a technique of etching copper with acid to produce an effect resembling the flat tones of wash or watercolour. The tone or tint is obtained by acid (aqua) biting through the pores of a ground that only partially protects the copper
an etching made in this way
3. (transitive)
to etch (a block, etc) in aquatint
Word origin
C18: from Italian acqua tinta: dyed water
aquatint in American English
(ˈækwəˌtɪnt; ˈɑkwəˌtɪnt)
a process by which spaces rather than lines are etched with acid, producing tones that give the effect of a wash drawing or watercolor
an etching made in this way
verb transitive
to etch in this way
Word origin
Fr aquatinte < It acqua tinta, dyed in water < L aqua, water + tintus, pp. of tingere, to dye, tinge