AIDS is a disease which destroys the natural system of protection that the body has against other diseases. AIDS is an abbreviation for 'acquired immune deficiency syndrome'.
AIDS in British English
or Aids (eɪdz)
noun acronym for
acquired immune (or immuno-)deficiency syndrome: a condition, caused by a virus, in which certain white blood cells (lymphocytes) are destroyed, resulting in loss of the body's ability to protect itself against disease. AIDS is transmitted by sexual intercourse, through infected blood and blood products, and through the placenta
AIDS in American English
a condition in which an acquired deficiency of certain leukocytes, esp. T cells, results in a variety of infections, some forms of cancer, and the degeneration of the nervous system: caused by an HIV virus which infects T cells and is transmitted via bodyfluids, esp. sexual secretions and blood
Word origin
A(cquired) I(mmune) D(eficiency) S(yndrome)
In other languages
British English: AIDS /eɪdz/ NOUN
AIDS is an illness which destroys the natural system of protection that the body has against disease. AIDS is an abbreviation for `acquired immune deficiency syndrome'.
...people suffering from AIDS.
American English: AIDS
Arabic: الإيدز
Brazilian Portuguese: AIDS
Chinese: 艾滋病
Croatian: sida
Czech: AIDS
Danish: AIDS
Dutch: aids
European Spanish: sida
Finnish: AIDS
French: SIDA
German: AIDS
Greek: AIDS
Italian: AIDS
Japanese: エイズ
Korean: 에이즈
Norwegian: aids
Polish: AIDS
European Portuguese: SIDA
Romanian: SIDA
Russian: СПИД
Latin American Spanish: SIDA
Swedish: AIDS
Thai: โรคเอดส์
Turkish: AİDS
Ukrainian: СНІД
Vietnamese: bệnh AIDS
All related terms of 'AIDS'
Aid is money, equipment , or services that are provided for people, countries, or organizations who need them but cannot provide them for themselves.
artificial aid
to give support to (someone to do something); help or assist
AIDS test
a blood test that detects whether the blood sample contains antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and thus whether a person has or is likely to develop AIDS
AIDS virus
a variable retrovirus that invades and inactivates helper T cells of the immune system and is a cause of AIDS and AIDS-related complex : variants were identified in several laboratories and independently named lymphadenopathy-associated virus ( LAV ), human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 ( HTLV-3 ), and AIDS-related virus ( ARV ), the name human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) being subsequently proposed by an international taxonomy committee
visual aids
devices, such as films, slides , models , and blackboards, that display in visual form material to be understood or remembered
caused by or associated with the AIDS virus
a military officer serving as personal assistant to a senior
sex aid
A sex aid is an object or piece of equipment that is designed to make sex easier or better .
A Band-Aid is a small piece of sticky tape that you use to cover small cuts or wounds on your body.
deaf aid
a device for assisting the hearing of partially deaf people, typically consisting of a small battery-powered electronic amplifier with microphone and earphone , worn in or behind the ear
first aid
First aid is simple medical treatment given as soon as possible to a person who is injured or who suddenly becomes ill .
food aid
food donated , either by a foreign government or by a charitable organization, to people in need , usually in developing countries
gift aid
a scheme that allows a charity to claim tax exemption on individual charitable donations
home aid
a person who is paid to do domestic chores for persons unable to look after themselves adequately
legal aid
Legal aid is money given by the government or another organization to people who cannot afford to pay for a lawyer .
state aid
financial support extended by a state government to a local institution serving the public, as a school or library
urban aid
aid or relief for urban areas
AIDS-related complex
a condition that may develop into AIDS , characterized by the enlargement of the lymph nodes
mutual aid
the cooperative as opposed to the competitive factors operating in the development of society
visual aid
Visual aids are things that you can look at, such as a film, model, map , or slides, to help you understand something or to remember information.
buoyancy aid
a type of usually foam-filled lifejacket designed for use in sports such as canoeing
foreign aid
economic and other assistance given by one country to another
hearing aid
A hearing aid is a device which people with hearing difficulties wear in their ear to enable them to hear better .
slimming aid
food or food supplements that can help you lose weight
teaching aid
any device, object, or machine used by a teacher to clarify or enliven a subject
training aid
a mechanical contrivance used to supplement other forms and methods of training
An aide-de-camp is an officer in the armed forces who helps an officer of higher rank.
a military officer serving as personal assistant to a senior