

单词 to be out

Chinese translation of 'to be out'

to be out

  1. (= unconscious) 不省人事的 (bùxǐngrénshì de)
  2. (= out of game) 出局的 (chūjú de)
  3. (= out of fashion) 过(過)时(時)的 (guòshí de)
  4. (= in flower) 盛开(開)的 (shèngkāi de)
  5. (= known)
    1. [news, secret] 被泄(洩)露的 (bèi xièlòu de)
    2. (= available) [book, CD] 有售的 (yǒushòu de)
    3. (= extinguished) [fire, light, gas] 熄灭(滅)的 (xīmiè de)
    4. (= impossible) 不可行的 (bù kěxíng de)
    5. (inf, = on strike) 在罢(罷)工中的 (zài bàgōng zhōng de)
    6. [tide] 退潮的 (tuìcháo de)
See out (sense 5)

Nearby words of
to be out

  • to be or make a good match
  • to be or work to sb's disadvantage
  • to be orphaned
  • to be out
  • to be out in one's calculations
  • to be out of all proportion to sth
  • to be out of control

All related terms of 'to be out'





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