the composition of the air in terms of how much pollution it contains
Air quality in offices without air-conditioning can be poor.
air quality in Chemical Engineering
(ɛər kwɒlɪti)
(Chemical Engineering: Chemical waste management)
Air quality is the degree to which air is suitable or clean enough for humans, animals, or plants to remain healthy.
He would support a plan to improve air quality in a smog-filled city on the grounds that it would improve human health along withthe natural environment.
Fears about air quality reached a peak during the hot summer, when many cyclists in cities wore face masksto protect themselves from smog.
Air quality is the degree to which air is suitable or clean enough for humans, animals, or plantsto remain healthy.
Examples of 'air quality' in a sentence
air quality
Urban trees can remove large amounts of pollution and improve air quality.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Roof gardens are a way of reducing pollution and improving air quality, as well as producing food.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
A new report says Heathrow chiefs have failed to address concerns about air quality and noise pollution.