Along the way a dog barks, a red car overtakes and the bus slows down to allow lambs to cross the road.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Pipe long, thick lines along the cake, covering the cake completely so it looks like the bark of a tree.
The Sun (2016)
A source said:'Two drones were buzzing the place and not one dog barked.
The Sun (2016)
Time to discover the benefits of willow bark.
The Sun (2013)
Yesterday he was all bark and no bite.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The bark of trees is often helpful in identifying them in winter.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Why buy a dog and bark yourself?
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It will sprout new leaves from the bark.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
This is not a car that shouts or barks or growls.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
She barks loudly when a stranger comes near.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The underdogs had barked long and loud.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Most kinds of bark become rougher with age.
Robertson, Bruce Learn to Draw Countryside (1996)
Now it is adding a bite to its bark.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Let that be the last tree she barks up.
The Sun (2010)
Somewhere nearby a guard dog barked and then another one.
Len Deighton Bomber
His bark is both loud and sustained.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
But some rabid dogs did not bark or bite in this election season.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
So far it seems to be the watchdog that barks loudly but has absolutely no inclination to bite.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The male pads about, calling to females with gruff barks.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Cover with leaves or bark in cold districts, to protect in winter.
Bloom, Adrian Winter Garden Glory (1993)
Especially as my skin is usually a bit like real-life bark?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
A deeper bark joins the noise and the captain shakes his head.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
I did not want to shout and bark.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
In other languages
British English: bark /bɑːk/ VERB
When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise.
Don't let the dogs bark.
American English: bark
Arabic: يَنْبَحُ
Brazilian Portuguese: latir
Chinese: 犬吠
Croatian: lajati
Czech: štěknout
Danish: gø
Dutch: blaffen
European Spanish: ladrar
Finnish: haukkua
French: aboyer
German: bellen
Greek: γαβγίζω
Italian: abbaiare
Japanese: 吠える
Korean: 짖다
Norwegian: bjeffe
Polish: zaszczekać
European Portuguese: ladrar
Romanian: a lătra
Russian: лаять
Latin American Spanish: ladrar
Swedish: skälla
Thai: เห่า
Turkish: havlamak
Ukrainian: гавкати
Vietnamese: sủa
All related terms of 'bark'
a sailing ship of three or more masts having the foremasts rigged square and the aftermast rigged fore-and-aft
red bark
a kind of cinchona containing a high proportion of alkaloids
bark beetle
any small beetle of the family Scolytidae , which bore tunnels in the bark and wood of trees, causing great damage . They are closely related to the weevils
bark cloth
a papery fabric made from the fibrous inner bark of various trees, esp of the moraceous genus Ficus and the leguminous genus Brachystegia
cassia bark
the cinnamon-like bark of this tree , used as a spice
china bark
→ cinchona (sense 2 )
sassy bark
the bark of a leguminous African tree ( Erythrophleum guineense ) yielding an alkaloid , used as a substitute for digitalis , and a poison used in trial by ordeal
calisaya bark
the bark of any of several tropical trees of the rubiaceous genus Cinchona , esp C. calisaya , from which quinine is extracted
Caribbee bark
the bark of any of various tropical American and Caribbean rubiaceous trees of the genus Exostema, used as a substitute for cinchona bark
cinchona bark
the dried bark of any of a cinchona tree, which yields quinine and other medicinal alkaloids
pereira bark
the bark of a South American apocynaceous tree, Geissospermum vellosii: source of a substance formerly used for treating malaria
Peruvian bark
→ cinchona (sense 2 )
quillai bark
a W South American rosaceous tree, Quillaja saponaria , with undivided evergreen leaves and small white flowers
any of several eucalyptus trees having a fibrous bark
angostura bark
the bitter aromatic bark of certain South American rutaceous trees of the genus Cusparia or Galipea, formerly used medicinally to reduce fever
bark chippings
small pieces of tree bark used chiefly for pathways in gardens or woodland
angostura (bark)
the bitter aromatic bark of either of two South American trees ( Galipea officinalis or Cusparia trifoliata ) of the rue family, used as a medicinal tonic and as a flavoring in bitters
elm bark beetle
the bark-boring beetle ( Scolytus multistriatus ) that feeds on the bark of elm trees and carries Dutch elm disease
any plant of the mainly tropical leguminous genus Cassia, esp C. fistula , whose pods yield cassia pulp , a mild laxative
bark up the wrong tree
to follow the wrong course of action because your beliefs or ideas about something are incorrect
someone's bark is worse than their bite
If you say that someone's bark is worse than their bite , you mean that they seem much more unpleasant or hostile than they really are.
his or her bark is worse than his or her bite
he or she is bad-tempered but harmless
Chinese translation of 'bark'
(u)[of tree]树(樹)皮 (shùpí)
(c)[of dog]犬吠声(聲) (quǎnfèishēng) (阵(陣), zhèn)
[dog]叫 (jiào)
she's barking up the wrong tree (inf) 她搞错(錯)了对(對)象 (tā gǎocuòle duìxiàng)
1 (verb)
(of a dog or other animal) to make its typical cry
Don't let the dogs bark.
The little dog yapped frantically.
A dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.
The dogs snarled at the intruders.
The dog was growling and thrashing its tail.
Her dog yelped and came to heel.
2 (verb)
to shout in an angry tone
I didn't mean to bark at you.
We began to shout for help.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you.
He was out there shouting and yelling.
‘Call that a good performance?’ he snarled.
They were shouting and bawling at each other.
raise your voice
the loud harsh cry of a dog or certain other animals
The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks.
a high-pitched terrier yap
She trembled at the bay of the dogs.
It was the howl of an animal crying out in hunger.
an outer protective layer of dead corklike cells on the trunks of trees
The spice comes from the inner bark of the tree.
Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering.
Bullet casings lay scattered on the ground.
Put a polythene cover over it to protect it from dust.
banana skins
A fresh layer of snow covered the street.
As the water evaporates, a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil.
Both housings are waterproof to a depth of two metres.
cortex (anatomy, botany)
Cut off the rind of the cheese.
a grey squirrel nibbling on a peanut husk
to scrape or rub off (skin), as in an injury
She barked her shin off the edge of the drawer.
She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees.
He fell down and skinned his knee.
The floorboards have been stripped and sanded.
Smear cream on to prevent it from rubbing.
He had blood on his nose and he had scratched his knees.
I set the log on the ground and shaved off the bark.