If things are distributed throughout an area, object, or group, they exist throughout it.
These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.
Galactic surveys show that distant galaxies are not as evenly distributed in spaceas theory predicts.
Synonyms: scattered, spread, sprinkled, strewn More Synonyms of distributed
distributed in British English
spread or divided; not all collected in one place
Galactic surveys show that distant galaxies are not as evenly distributed in spaceas theory predicts.
These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.
Examples of 'distributed' in a sentence
It has to be distributed better.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
In other languages
British English: distributed ADJECTIVE
If things are distributed throughout an area, object, or group, they exist throughout it.
These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.
American English: distributed
Brazilian Portuguese: distribuído
Chinese: 分布的
European Spanish: distribuido
French: réparti
German: verteilt
Italian: distribuito
Japanese: 広がっている
Korean: 광범위한
European Portuguese: distribuído
Latin American Spanish: distribuido
All related terms of 'distributed'
If you distribute things, you hand them or deliver them to a number of people.
distributed force
A distributed force is a force that acts on a large part of a surface , not just on one place.
distributed logic
a computer system in which remote terminals and electronic devices, distributed throughout the system, supplement the main computer by doing some of the computing or decision making
distributed system
a computer system in which two or more linked computers can perform independently or jointly
distributed term
a term applying equally to every member of the class it designates , as doctors in no doctors are overworked
distributed generation
A distributed generation system involves a person or company generating some of their power requirements in different ways, such as locally , or using renewable energy, in order to avoid taking it all from the grid .
distributed practice
learning with reasonably long intervals between separate occasions of learning
distributed processing
a system consisting of a network of microcomputers performing certain functions and linked with a main computer used for more complex tasks
distributed systems
two or more computers linked by telecommunication , each of which can perform independently
distributed array processor
a type of computer system that uses a coordinated array of separate processors applied to a single problem
to fish with a natural or artificial fly on a floss silk line so that the wind makes the fly bob on and off the surface of the water