DNA is an acid in the chromosomes in the centre of the cells of living things. DNA determines the particular structure and functions of every cell and is responsible for characteristicsbeing passed on from parents to their children. DNA is an abbreviation for 'deoxyribonucleic acid'.
DNA in British English1
deoxyribonucleic acid; a nucleic acid that is the main constituent of the chromosomes of all organisms (except some viruses). The DNA molecule consists of two polynucleotide chains in the form of a double helix, containing phosphate and the sugar deoxyribose and linked by hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine. DNA is self-replicating, plays a central role in protein synthesis, and is responsible for the transmission of hereditary characteristics from parents to offspring
See also genetic code
2. in one's DNA
DNA in British English2
abbreviation for
did not attend
DNA in American English
a nucleic acid that is bound in double helical chains by hydrogen bonds between the bases, forming the basic material in the chromosomes of the cell nucleus: it contains the genetic code and transmits the hereditary pattern
Word origin
d(eoxyribo)n(ucleic) a(cid)
Examples of 'DNA' in a sentence
We can get a DNA identification from a single hair from that nice thatch you've got on your head.
Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002)
The virus was a splendid, symmetrical, terrible thing, a tiny jewel of protein encasing dark coils of DNA.
Zindell, David THE BROKEN GOD
The result of the DNA profiling was phoned from Aldermaston an hour later.
Forsythe, Malcolm THE BOOK LADY
In other languages
British English: DNA /diː ɛn eɪ/ NOUN
DNA is a chemical that is found in all living cells. It contains genetic information. DNA is an abbreviation for `deoxyribonucleic acid'.
A DNA sample was taken.
American English: DNA
Arabic: الـحِمْضُ النَوَوِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: DNA
Chinese: 脱氧核糖核酸
Croatian: DNK
Czech: DNA
Danish: DNA
Dutch: DNA
European Spanish: ADN
Finnish: DNA
French: ADN
German: DNS
Greek: DNA
Italian: DNA
Japanese: DNA
Korean: 디옥시리보핵산
Norwegian: DNA
Polish: DNA
European Portuguese: ADN
Romanian: ADN
Russian: ДНК
Latin American Spanish: ADN
Swedish: DNA
Thai: รหัสทางพันธุกรรม
Turkish: DNA
Ukrainian: ДНК
Vietnamese: DNA
All related terms of 'DNA'
DNA test
A DNA test is a test in which someone's DNA is analysed , for example to see if they have committed a particular crime or are the parent of a particular child .
junk DNA
DNA that consists of repeated sequences of nucleotide and has no apparent function
DNA testing
the activity of testing of a sample of DNA to determine whether it matches particular characteristics
DNA sequence
the order of base pairs in a section of DNA
DNA fingerprint
the pattern of DNA unique to each individual that can be analysed in a sample of blood, saliva , or tissue: used as a means of identification
DNA sequencing
the procedure of determining the order of base pairs in a section of DNA
in one's DNA
existing as a fundamental and inseparable part of one’s character
recombinant DNA
DNA molecules that are extracted from different sources and chemically joined together; for example DNA comprising an animal gene may be recombined with DNA from a bacterium
complementary DNA
a form of DNA artificially synthesized from a messenger RNA template and used in genetic engineering to produce gene clones
DNA fingerprinting
DNA fingerprinting is the same as → genetic fingerprinting .
mitochondrial DNA
DNA found in mitochondria , which contains some structural genes and is generally inherited only through the female line
recombinant DNA technology
any of various techniques for separating and recombining segments of DNA or genes , often employing a restriction enzyme to cut a gene from a donor organism and inserting it into a plasmid or viral DNA for transplantation into a host organism, where the gene causes the production of a desired substance either for harvesting or for the benefit of the host organism itself