释义 |
View usage for: (vekst) 1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]A vexed problem or question is very difficult and causes people a lot of trouble. Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union. ...the vexed question of whether it was acceptable for players to be paid for theirperformances. 2. See also vex More Synonyms of vexed (vɛkst) adjective1. annoyed, confused, or agitated 2. much debated and discussed (esp in the phrase a vexed question) Derived forms vexedly (ˈvɛksɪdlɪ) adverb vexedness (ˈvexedness) noun Examples of 'vexed' in a sentencevexed And so we come to the vexed problem of trousers.There was also the vexed question of storage.The question of what they should do is a vexed one.There is a also a vexed question of valuations.The question of acquisitions is a vexed one.The more vexed issue is of elite performance.The vexed question of supplying arms has also featured ominously.How much to spend on a handbag is a vexed issue.The second vexed question is the casualty count.How far these have been effective is a vexed question.Both will have to make their position clear on the vexed constitutional issue of the monarchy.And now we get to the vexed question of price.Addressing this vexed issue has instead become something close to a shambles.The question as to how old is too old to wear shorts in town is a vexed one.Winter hats are a vexed subject.Thankfully, as two of these books show, a degree of clarity has emerged after much vexed exegesis. British English: vexed ADJECTIVE A vexed problem or question is very difficult and causes people a lot of trouble. Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union. - American English: vexed
- Brazilian Portuguese: controvertido
- Chinese: 棘手的
- European Spanish: controvertido
- French: controversé
- German: umstritten
- Italian: controverso
- Japanese: 厄介な
- Korean: 골치 아픈
- European Portuguese: controvertido
- Latin American Spanish: controvertido
Definition annoyed and puzzled He was vexed by the art establishment's rejection of his work. Synonyms bothered confused provoked put out tormented aggravated (informal) afflicted ruffled perplexed pissed off (taboo, slang) displeased riled hacked off (informal) out of countenance tooshie (Australian, slang) hoha (New Zealand) Definition much debated Later the minister raised the vexed question of refugees. Synonyms disputed contested much debated hot-button (informal) Additional synonymsShe seemed agitated about something. Synonyms upset, worried, troubled, disturbed, shaken, excited, alarmed, nervous, anxious, distressed, rattled (informal), distracted, uneasy, unsettled, worked up, ruffled, unnerved, disconcerted, disquieted, edgy, flustered, perturbed, on edge, fazed, ill at ease, hot under the collar (informal), in a flap (informal), hot and bothered (informal), antsy (informal), angsty, all of a flutter (informal), discomposed, flapping (informal) Definition much troubled I felt distressed about my problem. Synonyms upset, worried, troubled, anxious, distracted, tormented, distraught, afflicted, agitated, saddened, wretchedDefinition emotionally upset, troubled, or maladjusted I was disturbed to find out that the dog was missing. Synonyms worried, concerned, troubled, upset, bothered, nervous, anxious, uneasy, agitated, disquieted, apprehensive, antsy (informal), angsty (informal) - vex
- vexation
- vexatious
- vexed
- via
- viable
- vibes
Additional synonymsShe was clearly exasperated by the delay. Synonyms irritated, cross, annoyed, infuriated, incensed, enraged, galled, pissed off (taboo, slang), mad (informal), irate, riled (informal), up in arms, peeved (informal) Definition annoyed or bored I'm fed up and don't know what to do. Synonyms cheesed off, down, depressed, bored, tired, annoyed, hacked (off) (US, slang), weary, gloomy, blue, dismal, discontented, dissatisfied, pissed off (taboo, slang), glum, sick and tired (informal), browned-off (informal), down in the mouth (informal), brassed off (British, slang), hoha (New Zealand) Looking harassed and drawn, he tendered his resignation. Synonyms hassled (informal), worried, troubled, strained, harried, under pressure, plagued, tormented, distraught, vexed, under stress, carewornNot surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her. Synonyms annoyed, cross, angry, bothered, put out, hacked (off) (US, slang), pissed (British, Australian, New Zealand, taboo, slang), harassed, impatient, ruffled, exasperated, irritable, nettled, vexed, pissed off (taboo, slang), displeased, flustered, peeved (informal), piqued, out of humour, tooshie (Australian, slang), hoha (New Zealand) Definition offended or upset I was a bit miffed about that. Synonyms upset, hurt, annoyed, offended, irritated, put out, hacked (off) (US, slang), pissed (US, slang), resentful, nettled, aggrieved, vexed, pissed off (taboo, slang), displeased, irked, in a huff, piqued, narked (British, Australian, New Zealand, slang), tooshie (Australian, slang) Definition subject or open to debate How long he'll be able to do so is a moot point. Synonyms debatable, open, controversial, doubtful, unsettled, unresolved, undecided, at issue, arguable, open to debate, contestable, disputableDefinition irritated or annoyed He was nettled by her casual manner. Synonyms irritated, provoked, annoyed, stung, put out, hacked (off) (US, slang), pissed (British, Australian, New Zealand, slang), incensed, galled, ruffled, exasperated, vexed, pissed off (taboo, slang), goaded, riled, peeved, piqued, harassed, irritable, aggrieved, chafed Susan couldn't help feeling a little peeved. Synonyms irritated, upset, annoyed, put out, hacked off (informal), sore, pissed (US, slang), galled, exasperated, nettled, vexed, pissed off (taboo, slang), irked, riled, piqued, tooshie (Australian, slang) Definition angry Why is she so pissed at you? Synonyms angry, cross, furious, mad (informal), annoyed, pissed off (taboo, slang), displeased, irked, tooshie (Australian, slang) She sounded deeply troubled. Synonyms anxious, concerned, worried, upset, bothered, disturbed, distressed, dismayed, uneasy, unsettled, agitated, disconcerted, apprehensive, perturbed, ill at ease, discomposed Additional synonymsDefinition emotionally or physically disturbed or distressed She was really upset when her best friend moved halfway across the world. Synonyms distressed, shaken, disturbed, worried, troubled, hurt, bothered, confused, unhappy, gutted (British, informal), put out, dismayed, choked (informal), grieved, frantic, hassled (informal), agitated, ruffled, cut up (informal), disconcerted, disquieted, overwrought, discomposed Definition concerned and anxious about things that may happen I'm not worried about the future. Synonyms anxious, concerned, troubled, upset, afraid, bothered, frightened, wired (slang), nervous, disturbed, distressed, tense, distracted, uneasy, fearful, tormented, distraught, apprehensive, perturbed, on edge, ill at ease, overwrought, fretful, hot and bothered, unquiet, antsy (informal) |