people who have performed outstanding acts of bravery
Modern medicine can work miracles.
There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.
carry out
He had just completed his first novel.
If the clubs cannot conclude a deal, an independent tribunal will decide.
If we all work together, I think we can accomplish our goal.
We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter.
the quiet competence with which he discharged his many duties
pull off
This would free them to transact business across the state lines.
2 (verb)
to conduct oneself
I go where I will and I do as I please.
He'd behaved badly.
a gang of youths who were acting suspiciously
conduct yourself
The way he conducts himself reflects on the party.
deport yourself
Try to deport yourselves like civilized human beings.
bear yourself
acquit yourself
Most men acquitted themselves well throughout the action.
3 (verb)
I'll do the dinner, you can help.
You wash while I make some lunch.
She found him in the kitchen, preparing dinner.
She fixed some food for us.
She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon.
look after
We need someone to help organize our campaign.
be responsible for
see to
get ready
make ready
I'll have a room made ready for him.
4 (verb)
to find an answer to (a problem or puzzle)
I could have done the crossword.
Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve unemployment.
work out
We must find a way to resolve these problems.
figure out
The secret documents were intercepted and decoded.
I'm still no closer to deciphering the code.
puzzle out
5 (verb)
She did well at school.
get on
I asked how he was getting on.
How did your mother manage when your sister left for university?
He was not faring well.
The defence is not yet ready to proceed with the trial.
make out
He wondered how they were making out.
The high street banks continue to prosper.
get along
You can't get along without money.
6 (verb)
to work at as a course of study or a job
And what does he do for a living?
work as
be employed at
earn a living at
have as an occupation
have as a profession
7 (verb)
I've always wanted to do a show on his life.
The theatre is presenting a new production of `Hamlet'.
She stretched her arms out and gave a great yawn.
What made you decide to show your paintings?
She told her parents of her desire to act.
I'm going to produce the show and write the scripts.
She staged her first play at the Edinburgh Festival.
students performing Shakespeare's Macbeth
mounting an exhibition of historical Tiffany jewellery
put on
8 (verb)
to be adequate
A plain old `I love you' won't do.
be adequate
be enough
be sufficient
We must ensure we answer real needs.
This little book should serve.
They will only release information if it suits them.
The procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements.
A far shorter letter will suffice.
be of use
pass muster
cut the mustard
fill the bill (informal)
meet requirements
9 (verb)
to cheat or rob
I'll tell you how they did me.
He cheated people out of their life savings.
He'll be upset when he finds out how you tricked him.
con (informal)
He claimed that the businessman had conned him out of his life savings.
skin (slang)
stiff (slang)
sting (informal)
He has deceived and disillusioned us all.
She claims he fleeced her out of thousands of pounds.
He recently hoaxed a number of celebrities.
He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the government.
Some of the offenders duped the psychologists.
He swindled investors out of millions of pounds.
diddle (informal)
take (someone) for a ride (informal)
pull a fast one on (informal)
scam (slang)
10 (verb)
The company have done a range of tops.
The company produces circuitry for communications systems.
They now make cars at two plants in Europe.
He's creating a whole new language of painting.
Several countries developed a revised budget.
turn out
The first three models are being manufactured at our factory in Manchester.
The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber.
He invented the first electric clock.
put together
No-one knows who originated this story.
All the tools are fabricated from high-quality steel.
11 (verb)
The bedroom is done in lavenders and pinks.
a small, badly decorated office
We have papered this room in grey.
They painted the walls yellow.
They spent thousands renovating the house.
do up (informal)
12 (verb)
to make tidy or elegant
I did her hair and her make-up.
a compromise designed to please everyone
classically styled clothes
He's so careless about dressing his hair.
The songs were arranged by a well-known pianist.
The desk was fashioned out of oak.
Like it or not, our families shape our lives.
Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.
scripts tailored to American comedy audiences
13 (verb)
to give or grant
Would you do me a favour?
France has agreed to grant him political asylum.
a bill that will give extra rights to thousands of elderly people
Please allow 28 days for delivery.
On his return home, the government accorded him the rank of Colonel.
I was permitted to bring my camera into the concert.
Our constitution does not permit the sending of troops.
a powerful, bizarre, and beautifully rendered story
An honorary degree was conferred on him by the University of Vienna.
The Queen has bestowed a knighthood on him.
14 (verb)
to work at as a course of study or a job
She's doing English for her Higher Certificate.
He read through the pages slowly and carefully.
They research the needs of both employers and staff.
Gas officials are investigating the cause of the explosion.
This book teaches you to analyse causes of stress in your life.
be taught
read up on
take a course in
take classes in
swot (up) on (British, informal)
15 (verb)
to achieve a particular speed, amount, or rate
He was clocked doing 138mph.
travel at
go at
move at
drive at
proceed at
16 (verb)
to visit (a place) as a tourist
Families doing Europe can hire one of these motor-homes.
He'll be visiting four cities, including Cagliari in Sardinia.
tour in or around
look at
take in (informal)
stop in
journey through or around
travel in or around
17 (verb)
to cause or produce
A course of antibiotics might do some good.
I don't want to cause any trouble.
Prospects for effecting real political change have taken a step backward.
bring about
a party or other social event
(informal British, New Zealand)
They always have all-night dos there.
We threw a huge birthday party.
He spoke today before a large gathering of world leaders.
We were going down to a function in London.
church socials
Breakfast will be a cheerless affair for the minister this morning.
It will be a unique family occasion.
There was a celebration in our house that night.
a glittering wedding reception
bash (informal)
one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year
rave (British, slang)
an all-night rave
get-together (informal)
I arranged a get-together at my home.
The festivities included a firework display.
knees-up (British, informal)
beano (British, slang)
social gathering
shindig (informal)
rave-up (British, slang)
hooley or hoolie mainly Irish, New Zealand)
Phrasal verbs
See do away with someone
See do away with something
See do for something or someone
See do's and don'ts
See do someone in
See do someone out of something
See do something in
See do something out
See do something up
See do something or someone down
See do without something or someone
Do unto others what you would they should do unto you
Additional synonyms
in the sense of accomplish
to complete
If we all work together, I think we can accomplish our goal.
carry out,
bring about,
bring off (informal),
put the tin lid on
in the sense of accord
to grant
On his return home, the government accorded him the rank of Colonel.
present with,
endow with,
bestow on,
confer on,
vouchsafe (old-fashioned),
impart with
in the sense of achieve
to gain by hard work or effort
There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.
carry out,
bring about,
bring off (informal),
put the tin lid on
Synonyms of 'do'
Explore 'do' in the dictionary
do auxiliary verb uses
(də, STRONG duː)
Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense does ( WEAK dəz, STRONG dʌz), present participle doing, past tense did, past participle doneDo is used as an auxiliary with the simple present tense. Did is used as an auxiliary with the simple past tense. In spoken English, negative formsof do are often shortened, for example do not is shortened to don't and did not is shortened to didn't.
1. auxiliary verb
Do is used to form the negative of main verbs, by putting 'not' after 'do' and before the main verb in its infinitive form, that is the form without 'to'.
They don't want to work.
I did not know Jamie had a knife.
It doesn't matter if you win or lose.
2. auxiliary verb
Do is used to form questions, by putting the subject after 'do' and before the mainverb in its infinitive form, that is the form without 'to'.
Do you like music?
What did he say?
Where does she live?
3. auxiliary verb
Do is used in question tags.
You know about Andy, don't you?
I'm sure they had some of the same questions last year didn't they?
4. auxiliary verb
You use do when you are confirming or contradicting a statement containing 'do', or giving a negative or positive answer to a question.
'Did he think there was anything suspicious going on?'—'Yes, he did.'
'Do you have a metal detector?'—'No, I don't.'
They say they don't care, but they do. [AUX]
5. auxiliary verb
Do is used with a negative to tell someone not to behave in a certain way.
Don't be silly.
Don't touch that!
6. auxiliary verb
Do is used to give emphasis to the main verb when there is no other auxiliary.
Veronica, I do understand.
You did have your phone with you.
7. auxiliary verb
Do is used as a polite way of inviting or trying to persuade someone to do something.
Do sit down.
Do help yourself to another drink.
8. verb
Do can be used to refer back to another verb group when you are comparing or contrasting two things, or saying that they are the same.
I make more money than he does. [VERB]
One day she will walk out, just as her own mother did. [VERB]
I had fantasies, as do all mothers, about how life would be when my girls were grown.
Girls receive less health care and less education in the developing world than doboys.
9. verb
You use do after 'so' and 'nor' to say that the same statement is true for two people or groups.
You know that's true, and so do I. [VERB noun]
We don't forget that. Nor does he. [VERB noun]
Her actions and thoughts became distorted. So did her behavior. [VERB noun]
More Synonyms of do
English Easy Learning GrammarDoThe verb do is used as an auxiliary verb. I do not want it. We do not want it. You do not want it. You do not want it. He does not want it. They do not ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarAuxiliary verbsAn auxiliary verb is a verb that is used together with a main verb to show time andcontinuity. Be and have are the primary auxiliaries. A primary auxiliary ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarCompound tensesThe compound tenses are a combination of present or past tense (shown through an auxiliaryverb) with continuous or perfect aspect. See also Tense and ... Read more
do other verb uses
Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense does ( WEAK dəz, STRONG dʌz), present participle doing, past tense did, past participle donedo is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words inthe dictionary. For example, the expression 'easier said than done' is explained at'easy'.
1. verb
When you do something, you take some action or perform an activity or task. Do is often used instead of a more specific verb, to talk about a common action involving a particular thing. For example you can say 'do yourteeth' instead of 'brush your teeth'.
I was trying to do some work. [VERB noun]
After lunch Elizabeth and I did the washing up. [VERB noun]
Dad does the garden. [VERB noun]
Let me do your hair. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: perform, work, achieve, carry out More Synonyms of do
2. verb
Do can be used to stand for any verb group, or to refer back to another verb group, including one that wasin a previous sentence.
What are you doing? [VERB noun]
So tell me what this molecule does that makes it special. [VERB noun]
Think twice before doing anything. [VERB noun]
A lot of people got arrested for looting so they will think before they do it again. [VERB noun]
I'm glad they gave me my money back, but I think they did this to shut me up. [VERB noun]
The first thing is to get some more food. When we've done that we ought to startagain. [VERB noun]
Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars. Elena did the same.
He turned towards the open front door but, as he did so, she pushed past him. [Vso]
Synonyms: cheat, trick, con [informal], skin [slang] More Synonyms of do
3. verb
You can use do in a clause at the beginning of a sentence after words like 'what' and 'all', to give special emphasis to theinformation that comes at the end of the sentence.
All she does is complain. [VERB noun]
What I should do is go and see her. [VERB noun]
The best that can be done is to make things as difficult as possible. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: behave, act, conduct yourself, deport yourself More Synonyms of do
4. verb
If you do a particular thing with something, you use it in that particular way.
I was allowed to do whatever I wanted with my life. [VERB noun + with]
What did he do with the thirty pounds? [VERB noun with noun]
The technology was good, but you couldn't do much with it. [V amount + with]
Synonyms: present, give, show, act More Synonyms of do
5. verb
If you do something about a problem, you take action to try to solve it.
They refuse to do anything about the real cause of crime: poverty. [VERB noun + about]
Well, what are you going to do about it? [V n about n]
If an engine packs in, the engineer can't do anything about it until the plane haslanded. [V amount + about]
6. verb
If an action or event does a particular thing, such as harm or good, it has that result or effect.
A few bombs can do a lot of damage. [VERB noun]
It'll do you good to take a rest. [VERB noun noun]
The publicity did her career no harm. [VERB noun noun]
7. verb
You can use do to talk about the degree to which a person, action, or event affects or improvesa particular situation.
The current reforms will do much to create these conditions. [V amount to-inf]
They did everything they could to help us. [V amount to-inf]
He said that the opposition had done everything possible to sabotage the elections. [V amount to-inf]
Such incidents do nothing for live music's reputation. [V amount + for]
I'd just tried to do what I could for Lou. [VERB noun + for]
8. verb
You can talk about what someone or something doesto a person to mean that they have a very harmful effect on them.
I saw what the liquor was doing to her. [VERB + to]
You overlook the pressure you're under and what it does to you. [VERBto noun]
9. verb
If you ask someone what they do, you want to know what their job or profession is.
What does your father do? [VERB noun]
He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14. [VERB noun]
10. verb
If you are doing something, you are busy or active in some way, or have planned an activity for some time in the future.
Are you doing anything tomorrow night? [VERB noun]
'What are you doing for Christmas?' Ella asked. 'We're going to Aunt Molly's.'. [VERB noun]
There is nothing to do around here. [VERB noun]
11. verb
If you say that someone or something does well or badly, you are talking about how successful or unsuccessful they are.
Connie did well at school and graduated with honours. [VERB adverb]
Out-of-town superstores are doing well. [VERB adverb]
How did I do? [VERB adverb]
12. verb
If a person or organization does a particular service or product, they provide that service or sell that product.
[mainly British]
They provide design services and do printing and packaging. [VERB noun]
They do a good range of herbal tea. [VERB noun]
13. verb
You can use do when referring to the speed or rate that something or someone achieves or is able to achieve.
They were doing 70 miles an hour. [VERB amount]
His catamaran will do 37 knots. [VERB amount]
14. verb
If you do a subject, author, or book, you study them at school or college.
I'd like to do maths at university. [VERB noun]
'So you did 'Macbeth' in the first year?'—'No, in the first year we did 'Julius Caesar'.'
15. verb
If you do a particular person, accent, or role, you imitate that person or accent, or act that role.
Gina does accents extremely well. [VERB noun]
16. verb
You can use do to say that you are able or unable to behave in a particular way.
'Can't you be nicer to your sister?'—'Nice? I don't do nice'. [VERB adjective]
17. verb
If someone does drugs, they take illegal drugs.
I don't do drugs. [VERB noun]
I saw him doing ecstasy in the toilets. [VERB noun]
18. verb
If you say that something willdo or willdo you, you mean that there is enough of it or that it is of good enough quality tomeet your requirements or to satisfy you.
Anything to create a scene and attract attention will do. [VERB]
We need a win–a draw won't do at all. [VERB]
'What would you like to eat?'—'Anything'll do me, Eva.' [VERB noun]
See could do with
See what did you do with
See what is sb/sth doing here
See that will do
See have/be to do with
Phrasal verbs:
See do away with
See do down
See do for
See do in
See do out
See do out of
See do over
See do up
See do without
do noun uses
Word forms: plural dos
1. countable noun
A do is a party, dinner party, or other social event.
[mainly British, informal]
A friend of his is having a do in Stoke.
They always have all-night dos there.
Synonyms: party, gathering, function, social More Synonyms of do
See dos and don'ts
do. is an old-fashioned written abbreviation for ditto.
do in British English1
(duː, unstressed dʊ, də)
verbWord forms: does, doing, did or done
to perform or complete (a deed or action)
to do a portrait
the work is done
2. (oftenintr; foll by for)
to serve the needs of; be suitable for (a person, situation, etc); suffice
there isn't much food, but it'll do for the two of us
3. (transitive)
to arrange or fix
you should do the garden now
4. (transitive)
to prepare or provide; serve
this restaurant doesn't do lunch on Sundays
5. (transitive)
to make tidy, elegant, ready, etc, as by arranging or adorning
to do one's hair
6. (transitive)
to improve (esp in the phrase do something toorfor)
7. (transitive)
to find an answer to (a problem or puzzle)
8. (transitive)
to translate or adapt the form or language of
the book was done into a play
9. (intransitive)
to conduct oneself
do as you please
10. (intransitive)
to fare or manage
how are you doing these days?
11. (transitive)
to cause or produce
complaints do nothing to help
12. (transitive)
to give or render
your portrait doesn't do you justice
do me a favour
13. (transitive)
to work at, esp as a course of study or a profession
he is doing chemistry
what do you do for a living?
14. (transitive)
to perform (a play, etc); act
they are doing 'Hamlet' next week
15. (transitive)
to travel at a specified speed, esp as a maximum
this car will do 120 mph
16. (transitive)
to travel or traverse (a distance)
we did 15 miles on our walk
17. (takes an infinitive without to)
used as an auxiliary before the subject of an interrogative sentence as a way of forming a question
do you agree?
when did John go out?
18. (takes an infinitive without to)
used as an auxiliary to intensify positive statements and commands
I do like your new house
do hurry!
19. (takes an infinitive without to)
used as an auxiliary before a negative adverb to form negative statements or commands
she does not like cheese
do not leave me here alone!
20. (takes an infinitive without to)
used as an auxiliary in inverted constructions
little did she realize that
only rarely does he come in before ten o'clock
used as an auxiliary to replace an earlier verb or verb phrase to avoid repetition
he likes you as much as I do
22. (transitive) informal
to visit or explore as a sightseer or tourist
to do Westminster Abbey
23. (transitive)
to wear out; exhaust
24. (intransitive)
to happen (esp in the phrase nothing doing)
25. (transitive) slang
to serve (a period of time) as a prison sentence
he's doing three years for burglary
she's doing time
26. (transitive) informal
to cheat or swindle
27. (transitive) slang
to rob
they did three shops last night
28. (transitive) slang
to arrest
to convict of a crime
29. (transitive) Australian informal
to lose or spend (money) completely
30. (transitive) slang, mainly British
to treat violently; assault
31. (transitive) slang
to take or use (a drug)
32. (transitive) vulgar, slang
(of a male) to have sexual intercourse with
33. (transitive)
to arrange (a meal)
let's do lunch
34. do
35. do or die
36. how do you do?
37. make do
nounWord forms: pluraldos or do's
38. slang
an act or instance of cheating or swindling
39. informal, mainly British and New Zealand
a formal or festive gathering; party
40. do's and don'ts
Word origin
Old English dōn; related to Old Frisian duān, Old High German tuon, Latin abdere to put away, Greek tithenai to place; see deed, doom
do in British English
or do a
to act like; imitate
he's a good mimic – he can do all his friends well
See full dictionary entry for do
do in British English2
nounWord forms: pluraldos
a variant spelling of doh1
do in British English3
the internet domain name for
Dominican Republic
DO in British English
abbreviation for
Doctor of Optometry
Doctor of Osteopathy
do. in British English
abbreviation for
ditto in British English
nounWord forms: plural-tos
the aforementioned; the above; the same. Used in accounts, lists, etc, to avoid repetition and symbolized by two small marks (〃) known as ditto marks, placed under the thing repeated
Abbreviation: do
2. informal
a duplicate
(as modifier)
a ditto copy
in the same way
sentence substitute
4. informal
used to avoid repeating or to confirm agreement with an immediately preceding sentence
verbWord forms: -tos, -toing or -toed
5. (transitive)
to copy; repeat
DO in American English
or D.O.
Doctor of Osteopathy
Do in American English
or do
do in American English1
verb transitiveWord forms: did, done, ˈdoing
to execute; effect; perform (an act, action, etc.)
do great deeds
to carry out; fulfill
do what I tell you
to bring to completion; finish
dinner has been done for an hour
to bring about; cause; produce
it does no harm; who did this to you?
to exert (efforts, etc.)
do your best
to have or take (a meal)
let's do lunch
to deal with as is required; attend to
do the ironing, do one's nails or hair
to have as one's work or occupation; work at or on
what does he do for a living?
to work out; solve
do a problem
to produce or appear in (a play, etc.)
we did Hamlet
to play the role of
I did Polonius
b. Informal
to imitate, or behave characteristically as
to do a Houdini
to write or publish (a book), compose (a musical score), etc.
to cover (distance)
to do a mile in four minutes
to move along at a speed of
to do 60 miles an hour
to visit as a sightseer; tour
they did England in two months
to translate
to do Horace into English
to give; render
to do honor to the dead
to suit; be convenient to
this will do me very well
17. Informal
to prepare; cook
that restaurant does ribs really well
to eat
let's do Mexican tonight
18. Informal
to cheat; swindle
you've been done
19. Informal
to serve (a jail term)
20. Slang
to take; ingest; use
we've never done drugs
21. Slang
to perform a sexual act upon; specif., to have sexual intercourse with
22. Slang
to kill
verb intransitive
to act in a specified way; behave
he does well when treated well
to be active; work
do; don't merely talk
to finish
used in the perfect tense [have done with dreaming]
to get along; fare
mother and child are doing well
to be adequate or suitable; serve the purpose
the black dress will do
to take place; go on
anything doing tonight?
29. Chiefly British, Informal
used as a substitute verb after a modal auxiliary or a form of have in a perfect tense
I haven't seen the film, but she may have done
auxiliary verb
used to give emphasis, or as a legal convention
do stay a while, do hereby enjoin
used to ask a question
did you write?
used to serve as part of a negative command or statement
do not go, they do not like it
used to serve as a substitute verb
love me as I do (love) you
used to form inverted constructions after some adverbs
little did he realize
nounWord forms: pluraldo's or dos
35. Chiefly British, Informal
a hoax; swindle
36. Chiefly British, Informal
a party or social event
37. Slang
excrement; feces
dog do
do a deal
do by
do down
do in
do it
do over
do's and don'ts
do up
do up right
do oneself well
do with
do without
have to do with
Word origin
ME & OE don, akin to Ger tun, OS duan < IE base *dhē-, to put, place, set > Sans dadhāmi, Gr tithenai, to place, put, L -dere (as in condere, to set down), facere, to do, make
do in American English2
a syllable representing the first or last tone of the diatonic scale
see also solfeggio
Word origin
It (< dominus, first word of a Latin hymn): used instead of earlier ut: see gamut
do in American English3
Examples of 'do' in a sentence
Then again, not to do him down too much, he does have his more positive side.
Hugo Wilcken THE EXECUTION (2002)
"You should write the general principles down somewhere, Dad, like they do with the United States Code.
Lisa Scottoline RUNNING FROM THE LAW (2001)
Do unto others what you would they should do unto you
Word lists with
internet, Martial arts terms, Martial arts terms
In other languages
British English: do /dʊ/ VERB
If you do something, you spend some time on it or finish it.
I tried to do some work.
American English: do
Arabic: يَفْعَلُ
Brazilian Portuguese: fazer
Chinese: 做
Croatian: učiniti
Czech: dělat
Danish: gøre
Dutch: doen
European Spanish: hacer
Finnish: tehdä
French: faire
German: tun
Greek: κάνω
Italian: fare
Japanese: ・・・をする
Korean: (...을) 하다
Norwegian: gjøre
Polish: zrobić
European Portuguese: fazer
Romanian: a face
Russian: делать
Latin American Spanish: hacer
Swedish: göra
Thai: ทำ
Turkish: yapmak
Ukrainian: робити
Vietnamese: làm
Chinese translation of 'do'
Word forms:ptdid
Word forms:ppdone
(= be engaged in, achieve) 做 (zuò)
what are you doing?你在做什么(麼)呢? (nǐ zài zuò shénme ne?)
what is he doing here?他怎么(麼)在这(這)儿(兒)? (tā zěnme zài zhèr?)
are you doing anything tomorrow evening?你明晚有什么(麼)打算? (nǐ míngwǎn yǒu shénme dǎsuàn?)
what you should do is ... 你应(應)该(該)做的是 ... (nǐ yīnggāi zuò de shì ... )
we must do everything possible to help them我们(們)必须(須)想尽(盡)一切办(辦)法帮(幫)助他们(們) (wǒmen bìxū xiǎngjìn yīqiè bànfǎ bāngzhù tāmen)
what did you do with the money? (= how did you spend it?) 你怎么(麼)用这(這)笔(筆)钱(錢)的? (nǐ zěnme yòng zhè bǐ qián de?) (= where did you put it?) 你把钱(錢)放哪儿(兒)了? (nǐ bǎ qián fàng nǎr le?)
what are you going to do about this?你打算对(對)此怎么(麼)办(辦)? (nǐ dǎsuàn duì cǐ zěnmebàn?)
(for a living)
what do you do?你做什么(麼)工作? (nǐ zuò shénme gōngzuò?)
(with noun)
to do the cooking做饭(飯) (zuòfàn)
to do one's teeth/hair刷牙/做头(頭)发(髮) (shuāyá/zuò tóufa)
we're doing "Othello" at school (studying it) 我们(們)正在学(學)校里(裡)学(學)习(習)《奥(奧)赛(賽)罗(羅)》 (wǒmen zhèngzài xuéxiào li xuéxí "Àosàiluó") (performing it) 我们(們)正在学(學)校里(裡)排演《奥(奧)赛(賽)罗(羅)》 (wǒmen zhèngzài xuéxiào li páiyǎn "Àosàiluó")
(referring to speed, distance)
the car was doing 100汽车(車)以100英里(裡)的时(時)速行进(進) (qìchē yǐ yībǎi yīnglǐ de shísù xíngjìn)
we've done 200 km already我们(們)的时(時)速已达(達)到了200公里(裡) (wǒmen de shísù yǐ dádàole èrbǎi gōnglǐ)
(= cause)
the explosion did a lot of damage爆炸造成了很大损(損)失 (bàozhà zàochéngle hěn dà sǔnshī)
a holiday will do you good休次假会(會)对(對)你有好处(處) (xiū cì jià huì duì nǐ yǒu hǎochù)
(= act, behave) 做 (zuò)
do as I do跟我做 (gēn wǒ zuò)
do as I tell you按我告诉(訴)你的做 (àn wǒ gàosù nǐ de zuò)
(= get on) 进(進)展 (jìnzhǎn)
he's doing well/badly at school他的学(學)习(習)成绩(績)很好/很差 (tā de xuéxí chéngjì hěn hǎo/hěn chà)
the firm is doing well这(這)个(個)公司业(業)绩(績)良好 (zhège gōngsī yèjì liánghǎo)
"how do you do?" — "how do you do?""你好" "你好" ("nǐ hǎo" "nǐ hǎo")
(= suit) 行 (xíng)
will it do?行吗(嗎)? (xíng ma?)
it doesn't do to upset her不可以让(讓)她心烦(煩)意乱(亂) (bù kěyǐ ràng tā xīnfán yìluàn)
(= be sufficient) 足够(夠) (zúgòu)
will £15 do?15镑(鎊)够(夠)吗(嗎)? (shíwǔ bàng gòu ma?)
that'll do足够(夠)了 (zúgòu le)
that'll do! (in annoyance) 够(夠)了! (gòu le!)
aux vb
(in negative constructions)
I don't understand我不懂 (wǒ bù dǒng)
she doesn't want it她不想要这(這)个(個) (tā bù xiǎng yào zhège)
he didn't seem to care他看起来(來)并(並)不在乎 (tā kànqǐlái bìng bù zàihu)
don't be silly!别(別)傻了! (bié shǎ le!)
(to form questions)
do you like jazz?你喜欢(歡)爵士乐(樂)吗(嗎)? (nǐ xǐhuan juéshìyuè ma?)
what do you think?你怎么(麼)想? (nǐ zěnme xiǎng?)
where does she live?她住在哪里(裡)? (tā zhùzài nǎlǐ?)
didn't you know?你难(難)道不知道吗(嗎)? (nǐ nándào bù zhīdào ma?)
why didn't you come?你为(為)什么(麼)没(沒)来(來)? (nǐ wèi shénme méi lái?)
(for emphasis, in polite expressions)
people do make mistakes sometimes有时(時)人们(們)的确(確)犯一些错(錯)误(誤) (yǒushí rénmen díquè fàn yīxiē cuòwù)
she does seem rather late看来(來)她的确(確)是晚了 (kànlái tā díquè shì wǎn le)
do sit down/help yourself赶(趕)快坐啊/千万(萬)别(別)客气(氣) (gǎnkuài zuò a/qiānwàn bié kèqi)
do take care!千万(萬)保重! (Qiānwàn bǎozhòng!)
oh do shut up!噢,赶(趕)快闭(閉)嘴吧! (Ō, gǎnkuài bìzuǐ ba!)
(used to avoid repeating vb) 用于避免动词的重复
I make more money than he does我比他挣(掙)得钱(錢)多 (wǒ bǐ tā zhèng de qián duō)
they say they don't care, but they do他们(們)说(說)不在乎,但实(實)际(際)是在乎的 (tāmen shuō bù zàihu, dàn shíjì shì zàihu de)
he asked me to help him and I did他让(讓)我帮(幫)一下忙,我照做了 (tā ràng wǒ bāng yīxià máng, wǒ zhàozuò le)
(and) so do I我也是 (wǒ yě shì)
and neither did we我们(們)也不 (wǒmen yě bù)
better than I do比我做得好 (bǐ wǒ zuò de hǎo)
"who made this mess?" — "I did""是谁(誰)弄得乱(亂)七八糟的?" "是我" ("shì shuí nòng de luànqībāzāo de" "shì wǒ")
"do you have a metal detector?" — "no, I don't""你有金属(屬)检(檢)测(測)器吗(嗎)?" "不,我没(沒)有" ("nǐ yǒu jīnshǔ jiǎncèqì ma?" "bù, wǒ méiyǒu")
(in question tags)
I don't know him, do I?我不认(認)识(識)他,是吗(嗎)? (wǒ bù rènshi tā, shì ma?)
you like him, don't you?你喜欢(歡)他,不是吗(嗎)? (nǐ xǐhuan tā, bù shì ma?)
she lives in London, doesn't she?她住在伦(倫)敦,不是吗(嗎)? (tā zhù zài Lúndūn, bù shì ma?)
(Brit, inf, = party etc) 聚会(會) (jùhuì)
we're having a little do on Saturday我们(們)星期六有个(個)小型聚会(會) (wǒmen xīngqīliù yǒu gè xiǎoxíng jùhuì)
it was quite a do那是个(個)相当(當)大型的聚会(會) (nà shì gè xiāngdāng dàxíng de jùhuì)