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View usage for: (drɒs, US drɔːs) uncountable nounIf you describe something as dross, you mean that it is of very poor quality or has no value. [literary, disapproval] I go through phases where everything I write is just dross. More Synonyms of dross (drɒs) noun1. the scum formed, usually by oxidation, on the surfaces of molten metals 2. worthless matter; waste Derived forms drossy (ˈdrossy) adjective drossiness (ˈdrossiness) noun Word origin Old English drōs dregs; related to Old High German truosanadross in American English (drɔs; drɑs) noun1. a scum formed on the surface of molten metal 2. waste matter; worthless stuff; rubbish Derived forms drossiness (ˈdrossiness) noun drossy (ˈdrossy) adjectiveWord forms: ˈdrossier or ˈdrossiest Word origin ME & OE dros, dregs, akin to dærst & ON dregg, dregs Examples of 'dross' in a sentencedross Imagine the acceleration in profits if, one day, they actually decided not to serve up dross.But how can anyone, for a career, watch such dross which passes for entertainment and manage to produce such sublime pieces about it?They cannot be happy with the dross being served up at the moment.No wonder we watch endless repeats of classic sitcoms when writers turn out dross like this.We pay 30-odd quid a time to watch dross.Who watches this utter dross?They had better hope the Ireland star was not watching this dross or he will stay in Limerick.It was too much of a good thing, as opposed to too much dross, which applies in the early days of most weeks. Definition the scum formed on the surfaces of molten metals recovering gold nuggets from dross Synonyms crust scoria remains lees dregs recrement Definition anything of inferior quality Why are you wasting your time reading that dross? Synonyms balls (taboo, slang) bull (slang) pants (slang) crap (slang) bullshit (taboo, slang) hot air (informal) tosh (slang, mainly British) bollocks (British, taboo, slang) pap cobblers (British, taboo, slang) havers (Scottish) hokum (slang, mainly US, Canadian) codswallop (British, slang) bosh (informal) wack (US, slang) eyewash (informal) stuff and nonsense flapdoodle (slang) tommyrot horsefeathers (US, slang) bunkum or buncombe bizzo (Australian, slang) bull's wool (Australian, New Zealand, slang) Additional synonymsDefinition stupid or illogical talk What a load of balderdash! Synonyms nonsense, balls (taboo, slang), bull (slang), rubbish, shit (taboo, slang), rot, crap (slang), garbage (informal), trash, bunk (informal), bullshit (taboo, slang), hot air (informal), tosh (slang, British), waffle, pap, cobblers (British, taboo, slang), bilge (informal), malarkey, drivel, twaddle, tripe (informal), gibberish, guff (slang), moonshine, claptrap (informal), hogwash, bizzo (Australian, slang), bull's wool (Australian, New Zealand, slang), hokum (slang, US, Canadian), piffle (informal), poppycock (informal), bosh (informal), eyewash (informal), kak (South Africa, taboo, slang), tommyrot, horsefeathers (US, slang), bunkum or buncombe Definition nonsense I supported the family by writing bilge for popular magazines. Synonyms trash, rubbish, rot (informal), garbage (informal), tosh (slang, British), trivia, drivel, twaddle, tripe (informal), dross, moonshine, hogwash (informal), bunkum or buncombe Definition foolish or pretentious talk He talks a lot of pretentious claptrap. Synonyms nonsense, rubbish, rot (informal), crap (slang), garbage (informal), trash, bunk (informal), bullshit (taboo, slang), balls (taboo, slang), bull (slang), shit (taboo, slang), hot air (informal), tosh (slang, British), flannel (British, informal), pap, cobblers (British, taboo, slang), bilge (informal), humbug, drivel, malarkey, twaddle, tripe (informal), affectation, guff (slang), blarney, bombast, moonshine, fabrication, insincerity, hogwash (informal), hokum (slang, US, Canadian), bizzo (Australian, slang), bull's wool (Australian, New Zealand, slang), piffle (informal), poppycock (informal), bosh (informal), eyewash (informal), tommyrot, horsefeathers (US, slang), rodomontade (literary), bunkum or buncombe - drop someone off
- drop-dead
- droppings
- dross
- drought
- drove
- drown