Global patterns of hypermethylation are tumor-type specific and nonrandom.
Rene Opavsky, Shu-Huei Wang, Prashant Trikha, Aparna Raval, Yuan Huang, Yue-ZhongWu, Benjamin Rodriguez, Benjamin Keller, Sandya Liyanarachchi, Guo Wei, Ramana V Davuluri,Michael Weinstein, Dean Felsher, Michael Ostrowski, Gustavo Leone, Christoph Plass 2007, 'CpG island methylation in a mouse model of lymphoma is driven by the genetic configurationof tumor cells.', PLoS Genetics Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
This study used a qualitative approach and a cross-sectional, nonrandom survey design.
Anna T. van 't Noordende, Wim H. van Brakel, Nandlal Banstola, Krishna P. Dhakal 2016, 'The Impact of Leprosy on Marital Relationships and Sexual Health among Married Womenin Eastern Nepal', Journal of Tropical Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Analysis of this dataset revealed several nonrandom features in synaptic connectivity.
Sen Song, Per Jesper Sjöström, Markus Reigl, Sacha Nelson, Dmitri B Chklovskii 2005, 'Highly nonrandom features of synaptic connectivity in local cortical circuits.', PLoS Biology Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Sampling was based on purposive and nonrandom methods.
Rouhollah Zaboli, Shahram Tofighi, Ali Aghighi, Seyyed Javad Hosaini Shokouh, NaderNaraghi, Hassan Goodarzi 2016, 'Barriers Against Implementing Blunt Abdominal Trauma Guidelines in a Hospital: A QualitativeStudy', Electronic Physician Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Models for nonrandom probe distribution (mean concentration model, phase separation model) are presented.
Luís M. S. Loura, Rodrigo F. M. de Almeida, Manuel Prieto 2003, 'Methodologies and formalisms of resonance energy transfer in biophysics. Applicationto membrane model systems', International Journal of Photoenergy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Is gene order within operons nonrandom, however, and if so why?
Károly Kovács, Laurence D Hurst, Balázs Papp 2009, 'Stochasticity in protein levels drives colinearity of gene order in metabolic operonsof Escherichia coli.', PLoS Biology Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
We used multiple imputation to address nonrandom attrition.
Jessica N Sanders, Daniel E Adkins, Simranvir Kaur, Kathryn Storck, Lori M Gawron,David K Turok 2018, 'Bleeding, cramping, and satisfaction among new copper IUD users: A prospective study.',PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
We use count data models adjusted for nonrandom selection within difference-in-differences econometric approaches.
Ming Tai-Seale, Deborah Freund, Anthony LoSasso 2001, 'Racial Disparities in Service Use among Medicaid Beneficiaries after Mandatory Enrollmentin Managed Care: A Difference-in-Differences Approach', Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The causes and effects of these nonrandom associations remain unknown.
Brianna Lindsay, T. Ramamurthy, Sourav Sen Gupta, Yoshifumi Takeda, Krishnan Rajendran,G. Balakrish Nair, O. Colin Stine 2011, 'Diarrheagenic Pathogens in Polymicrobial Infections', Emerging Infectious Diseases Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (