Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense services, present participle servicing, past tense, past participle servicedlanguage note: For meaning [sense 14], services is both the singular and the plural form.
1. countable noun
A service is something that the public needs, such as transport, communications facilities, hospitals, or energy supplies, which is provided in a planned and organized way by the governmentor an official body.
Britain still boasts the cheapest postal service.
We have started a campaign for better nursery and school services.
The authorities have said they will attempt to maintain essential services.
2. countable noun [oft in names]
You can sometimes refer to an organization or private company as a particular service when it provides something for the public or acts on behalf of the government.
...the BBC World Service.
...Careers Advisory Services.
3. countable noun
If an organization or company provides a particular service, they can do a particular job or a type of work for you.
The kitchen maintains a twenty-four-hour service and can be contacted via Reception.
The larger firm was capable of providing a better range of services.
4. plural noun
Services are activities such as tourism, banking, and selling things which are part of a country's economy, but are not concerned with producing or manufacturing goods.
Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and services by 4.3%.
...the doctrine that a highly developed service sector was the sign of a modern economy.
5. uncountable noun
The level or standard of service provided by an organization or company is the amount or quality of the work it cando for you.
Taking risks is the only way employees can provide effective and efficient customerservice.
The current level of service will be maintained during the holidays.
6. countable noun [usually noun NOUN]
A bus or train service is a route or regular journey that is part of a transport system.
A bus service operates between Bolton and Salford.
7. plural noun [with poss]
Your services are the things that you do or the skills that you use in your job, which other peoplefind useful and are usually willing to pay you for.
I have obtained the services of a top photographer to take our pictures. [+ of]
The performers have all offered their services free of charge.
8. uncountable noun
If you refer to someone's service or servicesto a particular organization or activity, you mean that they have done a lot of work for it or spent a lot of their time on it.
You've given a lifetime of service to athletics. [+ to]
More than half his long service in parliament has been as a cabinet minister.
...the two policemen, who have a total of 31 years' service between them.
He was awarded the OBE in 1990 for services to fashion.
9. countable noun [usually plural]
TheServices are the army, the navy, and the air force.
In June 1945, Britain still had forty-five per cent of its workforce in the Servicesand munitions industries.
10. uncountable noun
Service is the work done by people or equipment in the army, navy, or air force, for exampleduring a war.
The regiment was recruited from the Highlands specifically for service in India.
...an aircraft carrier that saw service in World War II.
11. uncountable noun
When you receive service in a restaurant, hotel, or shop, an employee asks you what you want or gives you what you have ordered.
Bill was £68 including service and a couple of bar drinks and wine.
...clean stores with respectful service and fair prices.
Synonyms: waiting, attendance, serving of food, waiters or waitresses More Synonyms of service
12. countable noun
A service is a religious ceremony that takes place in a church.
After the hour-long service, his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of thecity.
...the church in which the President was attending morning service.
Synonyms: ceremony, ritual, worship, rite More Synonyms of service
13. countable noun [usually noun NOUN]
A dinner service or a tea service is a complete set of plates, cups, saucers, and other pieces of china.
...a 60-piece dinner service.
14. countable noun
A services is a place beside a motorway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal.
They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that.
We have repeatedly told planners that services are vital on a motorway.
regional note: in AM, use rest area
15. countable noun [oft with poss]
In tennis, badminton, and some other sports, when it is your service, it is your turn to serve.
She conceded just three points on her service during the first set.
16. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Service is used to describe the parts of a building or structure that are used by the staff who clean, repair, or look after it, and are not usually used by the public.
He wheeled the trolley down the corridor and disappeared with it into the servicelift.
...the bigger tunnels, which run either side of the service tunnel.
17. uncountable noun [oft in/intoN]
If someone is in service, they are working as a servant.
If a young woman did not have a dowry, she went into domestic service.
Synonyms: work, labour, employment, business More Synonyms of service
18. verb
If you have a vehicle or machine serviced, you arrange for someone to examine, adjust, and clean it so that it will keep working efficiently and safely.
I had my car serviced at the local garage. [have noun VERB-ed]
Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually. [beVERB-ed]
[Also VERB noun]
Synonyms: overhaul, check, maintain, tune (up) More Synonyms of service
Service is also a noun.
The car needs a service.
The company sends a service engineer to fix the disk drive before it fails.
19. verb
If a country or organization services its debts, it pays the interest on them.
Almost a quarter of the country's export earnings go to service a foreign debt of$29 billion. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: pay off, clear, settle, square More Synonyms of service
20. verb
If someone or something services an organization, a project, or a group of people, they provide it with the thingsthat it needs in order to function properly or effectively.
There are now 400 staff at headquarters, servicing our regional work. [VERB noun]
Fossil fuels such as oil and gas will service our needs for some considerable timeto come. [VERB noun]
21. See also active service, Civil Service, community service, emergency services, in-service, National Health Service, national service, public service, room service
See at the service of
See at your service
See do someone a service
See in service / out of service
See of service
27. to be pressed into service
More Synonyms of service
service in British English1
an act of help or assistance
an organized system of labour and material aids used to supply the needs of the public
telephone service
bus service
the supply, installation, or maintenance of goods carried out by a dealer
the state of availability for use by the public (esp in the phrases intoorout of service)
a periodic overhaul made on a car, machine, etc
the act or manner of serving guests, customers, etc, in a shop, hotel, restaurant, etc
a department of public employment and its employees
civil service
employment in or performance of work for another
he has been in the service of our firm for ten years
the work of a public servant
one of the branches of the armed forces
(as modifier)
service life
the state, position, or duties of a domestic servant (esp in the phrase in service)
the act or manner of serving food
a complete set of dishes, cups, etc, for use at table
public worship carried out according to certain prescribed forms
divine service
the prescribed form according to which a specific kind of religious ceremony is to be carried out
the burial service
a unified collection of musical settings of the canticles and other liturgical items prescribed by the Book of Common Prayer as used in the Church of England
17. sport
the act, manner, or right of serving a ball
the game in which a particular player serves
he has lost his service
Often shortened to: serve
(in feudal law) the duty owed by a tenant to his lord
the serving of a writ, summons, etc, upon a person
20. nautical
a length of tarred marline or small stuff used in serving
(of male animals) the act of mating
22. (modifier)
of, relating to, or for the use of servants or employees
23. (modifier)
serving the public rather than producing goods
to provide service or services
to make fit for use
to supply with assistance
to overhaul (a car, machine, etc)
(of a male animal) to mate with (a female)
29. British
to meet interest and capital payments on (a debt)
Word origin
C12 servise, from Old French, from Latin servitium condition of a slave, from servus a slave
service in British English2
service tree
Service in British English
Robert (William). 1874–1958, Canadian poet, born in England; noted for his ballad-like poems of gold-rush era Yukon, such as 'The Shooting of Dan McGrew'; his books include Songs of a Sourdough (1907)
Service in American English
Robert (William)1874-1958; Cdn. writer, born in England
service in American English1
the occupation or condition of a servant
employment, esp. public employment
diplomatic service
a branch or department of this, including its personnel; specif., the armed forces, as army, navy, or air force
work done for a master or feudal lord
work done or duty performed for another or others
repair service, public service
the serving of God, as through good works, prayer, etc.
public worship
any religious ceremony
the marriage service
c. [sometimes pl.]
a similar, but nonreligious, ceremony, as for a burial or marriage
graveside services
a musical setting for a religious service
an act giving assistance or advantage to another
the result of this; benefit; advantage
c. [pl.]
friendly help; also, professional aid or attention
the fee for his services
the act or manner of serving food
a restaurant noted for its fine service
a set of utensils or articles used in serving
silver tea service
a system or method of providing people with the use of something, as electric power,water, transportation, mail delivery, etc.
installation, maintenance, repairs, etc., provided by a dealer or manufacturer to purchasers of equipment
the act or manner of serving the ball in tennis, etc., or one's turn to serve
12. Archaic
devotion, as of a lover to his lady
13. AnimalHusbandry
the act of bringing a male animal to copulate with a female
14. Law
notification of legal action, as by the serving of a writ
15. Nautical
any material, as wire, used in serving (ropes, etc.)
of, for, or in service
; specif.,
of or relating to the armed forces
providing repair, maintenance, supplies, etc.
providing services, rather than goods
of, for, or used by servants, tradespeople, etc.
a service entrance
for use during active service
a service uniform
serviceable; durable
service weight stockings
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈserviced or ˈservicing
to furnish with a service
to copulate with (a female)
said of a male animal
21. US
to make or keep fit for service, as by inspecting, adjusting, repairing, refueling, etc.
to make the periodic interest payments on (a debt)
at someone's service
in service
of service
Word origin
ME servise < OFr < L servitium, servitude < servus, slave: see serf
service in American English2
service tree
More idioms containing
pay lip service to something
COBUILD Collocations
legal services
normal service
online service
poor service
Examples of 'service' in a sentence
This will involve outsourcing the repair and delivery services.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
They reckon happier workers will provide better service and help their business to grow faster.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We will return to church service again in a couple of years.
Christianity Today (2000)
Staff and service were great such as you seldom see.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
And many gyms provide a similar service.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Train services were also hit with delays and cancellations.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
They use the service charge to make up the wages.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The time has come now to have a wholly independent regulator for all public service broadcasters.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The service economy bets the opposite way.
The fertility service running the donor pool was making the choice.
Martin, April The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting (1993)
They are barred from higher education and government service.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
No trains were running but there was a bus service.
Patrick Bishop FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940 (2003)
The service is free to complainants and offers guidance on making complaints.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The following year he was posted to the western front to service and rescue aircraft.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The service sector saw an increase of 0.1% in the second quarter.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
At motorway services it's higher still.
The Sun (2014)
She decided to take them on and return power to union members and voters sick of strikes and queues for Third World public services.
The Sun (2013)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: service /ˈsɜːvɪs/ NOUN
A service is an organization or system that provides something for the public.
...the social services.
American English: service
Arabic: خِدْمَة
Brazilian Portuguese: serviço
Chinese: 服务
Croatian: usluga
Czech: služba
Danish: service
Dutch: dienst
European Spanish: servicio
Finnish: palvelu
French: service services publics
German: Dienst
Greek: υπηρεσία
Italian: servizio
Japanese: サービス
Korean: 서비스
Norwegian: service
Polish: usługa
European Portuguese: serviço prestação
Romanian: serviciu
Russian: обслуживание
Latin American Spanish: servicio
Swedish: tjänst service
Thai: การบริการ
Turkish: hizmet
Ukrainian: служба
Vietnamese: dịch vụ
British English: service /ˈsɜːvɪs/ VERB
If you have a vehicle or machine serviced, you arrange for someone to examine, adjust, and clean it so that it will keep working efficiently and safely.
I had my car serviced at the local garage.
American English: service
Arabic: يَصُون
Brazilian Portuguese: prestar serviço
Chinese: 技术维修
Croatian: servisirati
Czech: provést údržbu stroje, vozu
Danish: servicere
Dutch: onderhouden repareren
European Spanish: hacer una revisión
Finnish: palvella
French: réviser voiture
German: bedienen
Greek: εξυπηρετώ
Italian: revisionare
Japanese: サービスを提供する
Korean: 서비스를 하다
Norwegian: etterse
Polish: obsłużyć
European Portuguese: prestar serviço
Romanian: a întreține
Russian: обслуживать
Latin American Spanish: dar mantenimiento
Swedish: serva
Thai: ซ่อมบำรุง
Turkish: servise götürmek
Ukrainian: обслуговувати
Vietnamese: phục vụ
British English: service ADJECTIVE
Service is used to describe the parts of a building or structure that are used by the staff who clean, repair, or look after it, and are not usually used by the public.
He wheeled the trolley down the corridor and disappeared with it into the service lift.
American English: service
Brazilian Portuguese: de serviço
Chinese: 员工专用的
European Spanish: de servicio
French: de service
German: Dienst-
Italian: di servizio
Japanese: 業務用の
Korean: 직원용의
European Portuguese: de serviço
Latin American Spanish: de servicio
All related terms of 'service'
the use of electronic technology by an organization to provide services to its customers
air service
the services performed by an airline , as flights between various destinations to transport passengers , freight , and mail
having formerly served in the armed forces
If people working in a particular profession are given in-service training, they attend special courses to improve their skills or to learn about new developments in their field .
lip service
If you say that someone pays lip service to an idea , you are critical of them because they say they are in favour of it, but they do not do anything to support it.
of service
If someone or something is of service to you, they help you or are useful to you.
service bus
a public bus with a regular route
service cap
a military cap with a round , flat top and a visor
tea service
A tea service is the same as a → tea set .
break service
to win a game in which an opponent is serving
carol service
a service, held in a church around Christmas , at which Christmas carols are sung
civil service
The Civil Service of a country consists of its government departments and all the people who work in them. In many countries, the departments concerned with military and legal affairs are not part of the Civil Service.
curb service
service, for example, from a restaurant to customers in vehicles parked at the curb
debt service
the amount set aside annually in a fund to pay the interest and the part of the principal due on a debt
field service
military service performed in the field
fire service
The fire service is an organization which has the job of putting out fires.
food service
the preparation , delivery , serving, etc., of ready-to-eat foods
offering the complete range of services for a business of its type
goods service
a transport service in which goods are sent by train from one location to another
jury service
civic duty to serve on a jury
maid service
a service in a hotel or other form of holiday accommodation in which a chambermaid cleans and tidies your room
denoting a business that involves both the manufacture of goods and the provision of after-sales services
news service
an organization that gathers and publishes or broadcasts news
poor service
The level or standard of service provided by an organization or company is the amount or quality of the work it can do for you.
room service
Room service is a service in a hotel by which meals or drinks are provided for guests in their rooms.
A self-service shop, restaurant, or garage is one where you get things for yourself rather than being served by another person.
service area
A service area is a place beside a motorway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal .
service book
a book containing the forms of worship used in divine services
service break
a tennis game won when the other player was serving
service club
any of various clubs , as Rotary , Kiwanis, etc., organized to provide certain services for its members and to promote the community welfare
service dress
a khaki army uniform more formal than khakis but less formal than full army dress
service flat
a flat in which domestic services are provided by the management
service game
a game in which a particular tennis player is the one who serves
service hatch
a small hatch or opening in a kitchen wall used to serve food through to an adjoining room
service lift
a lift which carries heavy goods in a place of business, as for example , plates in a restaurant
service line
the line at the back of the court behind which the server must stand when serving
service mark
a symbol, design, word, letter, slogan , etc. used by a supplier of a service, as transportation , laundry , etc. to distinguish the service from that of a competitor
service medal
a medal awarded for performance of specified service, usually in time of war or national emergency
service rifle
a rifle that is issued as standard to soldiers of an army or armed force
service road
a relatively narrow road running parallel to a main road and providing access to houses, shops , offices, factories , etc, situated along its length
service tree
a Eurasian rosaceous tree, Sorbus domestica, cultivated for its white flowers and brown edible apple-like fruits
train service
the provision of trains available to the public
valet service
a cleaning service, in which your clothes are collected for cleaning, from your house or hotel , and returned to you
wire service
an agency supplying news , etc, to newspapers , radio and television stations , etc
World Service
a service of the British Broadcasting Corporation which transmits programmes in many languages around the world
active service
Someone who is on active service is taking part in a war as a member of the armed forces.
church service
an instance of a religious service in a church
coffee service
a set of china consisting of coffee cups and saucers , a pot , milk jug , and sugar bowl
courier service
a special delivery service
customs service
The Customs Service is a United States federal organization which is responsible for collecting taxes on imported and exported goods. Compare → Customs and Excise .
Chinese translation of 'service'
(c) (= facility) 服务(務) (fúwù) (项, xiàng)
⇒ a one hour dry-cleaning service一小时干洗服务 (yī xiǎoshí gānxǐ fúwù)
(u) (in hotel, restaurant) 服务(務) (fúwù)
⇒ The service isn't very good.服务不怎么好。 (Fúwù bù zěnme hǎo.)