A salad dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, and herbs or flavourings, which you pour over salad.
Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl.
Synonyms: sauce, dip, relish, condiment More Synonyms of dressing
2. countable noun
A dressing is a covering that is put on a wound to protect it while it heals.
Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.
Synonyms: bandage, plaster, gauze, Band-Aid [trademark] More Synonyms of dressing
dressing in British English
a sauce for food, esp for salad
2. US and Canadian
a mixture of chopped and seasoned ingredients with which poultry, meat, etc, is stuffed before cooking
Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): stuffing
a covering for a wound, sore, etc
manure or artificial fertilizer spread on land
size used for stiffening textiles
the processes in the conversion of certain rough tanned hides into leather ready for use
dressing in American English
the act of one that dresses
that which is used to dress something, as manure applied to soil or medicines and bandages applied to wounds
a substance used to stiffen fabric during manufacture
a sauce as for salads
a mixture as of bread and seasoning, used for stuffing roast fowl, etc.
Examples of 'dressing' in a sentence
These are best used with oils in dressings.
Smith, Drew Food Watch (1994)
Swap diet salad dressings for olive oil and vinegar.
The Sun (2015)
Try using it in homemade salad dressings.
The Sun (2015)
The bins overflow with gory bandages and field dressings.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Its smoothness and rounded flavour make it the perfect choice to use as the base for salad dressings and mayonnaise.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The same applies to salad dressings.
Kowalski, Robert E The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1990)
Useful for quick dressings and sauces.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
You then top up with a range of salad ingredients and dressings, if requested.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The recipes in this chapter are side salads, followed by salad dressings.
Bennett, Carol Asthma and Eczema - special diet cookbook (1989)
Low fat salad dressings You will need to experiment with different salad dressings.
Holford, Patrick The Family Nutrition Workbook (1988)
It also works well in many stews, sauces and dressings.
The Sun (2013)
All relishes and salad dressings.
Chaitow, Leon The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes (1988)
They are milder and sweeter than common or garden onions, which means that they provide the ideal raw crunch in salads and dressings.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
I sprinkle lavender on all manner of roasted meats and vegetables, and also in salad dressings.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
His salad dressings are okay, but his sauces aren't half bad.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Avoid low-fat options and salad dressings, especially with balsamic vinegar.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Hot and cold meals are accompanied by a generous array of salads, vegetables, dressings and sauces.
The Sun (2014)
He is smuggled out of his palace by the Germans on a stretcher, field dressings wrapped around his face for disguise.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Quality olive oil is a great option for most uses, from salad dressings to sauces,but is not great to cook with.
The Sun (2015)
Most people, speaking of salad dressings, think that the best bet in terms of calories and fat content is oil and vinegar.
Kowalski, Robert E The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1990)
Maple syrup This natural sweetener is full of antioxidants and zinc and is great for dressings and sauces as well as buttermilk gluten-free waffles and buckwheat pancakes.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
About four teaspoons seems to do the trick, so you have be fairly liberal with a low-calorie dressing containing vinegar on your salad to get the benefit.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
In other languages
British English: dressing NOUN
A salad dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, and herbs or flavourings, which you pour over salad.
Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl.
American English: dressing
Brazilian Portuguese: curativo
Chinese: 色拉调料
European Spanish: aliño
French: vinaigrette
German: Soße
Italian: condimento
Japanese: ドレッシング
Korean: 샐러드 드레싱
European Portuguese: curativo
Latin American Spanish: aliño
All related terms of 'dressing'
A dress is a piece of clothing for a woman or girl that covers the body and part or all of the legs.
national costume
to put clothes on (oneself or another); attire
to address incorrectly
to place fertilizers on or in the soil near the roots of (growing plants)
to spread manure or fertilizer on the surface of (land) without working it into the soil
When children play at dressing-up , they put on special or different clothes and pretend to be different people.
dressing case
(esp formerly) a box or case fitted with all the articles necessary for dressing oneself, arranging one's hair, etc
If someone gives you a dressing-down , they speak angrily to you because you have done something bad or foolish .
dressing gown
A dressing gown is a long, loose garment which you wear over your night clothes when you are not in bed .
dressing room
A dressing room is a room in a theatre where performers can dress and get ready for their performance .
ore dressing
the first stage in the extraction of a metal from an ore in which as much gangue as possible is removed and the ore is prepared for smelting , refining , etc
top dressing
a surface application of manure or fertilizer to land
well dressing
the decoration of wells with flowers, etc: a traditional annual ceremony of great antiquity in some parts of Britain, originally associated with the cult of water deities
the wearing of clothes normally associated with the opposite sex
dressing table
A dressing table is a small table in a bedroom. It has drawers underneath and a mirror on top .
French dressing
French dressing is a thin sauce made of oil, vinegar, salt , and spices which you put on salad.
power dressing
a style of dressing in severely tailored suits , adopted by some women executives to project an image of efficiency
ranch dressing
a creamy salad dressing containing buttermilk
salad dressing
Salad dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, herbs , and other flavourings , which you pour over a salad.
Window-dressing is the skill of arranging objects attractively in a window, especially a shop window, or the way in which they are arranged.
dressing station
a first-aid post close to a combat area
Italian dressing
a strongly flavored vinaigrette for salads, containing garlic , oregano, red peppers , etc.
mineral dressing
the first stage in the extraction of a metal from an ore in which as much gangue as possible is removed and the ore is prepared for smelting , refining , etc
Russian dressing
mayonnaise or vinaigrette with chilli sauce , chopped gherkins , etc
surgical dressing
a dressing made of cotton, used for incisions made during surgery
dressing ingredients
Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish.
dressing table set
a set including a hairbrush , mirror and comb , often with silver backs
aerial top dressing
the process of spreading lime , fertilizer, etc over farmland from an aeroplane
dress up
If you dress up or dress yourself up , you put on different clothes, in order to make yourself look smarter than usual or to disguise yourself.
to dress (someone or something) again
Thousand Island dressing
a salad dressing made from mayonnaise with ketchup , chopped gherkins , etc
dress down
If you dress down , you wear clothes that are less smart than usual .
If someone cross-dresses , they wear the clothes usually worn by the opposite sex.
Vinaigrette is a dressing made by mixing oil, vinegar, salt, pepper , and herbs , which is put on salad.
Chinese translation of 'dressing'
(c) (on a wound) 敷料 (fūliào)
(salad) dressing调(調)料 (tiáoliào)
(c) (= frock) 连(連)衣裙 (liányīqún) (条(條), tiáo)
(u) (= clothing) 服装(裝) (fúzhuāng)
[child]给(給) ... 穿衣 (gěi ... chuānyī)
[wound]敷裹 (fūguǒ)
[salad]拌 (bàn)
穿衣 (chuānyī)
to dress o.s., get dressed穿好衣服 (chuānhǎo yīfu)
she dresses in jeans她身穿牛仔服 (tā shēnchuān niúzǎifú)
All related terms of 'dressing'
[ c ] ( frock ) 连(連)衣裙 liányīqún [ 条(條) tiáo ]
dressing gown
晨衣 chényī [ 套 tào ]
dressing room
( in a theatre ) 化装(裝)室 huàzhuāngshì [ 间(間) jiān ]
dressing table
梳妆(妝)台(臺) shūzhuāngtái [ 个(個) gè ]
salad dressing
色拉调(調)味料 sèlā tiáowèiliào
French dressing
法式色拉调(調)料 Fǎshì sèlā tiáoliào
dress up
( wear best clothes ) 穿上盛装(裝) chuānshàng shèngzhuāng
dress down
穿上便装(裝) chuānshàng biànzhuāng
(salad) dressing
调(調)料 tiáoliào
1 (noun)
a sauce for food
Mix the salad dressing in a bowl
pasta cooked in a sauce of garlic
prawns with avocado dip
pots of spicy relish
2 (noun)
a covering for a wound
She'll put a dressing on your thumb.
His chest was swathed in bandages.
Put a piece of plaster on the graze.
Band-Aid (trademark)
Elastoplast (trademark)
Additional synonyms
in the sense of dip
a creamy mixture into which pieces of food are dipped before being eaten
prawns with avocado dip
in the sense of ligature
a link, bond, or tie
in the sense of plaster
an adhesive strip of material for dressing a cut or wound