Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense doubles, present participle doubling, past tense, past participle doubled
1. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
You use double to indicate that something includes or is made of two things of the same kind.
...a pair of double doors into the room from the new entrance hall.
...a lone skier gliding along smooth double tracks.
...three varieties: double toffee, double chocolate, and vanilla.
Synonyms: matching, coupled, doubled, paired More Synonyms of double
2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
You use double before a singular noun to refer to two things of the same type that occur together, or that are connected in someway.
...an extremely nasty double murder.
The government committed a double blunder.
It was to have been a double wedding.
3. predeterminer
If something is doublethe amount or size of another thing, it is twice as large.
The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was thengetting.
...tropical Queensland, more than double the size of Texas.
Double is also a pronoun.
If they think you're a tourist, they charge you double.
4. adjective
You use double to describe something which is twice the normal size or can hold twice the normal quantity ofsomething.
...a double helping of ice cream.
...a large double garage.
Allow the loaves to rise until just about double in size.
5. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A double room is a room intended for two people, usually a couple, to stay or live in.
...bed and breakfast for £180 for two people in a double room.
Double is also a noun.
The Great Western Hotel costs around £60 a night for a double.
6. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
A double bed is a bed that is wide enough for two people to sleep in.
7. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
You use double to describe a drink that is twice the normal measure.
He was drinking his double whiskey too fast and scowling.
Double is also a noun.
Give me a whisky, a double.
8. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Double is used when you are spelling a word or telling someone a number to show that a letter or digit is repeated.
Ring four two double two double two if you'd like to speak to our financial adviser.
9. verb
When something doubles or when you double it, it becomes twice as great in number, amount, or size.
The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years. [VERB]
The program will double the amount of money available to help pay for child care. [VERB noun]
10. countable noun
If you refer to someone as a person's double, you mean that they look exactly like them.
Your mother sees you as her double.
Synonyms: twin, lookalike, spitting image, copy More Synonyms of double
11. verb
If a person or thing doublesas someone or something else, they have a second job or purpose as well as their main one.
...a farmer who doubles as a night nurse. [Vas n]
Lots of homes in town double as businesses. [VERB + as]
Double up means the same as double.
The lids of the casserole dishes are designed to double up as baking dishes. [VERBPARTICLE + as]
12. uncountable noun
In tennis or badminton, when people play doubles, two teams consisting of two players on each team play against each other on the same court.
See at the double/on the double
See bend double
See bent double
See see double
17. in double figures
Phrasal verbs:
See double back
See double up
More Synonyms of double
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double in British English
adjective(usually prenominal)
as much again in size, strength, number, etc
a double portion
composed of two equal or similar parts; in a pair; twofold
a double egg cup
designed for two users
a double room
folded in two; composed of two layers
double paper
stooping; bent over
having two aspects or existing in two different ways; ambiguous
a double meaning
false, deceitful, or hypocritical
a double life
(of flowers) having more than the normal number of petals
9. mathematics
(of a root) being one of two equal roots of a polynomial equation
(of an integral) having an integrand containing two independent variables requiring two integrations, in each of which one variable is kept constant
10. music
(of an instrument) sounding an octave lower than the pitch indicated by the notation
a double bass
(of time) duple, usually accompanied by the direction alla breve
twice over; twofold
two together; two at a time (esp in the phrase see double)
twice the number, amount, size, etc
a double measure of spirits, such as whisky or brandy
a duplicate or counterpart, esp a person who closely resembles another; understudy
a wraith or ghostly apparition that is the exact counterpart of a living person; doppelgänger
a sharp turn, esp a return on one's own tracks
an evasive shift or artifice; trick
an actor who plays two parts in one play
20. bridge
a call that increases certain scoring points if the last preceding bid becomes the contract
21. billiards, snooker
a strike in which the object ball is struck so as to make it rebound against the cushion to an opposite pocket
a bet on two horses in different races in which any winnings from the horse in the first race are placed on the horse in the later race
23. (often capital) mainly Roman Catholic Church
one of the higher-ranking feasts on which the antiphons are recited both before and after the psalms
24. music
an ornamented variation in 16th and 17th century music
25. Also called: double time
a pace of twice the normal marching speed
26. tennis double fault
the narrow outermost ring on a dartboard
a hit on this ring
28. at the double
to make or become twice as much
to bend or fold (material, a bandage, etc)
31. (transitive; sometimes foll byup)
to clench (a fist)
32. (tr; often foll by together or up)
to join or couple
he doubled up the team
33. (transitive)
to repeat exactly; copy
34. (intransitive)
to play two parts or serve two roles
35. (intransitive)
to turn sharply; follow a winding course
36. nautical
to sail around (a headland or other point)
37. music
to duplicate (a voice or instrumental part) either in unison or at the octave above or below it
b. (intransitive; usually foll byon)
to be capable of performing (upon an instrument additional to one's normal one)
the third trumpeter doubles on cornet
38. bridge
to make a call that will double certain scoring points if the preceding bid becomesthe contract
39. billiards, snooker
to cause (a ball) to rebound or (of a ball) to rebound from a cushion across or upor down the table
40. chess
to cause two pawns of the same colour to be on the same file
to place both rooks of the same colour on the same rank or the same file
41. (intransitive; foll byfor)
to act as substitute (for an actor or actress)
42. (intransitive)
to go or march at twice the normal speed
Derived forms
doubleness (ˈdoubleness)
doubler (ˈdoubler)
Word origin
C13: from Old French, from Latin duplus twofold, from duo two + -plus-fold
double in American English
two combined; twofold; duplex
having two layers; folded in two
having two of one kind; paired; repeated
a double consonant
being of two kinds; dual
a double standard
having two meanings; ambiguous
twice as much, as many, as large, etc.
pay double fare
of extra size, value, strength, or quantity
designed or made for two
a double bed
characterized by duplicity; two-faced; deceiving
leading a double life
having a tone an octave lower
double bass
11. Botany
having more than one set of petals
to twice the extent or degree; twofold
two together; in or by pairs
to ride double
anything twice as much, as many, or as large as normal
a person or thing looking very much like another; duplicate; counterpart
a substitute actor or singer
a stand-in or substitute, as in films
a fold; second ply
a sharp turn or shift of direction
an evasive trick
21. [pl.]
a game of tennis, handball, etc. with two players on each side
22. US, Baseball
a hit on which the batter reaches second base
23. Bridge
the doubling of an opponent's bid
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈdoubled or ˈdoubling
to make double; make twice as much or as many; multiply by two
to fold; add another ply to
double the bandage
to repeat or duplicate
to be the double of
28. US, Baseball
to put out (the second runner) in executing a double play
to advance (a runner) by hitting a double
29. Bridge
to increase the point value or penalty of (an opponent's bid) by saying “double” when it is one's turn to bid
30. Music
to supply the upper or lower octave to (another part or voice)
double the tenor in brass
31. Nautical
to sail around
they doubled Cape Horn
verb intransitive
to become double; increase twofold
to bend or turn sharply backward
the animal doubled on its tracks
to serve as a double
to serve an additional purpose
36. US, Informal
to double-date
37. US, Baseball
to hit a double
38. Music
to play one or more instruments in addition to one's principal instrument
often with on
double back
double in brass
double up
on the double
Word origin
ME < OFr < L duplus, lit., twofold (akin to Gr diploos) < duo, two + -plus < IE *plo-, -fold < base *pel-, to fold1
More idioms containing
at the double
be in a double bind
Examples of 'double' in a sentence
An unreadable expression crossed Tadeusz's face, then he said, `She's Katerina's double.
In the far wall, great double gates leading to the outer square were closed.
Jack Higgins THE KEYS OF HELL (2002)
Thick smoke billowed from beneath the double doors into the reception room.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2002)
The double nosewheel straddled the slots in the deck where the shuttle ran.
James W. Huston THE SHADOWS OF POWER (2002)
Word lists with
terms used in bridge
In other languages
British English: double /ˈdʌbl/ ADJECTIVE
You use double to describe a pair of similar things.
...a pair of double doors.
American English: double
Arabic: مُزْدَوِج
Brazilian Portuguese: duplo
Chinese: 双倍的
Croatian: dvostruk
Czech: dvojitý
Danish: dobbelt
Dutch: dubbel
European Spanish: doble dos
Finnish: kaksinkertainen
French: double
German: doppelt
Greek: διπλός
Italian: doppio
Japanese: 2倍の
Korean: 두 배의
Norwegian: dobbel
Polish: podwójny
European Portuguese: duplo
Romanian: dublu
Russian: двойной
Latin American Spanish: doble duplicado
Swedish: dubbel
Thai: เป็นคู่
Turkish: çift
Ukrainian: подвійний
Vietnamese: gấp đôi
British English: double /ˈdʌbl/ VERB
When something doubles or when you double it, it becomes twice as great in number, amount, or size.
The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years.
American English: double
Arabic: يُضَاعِفُ
Brazilian Portuguese: dobrar
Chinese: 加倍
Croatian: udvostručiti
Czech: zdvojnásobit
Danish: fordoble
Dutch: verdubbelen
European Spanish: doblar doble
Finnish: kaksinkertaistaa
French: doubler
German: verdoppeln
Greek: διπλασιάζω
Italian: raddoppiare
Japanese: 2倍にする
Korean: ...을 갑절로 하다
Norwegian: fordoble
Polish: podwoić
European Portuguese: dobrar
Romanian: a dubla
Russian: удваивать
Latin American Spanish: doblar duplicar
Swedish: dubblera
Thai: ทำเป็นสองเท่า
Turkish: iki katına çıkmak
Ukrainian: подвоювати
Vietnamese: tăng gấp đôi
All related terms of 'double'
double up
If something doubles you up , or if you double up , you bend your body quickly or violently, for example because you are laughing a lot or because you are feeling a lot of pain .
a cup of coffee served with two helpings of cream and sugar
bend double
When you bend double , you bend the top half of your body downwards a long way.
bent double
If someone is bent double , the top part of their body is leaning forward towards their legs , usually because they are in great pain or because they are laughing a lot . In American English, you can also say that someone is bent over double .
body double
a person who substitutes for a star for the filming of a scene that involves shots of the body rather than the face
double act
Two comedians or entertainers who perform together are referred to as a double act . Their performance can also be called a double act .
double back
If you double back you go back in the direction that you came from.
to carry a second person on (a horse, bicycle , etc)
double bar
a symbol , consisting of two ordinary bar lines or a single heavy one, that marks the end of a composition or a section within it
double bass
A double bass is the largest instrument in the violin family. You play the double bass with a bow while standing up and holding it upright in front of you.
double bed
the smallest size of bed that is considered big enough for two people
double bill
A double bill is a theatre or cinema performance in which there are two shows on the programme.
double bind
If you are in a double bind , you are in a very difficult situation, because whatever decision you make will have bad results.
double bond
a type of chemical bond consisting of two covalent bonds linking two atoms in a molecule
If you double-book something, or if you double-book , you book two spaces or services when only one is available to use.
double chin
If someone has a double chin , they have a fold of fat under their chin, making them look as if they have two chins.
double date
a date for two couples
double day
the dual responsibilities borne by working mothers , who when their paid work is over for the day must then work at looking after their family and home
double dip
a recession in which a brief recovery in output is followed by another fall, because demand remains low
double down
to double one's original stake after having looked at one's cards and before receiving an additional card
confirmed ; inveterate
double flat
an accidental that lowers the pitch of the following note two semitones
(of a window ) having two vertical sashes , the upper one sliding in grooves outside those of the lower
double knit
a knitted material made on two sets of needles that produce a double thickness joined with interlocking stitches
double knot
any of various knots that are reinforced with a second tying
double life
If you say that someone is living a double life , you mean that they lead two separate and very different lives, and they appear to be a different person in each.
double lock
a spring lock that can also serve as a deadbolt by an extra turn of the key
If someone double-parks their car or their car double-parks , they park in a road by the side of another parked car.
double play
a play in which two runners are put out
relating to or denoting a wind instrument in which the sounds are produced by air passing over two reeds that vibrate against each other
double room
a room in a hotel with two beds
double salt
a solid solution of two simple salts formed by crystallizing a solution of the two salts
double star
two stars , appearing close together when viewed through a telescope ; either physically associated ( binary star) or not associated ( optical double star)
to play (two notes or parts) simultaneously on a violin or related instrument by drawing the bow over two strings
double take
If you do a double-take when you see or hear something strange or surprising , you hesitate for a moment before reacting to it because you wonder if you really saw or heard it.
double talk
If you refer to something someone says as double-talk , you mean that it can deceive people or is difficult to understand because it has two possible meanings .
double tap
an act of firing a gun twice in rapid succession
to use two players to guard or block (a single opposing player)
double time
a doubled wage rate , paid for working on public holidays , etc
double top
a score of double 20
a mobile home consisting of two modular sections connected lengthwise making the width double that of a typical mobile home
see double
If you are seeing double , there is something wrong with your eyes , and you can see two images instead of one.
daily double
a single bet on the winners of two named races in any one day's racing
(of a reciprocating engine or pump ) having a piston or pistons that are pressurized alternately on opposite sides
double agent
A double agent is someone who works as a spy for a particular country or organization , but who also works for its enemies .
double album
a commercial recording sold on two CDs or LPs
A double-blind study or experiment compares two groups of people, one of which is being tested while the other is not. Neither the people doing the testing nor the members of the two groups know which group is being tested.
double bluff
A double bluff is an attempt to deceive someone by telling them exactly what you intend to do when you know that they will assume you are lying.
double bogey
a score of two strokes over par on a hole
double boiler
a cooking utensil consisting of two saucepans , one fitting inside the other. The bottom saucepan contains water that, while boiling , gently heats food in the upper pan