a soft silvery-white metallic element of the alkaline earth group. It is used in bearing alloys and compounds used as pigments. Symbol: Ba; atomic no: 56; atomic wt: 137.327; valency: 2; relative density: 3.5; melting pt: 729°C; boiling pt: 1805°C
Word origin
C19: from bar(yta) + -ium
barium in American English
a silver-white, slightly malleable, metallic chemical element, one of the alkaline-earth metals, found as a carbonate or sulfate and used in alloys: symbol, Ba; at. no., 56
Word origin
ModL < Gr barys, heavy (see grave1) + -ium
Word lists with
All related terms of 'barium'
barium meal
a preparation of barium sulphate , which is opaque to X-rays , swallowed by a patient before X-ray examination of the upper part of the alimentary canal
barium enema
an injection into the rectum of a preparation of barium sulphate , which is opaque to X-rays, before X-raying the lower alimentary canal
barium oxide
a white or yellowish-white poisonous heavy powder used esp as a dehydrating agent. Formula: BaO
barium chloride
a poisonous compound, BaCl 2 , consisting of flat white crystals that are soluble in water: it is used to treat water, metals, leather , etc.
barium peroxide
a gray-white powder , BaO 2 , used as a bleach and in making hydrogen peroxide
barium sulfate
an odorless, tasteless , white powder, BaSO 4 , insoluble in water: it is used as a paint pigment, as a filler for paper, textiles , etc., and as an opaque substance that is ingested to aid in making diagnostic X-rays of the stomach and intestine
barium sulphate
a white insoluble fine dense powder, used as a pigment , as a filler for paper, rubber , etc, and in barium meals. Formula: BaSO 4
barium titanate
a crystalline ceramic used in capacitors and piezoelectric devices. Formula: BaTiO 3
barium hydroxide
a white poisonous crystalline solid, used in the manufacture of organic compounds and in the preparation of beet sugar . Formula: Ba (OH) 2
heavy earth
a white or yellowish-white poisonous heavy powder used esp as a dehydrating agent . Formula: BaO