a county of E England, on the North Sea and the Wash: low-lying, with large areas of fens in the west and the Broads in the east; rich agriculturally. Administrative centre: Norwich. Pop: 810 700 (2003 est). Area: 5368 sq km (2072 sq miles)
a port in SE Virginia, on the Elizabeth River and Hampton Roads: headquarters of the US Atlantic fleet; shipbuilding. Pop: 241 727 (2003 est)
Norfolk in American English
seaport in SE Va., on Hampton Roads & Chesapeake Bay: pop. 234,000
county in E England, on the North Sea: 2,074 sq mi (5,372 sq km); pop. 746,000; county seat, Norwich
Word origin
OE Northfolc: see north & folk; (sense 1) after the county in England