Vetch is a wild plant. Some types of vetch are sometimes grown as a crop.
vetch in British English
any of various climbing leguminous plants of the temperate genus Vicia, esp V. sativa, having pinnate leaves, typically blue or purple flowers, and tendrils on the stems
any of various similar and related plants, such as Lathyrus sativus, cultivated in parts of Europe, and the kidney vetch
the beanlike fruit of any of these plants
Word origin
C14: fecche, from Old French veche, from Latin vicia
vetch in American English
any of a number of leafy, climbing or trailing plants (esp. genus Vicia) of the pea family, grown chiefly for fodder and as a green manure
Word origin
ME feche, veche < NormFr veche < L vicia, vetch < IE *weik- (< base *wei-, to bend > weak)