释义 |
View usage for: (vɪʃəs) 1. adjectiveA vicious person or a vicious blow is violent and cruel. He was a cruel and vicious man. He suffered a vicious attack by a gang of youths. The blow was so sudden and vicious that he dropped to his knees. Synonyms: savage, brutal, violent, bad More Synonyms of vicious viciously adverb [usually ADVERB with verb, oft ADVERB adjective] She had been viciously attacked with a hammer. viciousness uncountable noun ...the intensity and viciousness of these attacks. [+ of] Synonyms: depravity, evil, wickedness, vice More Synonyms of vicious Synonyms: malice, spite, malevolence, vindictiveness More Synonyms of vicious Synonyms: savagery, cruelty, brutality, ferocity More Synonyms of vicious 2. adjectiveA vicious remark is cruel and intended to upset someone. It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character. Synonyms: malicious, vindictive, spiteful, mean More Synonyms of vicious viciously adverb [ADVERB with verb] 'He deserved to die,' said Penelope viciously. More Synonyms of vicious vicious in British English (ˈvɪʃəs) adjective1. wicked or cruel; villainous a vicious thug 2. characterized by violence or ferocity a vicious blow 3. informal unpleasantly severe; harsh a vicious wind 4. characterized by malice vicious lies 5. (esp of dogs, horses, etc) ferocious or hostile; dangerous 6. characterized by or leading to vice 7. invalidated by defects; unsound a vicious inference 8. obsolete noxious or morbid a vicious exhalation Derived forms viciously (ˈviciously) adverb viciousness (ˈviciousness) noun Word origin C14: from Old French vicieus, from Latin vitiōsus full of faults, from vitium a defect vicious in American English (ˈvɪʃəs) adjective1. a. given to or characterized by vice; evil, corrupt, or depraved b. tending to deprave or corrupt; pernicious vicious interests c. harmful, unwholesome, or noxious a vicious concoction 2. ruined by defects, flaws, or errors; full of faults a vicious argument 3. having bad or harmful habits; unruly a vicious horse 4. malicious; spiteful; mean a vicious rumor 5. very intense, forceful, sharp, etc. a vicious blow Derived forms viciously (ˈviciously) adverb viciousness (ˈviciousness) noun Word origin ME < OFr vicieus < L vitiosus, full of faults, corrupt, vicious < vitium, vice 1More idioms containingvicious a vicious circle Examples of 'vicious' in a sentencevicious The system is catastrophically failing to end the vicious circle of criminality.Anonymous trolls have subjected victims to vicious and long-running campaigns of threats and harassment.This is a vicious circle.This was a vicious and brutal attack.The rats would then be thrown into a pit with a vicious dog.It is a nasty and vicious circle.The vicious circle is a basic pattern.Watch video of donkey launching vicious attack.More than half of the incidents involved vicious dogs.The only solution to this vicious circle is to jump.Sometimes being under scrutiny is no bad thing if it can shame people into being less cruel and vicious.Yet there is no denying that it was often an ugly, vicious campaign.The incumbent has been accused of running one of the most vicious gangs in Baghdad.Perhaps as a result, the insults swapped between the two campaigns are vicious and personal.His comments can be cruel, vicious and personal.It was the most vicious, nasty experience.It was called in February and a vicious campaign began.Instead, there was a torrent of tales of nasty and vicious excess.While in prison he launched a vicious bottle attack on three guards - none of whom has received compensation.FOUR men have been arrested after a vicious gang attack left one man dead and another fighting for life.MORE than 100 terrified teachers and staff say their school has been taken over by vicious gangs. In other languagesvicious British English: vicious / ˈvɪʃəs/ ADJECTIVE A vicious person is violent and cruel. ...a cruel and vicious man. - American English: vicious
- Arabic: أَثِيم
- Brazilian Portuguese: violento
- Chinese: 恶意的
- Croatian: okrutan
- Czech: krutý
- Danish: ondskabsfuld
- Dutch: wreed
- European Spanish: fiero malo
- Finnish: raju
- French: vicieux
- German: bösartig
- Greek: διεστραμμένος
- Italian: brutale
- Japanese: ひどい
- Korean: 나쁜
- Norwegian: ondsinnet
- Polish: bezwzględny
- European Portuguese: violento
- Romanian: brutal
- Russian: порочный
- Latin American Spanish: fiero cruel
- Swedish: illvillig
- Thai: ที่ร้ายแรง
- Turkish: kötü
- Ukrainian: жорстокий
- Vietnamese: xấu xa
Chinese translation of 'vicious' adj - [attack, blow]
剧(劇)烈的 (jùliè de) - [person, dog]
凶残(殘)的 (xiōngcán de) - [words, look, letter]
恶(惡)毒的 (èdú de)
Definition (of an animal) fierce or hostile He suffered a vicious attack by a group of gang members. Synonyms Opposites kind , friendly , gentle , tame , playful , docile a vicious criminal incapable of remorse Synonyms Opposites good , upright , honourable , virtuous Definition intended to cause hurt or distress a vicious attack on a woman's character Synonyms mean cruel defamatory backbiting Opposites complimentary , appreciative , congratulatory Additional synonymsDefinition extremely cruel or wicked The treatment of the prisoners was atrocious. Synonyms cruel, savage, brutal, vicious, ruthless, infamous, monstrous, wicked, barbaric, inhuman, diabolical, heinous, flagrant, infernal, fiendish, villainous, nefarious, horrifying, grievousDefinition brutal or cruel It was a barbarous attack on a purely civilian train. Synonyms brutal, cruel, savage, vicious, ruthless, ferocious, monstrous, barbaric, heartless, inhuman, merciless, remorseless, pitilessDefinition spiteful or malicious They say bitchy things about each other. Synonyms spiteful, mean, nasty, cruel, vicious, malicious, barbed, vindictive, malevolent, venomous, snide, rancorous, catty (informal), backbiting, shrewish, ill-natured, vixenish, snarky (informal) Additional synonymsDefinition cruel He was the victim of a very brutal attack. Synonyms cruel, harsh, savage, grim, vicious, ruthless, ferocious, callous, sadistic, heartless, atrocious, inhuman, merciless, cold-blooded, inhumane, brutish, bloodthirsty, remorseless, barbarous, pitiless, uncivilized, hard-heartedDefinition morally depraved the flamboyant and morally corrupt court of Charles the Second Synonyms depraved, abandoned, vicious, degenerate, debased, demoralized, profligate, dishonoured, defiled, dissoluteDefinition deliberately causing pain without pity They should spend a long time in jail to reflect on their cruel acts.the persecution of prisoners by cruel captors Synonyms brutal, ruthless, callous, sadistic, inhumane, hard, fell (archaic), severe, harsh, savage, grim, vicious, relentless, murderous, monstrous, unnatural, unkind, heartless, atrocious, inhuman, merciless, cold-blooded, malevolent, hellish (informal), depraved, spiteful, brutish, bloodthirsty, remorseless, barbarous, pitiless, unfeeling, sanguinary, hard-hearted, stony-hearted, implacablea dysfunctional and morally debased organization Synonyms degraded, corrupt, fallen, low, base, abandoned, perverted, vile, sordid, depraved, debauched, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition having deteriorated to a lower mental, moral, or physical level the degenerate attitudes he found among some of his fellow officers Synonyms depraved, base, corrupt, fallen, low, perverted, degraded, degenerated, immoral, decadent, debased, debauched, dissolute, pervy (slang) morally degraded individuals Synonyms corrupt, low, base, abandoned, vicious, vile, sordid, decadent, despicable, depraved, debased, profligate, disreputable, debauched, dissolute, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) sins committed in a spirit of diabolical enjoyment Synonyms wicked, cruel, savage, monstrous, malicious, satanic, from hell (informal), malignant, unspeakable, inhuman, implacable, malevolent, hellish, devilish, infernal (informal), fiendish, ungodly, black-hearted, demoniac, hellacious (US, slang) Definition savagely fierce or cruel By its nature a lion is ferocious. Synonyms fierce, violent, savage, ravening, predatory, feral, rapacious, wilda fiendish act of wickedness Synonyms wicked, cruel, savage, monstrous, malicious, satanic, malignant, unspeakable, atrocious, inhuman, diabolical, implacable, malevolent, hellish (informal), devilish, infernal (informal), accursed, ungodly, black-hearted, demoniac Definition offensive or loathsome He is accused of all manner of foul deeds. Synonyms offensive, bad, base, wrong, evil, notorious, corrupt, vicious, infamous, disgraceful, shameful, vile, immoral, scandalous, wicked, sinful, despicable, heinous, hateful, abhorrent, egregious, abominable, shitty (taboo, slang), dishonourable, nefarious, iniquitous, detestableAdditional synonymsDefinition evil and shocking They are capable of the most heinous acts. Synonyms shocking, evil, monstrous, grave, awful, vicious, outrageous, revolting, infamous, hideous, unspeakable, atrocious, flagrant, odious, hateful, abhorrent, abominable, villainous, nefarious, iniquitous, execrableDefinition sexually depraved or promiscuous It is immoral to persist with a system that impoverishes so many people. Synonyms wicked, bad, wrong, abandoned, evil, corrupt, vicious, obscene, indecent, vile, degenerate, dishonest, sinful, unethical, lewd, depraved, impure, debauched, unprincipled, nefarious, dissolute, iniquitous, reprobateDefinition well-known for something bad He was infamous for his anti-feminist attitudes. Synonyms notorious, base, shocking, outrageous, disgraceful, monstrous, shameful, vile, scandalous, wicked, atrocious, heinous, odious, hateful, loathsome, ignominious, disreputable, egregious, abominable, villainous, dishonourable, nefarious, iniquitous, detestable, opprobrious, ill-famed, flagitious Definition atrocious, unjust, or shocking A monstrous crime has been committed. Synonyms outrageous, shocking, evil, horrifying, vicious, foul, cruel, infamous, intolerable, disgraceful, scandalous, atrocious, inhuman, diabolical, heinous, odious, loathsome, devilish, egregious, fiendish, villainousDefinition shamelessly immoral setting his usual profligate and rakish example to society Synonyms depraved, degenerate, immoral, wild, abandoned, loose (old-fashioned), corrupt, dissipated, wicked, promiscuous, shameless, wanton, debauched, unprincipled, dissolute, iniquitous, libertine, vitiated, licentiousa series of rancorous disputes Synonyms bitter, hostile, malicious, malign, resentful, malignant, acrimonious, virulent, vindictive, implacable, malevolent, spiteful, venomous, spleneticDefinition being a sin He reminded us that such behaviour was sinful in the eyes of God. Synonyms wicked, bad, criminal, guilty, corrupt, immoral, erring, unholy, depraved, iniquitous, ungodly, irreligious, unrighteous, morally wrong He wanted an explanation for what he described as `slanderous' remarks. Synonyms defamatory, libellous, abusive, malicious, damaging, calumniousHe could be spiteful. Synonyms malicious, nasty, vindictive, cruel, malignant, barbed, malevolent, venomous, bitchy (informal), snide, rancorous, catty (informal), splenetic, shrewish, ill-disposed, ill-naturedDefinition lacking moral principles the unprincipled behaviour of the prosecutor's office Synonyms dishonest, corrupt, crooked (informal), immoral, tricky, unscrupulous, devious, unethical, unprofessional, amoral, deceitful, underhand, dishonourable, unconscionableAdditional synonymsHe made a venomous personal attack on his opponent. Synonyms malicious, vindictive, spiteful, hostile, savage, vicious, malignant, virulent, baleful, rancorousDefinition morally wicked a vile and despicable crime Synonyms wicked, base, evil, mean, bad, low, shocking, appalling, ugly, corrupt, miserable, vicious, humiliating, perverted, coarse, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, vulgar, degenerate, abject, sinful, despicable, depraved, debased, loathsome, contemptible, impure, wretched, nefarious, ignobleDefinition characterized by spite or ill will a vindictive woman desperate for revenge Synonyms vengeful, malicious, spiteful, relentless, resentful, malignant, unrelenting, unforgiving, implacable, venomous, rancorous, revengeful, full of spleen Definition using or involving physical force with the intention of causing injury or destruction He could be violent from time to time. Synonyms brutal, aggressive, savage, wild, rough, fierce, bullying, cruel, vicious, destructive, ruthless, murderous, maddened, berserk, merciless, bloodthirsty, homicidal, pitiless, hot-headed, thuggish, maniacal, hot-tempered Definition morally bad She flew at me, shouting how evil and wicked I was. Synonyms bad, evil, corrupt, vile, guilty, abandoned, foul, vicious, worthless, shameful, immoral, scandalous, atrocious, sinful, heinous, depraved, debased, devilish, amoral, egregious, abominable, fiendish, villainous, unprincipled, nefarious, dissolute, iniquitous, irreligious, black-hearted, impious, unrighteous, maleficent, flagitious Definition without merit Murphy was an evil, worthless man. Synonyms good-for-nothing, base, abandoned, useless, vile, abject, despicable, depraved, contemptible, ignoble |