, perverted, degraded, degenerated, immoral, decadent, debased, debauched, dissolute, pervy (slang) Definition morally bad It has been condemned as the most depraved film of its kind. Synonyms corrupt, abandoned, perverted, evil, vicious, degraded, vile, degenerate, immoral, wicked, shameless, sinful, lewd, debased, profligate, debauched, lascivious, dissolute, licentious, pervy (slang) Definition deserving contempt He said it was a despicable crime. Synonyms contemptible, mean, low, base, cheap (informal), infamous, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, shameful, vile, sordid, pitiful, abject, hateful, reprehensible, ignominious, disreputable, wretched, scurvy (old-fashioned), detestable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand), beyond contempt I complained about his disgraceful behaviour. Synonyms shameful, shocking, scandalous, mean, low, infamous, degrading, unworthy, ignominious, disreputable, contemptible, dishonourable, detestable, discreditable, blameworthy, opprobriousDefinition (of an act, idea, etc.) causing great harm and misery the country's most evil criminals Synonyms wicked, bad, wrong, corrupt, vicious, vile, malicious, base, immoral, malignant, sinful, unholy, malevolent, heinous, depraved, villainous, nefarious, iniquitous, reprobate, maleficent Definition full of dirt or offensive matter foul, polluted water Synonyms dirty, rank, offensive, nasty, disgusting, unpleasant, revolting, contaminated, rotten, polluted, stinking, filthy, tainted, grubby, repellent, squalid, repulsive, sullied, grimy, nauseating, loathsome, unclean, impure, grotty (slang), fetid, grungy (slang), putrid, malodorous, noisome, scuzzy (slang), skanky (slang), mephitic, olid, yucky or yukky (slang), festy (Australian, slang), yucko (Australian, slang) Definition disagreeable or unpleasant What a horrid smell! Synonyms unpleasant, terrible (informal), awful, offensive, nasty, disgusting, horrible, dreadful, obscene, disagreeable, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang) Additional synonymsDefinition dishonourable an ignoble episode from their country's past Synonyms dishonourable, low, base, mean, petty, infamous, degraded, craven, disgraceful, shabby, vile, degenerate, abject, unworthy, shameless, despicable, heinous, dastardly (old-fashioned), contemptible, wretchedDefinition immoral or obscene He was accused of having impure motives. Synonyms immoral, corrupt, obscene, indecent, gross, coarse, lewd, carnal, X-rated (informal), salacious, unclean, prurient, lascivious, smutty, lustful, ribald, immodest, licentious, indelicate, unchasteDefinition causing loathing the loathsome spectacle we were obliged to witness Synonyms hateful, offensive, nasty, disgusting, horrible, revolting, obscene, vile, obnoxious, repulsive, nauseating, odious, repugnant, abhorrent, abominable, execrable, detestable, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang) Definition unworthy or contemptible That was a really low trick. Synonyms contemptible, mean, base, nasty, cowardly, degraded, vulgar, vile, sordid, abject, unworthy, despicable, depraved, menial, reprehensible, dastardly (old-fashioned), scurvy (old-fashioned), servile, unprincipled, dishonourable, ignobleDefinition ashamed Upstaging the bride was a particularly mean trick. Synonyms dishonourable, base, petty, degraded, disgraceful, shameful, shabby, vile, degenerate, callous, sordid, abject, despicable, narrow-minded, contemptible, wretched, scurvy (old-fashioned), ignoble, hard-hearted, scungy (Australian, New Zealand), low-mindedDefinition mean or ungenerous They have so far accepted only a miserable 1,100 refugees. Synonyms pathetic, low, sorry, disgraceful, mean, shameful, shabby, abject, despicable, deplorable, lamentable, contemptible, scurvy (old-fashioned), pitiable, detestable, piteousDefinition unpleasant It's got a really nasty smell. Synonyms disgusting, unpleasant, dirty, offensive, foul, horrible, polluted, filthy, sickening, vile, distasteful, repellent, obnoxious, objectionable, disagreeable, nauseating, odious, repugnant, loathsome, grotty (slang), malodorous, noisome, unappetizing, skanky (slang), mephitic, yucky or yukky (slang), festy (Australian, slang), yucko (Australian, slang) The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable. Synonyms disgusting, offensive, appalling, nasty, foul, revolting, sickening, ghastly, vile, obnoxious, repulsive, odious, repugnant, loathsome, abhorrent, abominable, stomach-churning, stomach-turning, repellant, sick-making Definition evil He was said to have committed other acts too nefarious to contemplate. Synonyms wicked, base, criminal, evil, foul, horrible, dreadful, vicious, monstrous, shameful, vile, atrocious, sinful, heinous, depraved, odious, abominable, infernal, villainous, iniquitous, execrable, detestable, opprobrious, infamousDefinition disgusting It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food. Synonyms offensive, shocking, evil, disgusting, outrageous, revolting, sickening, vile, wicked, repellent, atrocious, obnoxious, heinous, nauseating, odious, loathsome, abominable, detestableAdditional synonymsDefinition unpleasant or disgusting to the senses the offensive smell of manure Synonyms disgusting, gross, nasty, foul, unpleasant, revolting, stinking, sickening, vile, repellent, unsavoury, obnoxious, unpalatable, objectionable, disagreeable, nauseating, odious, repugnant, loathsome, abominable, grotty (slang), detestable, noisome, yucky or yukky (slang), festy (Australian, slang), yucko (Australian, slang) his perverted desires Synonyms unnatural, sick, corrupt, distorted, abnormal, evil, twisted, impaired, warped, misguided, unhealthy, immoral, deviant (old-fashioned), wicked, kinky (slang), depraved, debased, debauched, aberrant, vitiated, pervy (slang), sicko (slang) Definition disgusting or distasteful She still found the place repellent. Synonyms disgusting, offensive, revolting, obscene, sickening, distasteful, horrid (informal), obnoxious, repulsive, noxious, nauseating, odious, hateful, repugnant, off-putting (British, informal), loathsome, abhorrent, abominable, cringe-making (British, informal), yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang), discouragingDefinition offensive or disgusting His actions were improper and repugnant. Synonyms distasteful, offensive, foul, disgusting, revolting, sickening, vile, horrid (informal), repellent, obnoxious, objectionable, nauseating, odious, hateful, loathsome, abhorrent, abominable, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang) Definition disgusting or distasteful repulsive, fat, white slugs Synonyms disgusting, offensive, foul, ugly, forbidding, unpleasant, revolting, obscene, sickening, hideous, vile, distasteful, horrid (informal), repellent, obnoxious, objectionable, disagreeable, nauseating, odious, hateful, loathsome, abhorrent, abominable, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang), fugly (US, Australian) Definition horrible and disgusting The smell in the cell was revolting. Synonyms disgusting, shocking, offensive, appalling, nasty, foul, horrible, obscene, sickening, distasteful, horrid (informal), repellent, obnoxious, repulsive, nauseating, repugnant, loathsome, abhorrent, abominable, nauseous, cringe-making (British, informal), noisome, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang) Definition causing dismay or disgust This was a shocking invasion of privacy. Synonyms appalling, outrageous, disgraceful, offensive, distressing, disgusting, horrible, dreadful, horrifying, revolting, obscene, sickening, ghastly, hideous, monstrous, scandalous, disquieting, unspeakable, atrocious, repulsive, nauseating, odious, loathsome, abominable, stupefying, hellacious (US, slang) Definition causing horror or disgust This was a sickening attack on a defenceless creature. Synonyms disgusting, revolting, vile, offensive, foul, distasteful, repulsive, nauseating, loathsome, nauseous, gut-wrenching, putrid, stomach-turning (informal), cringe-making (British, informal), noisome, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang) Definition being a sin He reminded us that such behaviour was sinful in the eyes of God. Synonyms wicked, bad, criminal, guilty, corrupt, immoral, erring, unholy, depraved, iniquitous, ungodly, irreligious, unrighteous, morally wrong a vicious criminal incapable of remorse Synonyms depraved, corrupt, wicked, infamous, degraded, worthless, degenerate, immoral, sinful, debased, profligate, unprincipledAdditional synonymsDefinition without merit Murphy was an evil, worthless man. Synonyms good-for-nothing, base, abandoned, useless, vile, abject, despicable, depraved, contemptible, ignoblePoliticians – I hate the whole wretched lot of them. Synonyms shameful, mean, low, base, shabby, vile, low-down (informal), paltry, despicable, contemptible, scurvy (old-fashioned), crappy (slang), poxy (slang) |