If someone or their face looks drawn, their face is thin and they look very tired, ill, worried, or unhappy.
She looked drawn and tired when she turned towards me.
Synonyms: tense, worn, strained, stressed More Synonyms of drawn
drawn in British English
haggard, tired, or tense in appearance
drawn in American English
verb transitive, verb intransitive
1. pp. of
pulled out of the sheath
with neither side winning or losing; even; tied
disemboweled; eviscerated
tense; haggard
More idioms containing
at daggers drawn
the battle lines are drawn
Examples of 'drawn' in a sentence
It suggests that she may have drawn up a target list.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
In nearby villages the shops were closed and the curtains of the houses drawn.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
All related terms of 'drawn'
When you draw , or when you draw something, you use a pencil or pen to produce a picture, pattern, or diagram .
to sew together so finely that the join is scarcely noticeable
to draw (a gun) faster than
to sketch (the subject) before painting it on the same surface
You can describe something as drawn-out when it lasts or takes longer than you would like it to.
(of metal wire , bars, etc) having been drawn unheated through a die to reduce dimensions , toughen , and improve surface finish
drawn work
ornamental needlework done by drawing threads out of the fabric and using the remaining threads to form lacelike patterns
(of arguments , distinctions , etc) precise or subtle
A horse-drawn carriage, cart, or other vehicle is one that is pulled by one or more horses.
drawn butter
melted butter often with seasonings
long drawn out
A long drawn out process or conflict lasts an unnecessarily long time or an unpleasantly long time.
draw in
If you say that the nights , evenings , or days are drawing in , you mean that it is becoming dark at an earlier time in the evening, because autumn or winter is approaching .
draw on
If you draw on or draw upon something such as your skill or experience , you make use of it in order to do something.
draw up
If you draw up a document, list , or plan , you prepare it and write it out.
at daggers drawn
If you say that two people are at daggers drawn , you mean they are having an argument and are still very angry with each other.
drawn-thread work
ornamental needlework done by drawing threads out of the fabric and using the remaining threads to form lacelike patterns
draw off
If a quantity of liquid is drawn off from a larger quantity, it is taken from it, usually by means of a needle or pipe .
draw out
If you draw out a sound or a word, you make it last longer than usual .
to sew together so finely that the join is scarcely noticeable
horse-drawn carriage
A carriage is an old-fashioned vehicle, usually for a small number of passengers , which is pulled by horses.
the battle lines are drawn
If you say that the battle lines are drawn between opposing groups or people, you mean that they are ready to start fighting or arguing , and that it has become clear what the main points of conflict or disagreement will be.
draw a pension
If you draw a pension , you receive money from an insurer or the state because you have reached a particular age .
A drawback is an aspect of something or someone that makes them less acceptable than they would otherwise be.
Chinese translation of 'drawn'
(= haggard) 憔悴的 (qiáocuì de)
Nearby words of
drawing pin
drawing room
dread (of)
All related terms of 'drawn'
( picture, map ) 画(畫) huà
draw in
( Brit : nights ) 变(變)长(長) biàncháng ⇒ The nights draw in and the mornings get darker. → 黑夜变长,早晨天色变得昏暗。 Hēiyè biàncháng, zǎochén tiānsè biàn de hūn'àn.
draw on
( resources draw upon 凭(憑)借 píngjiè ⇒ The company drew on its vast resources to fund the project. → 公司凭借其大量的资源为这个项目提供资金。 Gōngsī píngjiè qí dàliàng de zīyuán wèi zhège xiàngmù tígōng zījīn.
draw out
▶ draw out (of) ( leave : train, bus ) 离(離)开(開) líkāi ⇒ The train drew out of the station. → 火车驶离车站。 Huǒchē shǐlí chēzhàn.
draw up
( stop : car, bus etc ) 停下来(來) tíngxiàlái ⇒ Just before eleven a bus drew up. → 就在11点前,一辆公共汽车停了下来。 Jiù zài shíyī diǎn qián, yī liàng gōnggòng qìchē tíngle xiàlái.
to be at daggers drawn with sb
( Brit ) 与(與)某人势(勢)不两(兩)立 yǔ mǒurén shì bù liǎng lì
haggard, tired, or tense in appearance
She looked drawn and tired.
the tense atmosphere of the talks
A sudden smile lit up his worn face.
a period of strained relations
Work out what situations or people make you feel stressed and avoid them.