(of a river, stream, etc) to discharge (water) at the mouth
2. (intransitive)
to flow out
Derived forms
disemboguement (ˌdisemˈboguement)
Word origin
C16: from Spanish desembocar, from des-dis-1 + embocar put into the mouth, from em- in + boca mouth, from Latin bucca cheek
disembogue in American English
verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: ˌdisemˈbogued or ˌdisemˈboguing
to pour out (its waters) at the mouth; empty (itself)
said esp. of a stream, river, etc.
Word origin
Sp desembocar, to come out of the mouth of a river or haven < des- (L dis-), apart + embocar, to enter by the mouth < L in, in + bucca, cheek: see buccal