any oxide containing two oxygen atoms per molecule, both of which are bonded to an atom of another element
2. another name for a peroxide (sense 4)
dioxide in American English
(daɪˈɑksˌaɪd; daɪɑksɪd)
an oxide containing two atoms of oxygen per molecule
Examples of 'dioxide' in a sentence
This would allow them to absorb more carbon dioxide and boost yields.
The Sun (2016)
Though diesel vehicles are a health hazard, they produce less carbon dioxide than petrol vehicles.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The bubbles form due to dissolved carbon dioxide, which are produced during fermentation inside the bottles.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It's the same way with the atmosphere and carbon dioxide.
Smithsonian Mag (2017)
They are usually found in bedrooms, lured by our body heat and carbon dioxide from our breath.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The move was intended to reduce greenhouse gases, but although diesels produce less carbon dioxide they emit nitrogen dioxide.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Carbon dioxide isn't actually flammable, but in large enough quantities it will kill you.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Plants clean the very air we breathe, trapping pollutants, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
The Sun (2017)
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and provide shade.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The abdomen is blown up with carbon dioxide so that space exists between your pelvic organs.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
It also wants limits on sulphur dioxide to be increased.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
This saves a great deal of money and emits no carbon dioxide.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The ability of plants to absorb carbon dioxide depends on the interplay between these two factors.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
These will need to be surrendered for each tonne of carbon dioxide that is emitted.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Oceans are warming faster than expected and absorbing less carbon dioxide than expected.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The process emits carbon dioxide and adopting it on a global scale may be unsustainable.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
New trees produce more oxygen than old trees and also absorb more carbon dioxide.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Power utilities and other companies are given permits to emit carbon dioxide.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
It does wonders in reducing the carbon footprint because growing trees absorb carbon dioxide.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Wood releases as much carbon dioxide lying on the ground rotting as it does going up in smoke.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
This scheme first establishes how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases humans can produce each year without frying the planet.
George Monbiot THE AGE OF CONSENT (2003)
Trees use carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which is essential to us.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Once carbon dioxide gets into the atmosphere, it stays there for an extremely long time.
Christianity Today (2000)
Learning is also disturbed when sulphur dioxide is released, sometimes windows have to be closed.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Raising taxes based on how much carbon dioxide comes out of your car's exhaust pipe.
The Sun (2016)
Excessive consumption of sulphur dioxide, chemical additives and pesticide residues is not likely to improve the body either.
Lockspeiser, Jerry & Gear, Jackie Thorsons Organic Wine Guide (1991)
If low carbon dioxide had been the cause, the C4 revolution would have come a lot earlier.
Oliver Morton Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet (2007)
This is due to the ongoing destruction of the world's rainforests, which convert damaging carbon dioxide into oxygen.
The Sun (2009)
The felling of huge areas of tropical rainforest is causing a change in the balance of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (see global warming).
Jilbert, John Geography Basic Facts (1983)
All related terms of 'dioxide'
carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is a gas. It is produced by animals and people breathing out, and by chemical reactions.
cerium dioxide
a white or yellow solid used in ceramics , enamels , and radiation shields . Formula: CeO 2
chrome dioxide
a chemical compound used as a magnetic coating on cassette tapes ; chromium (IV) oxide . Formula: CrO 2
silicon dioxide
the dioxide of silicon , occurring naturally as quartz , cristobalite , and tridymite . It is a refractory insoluble material used in the manufacture of glass, ceramics , and abrasives
sulfur dioxide
a heavy, colorless, suffocating gas, SO 2 , easily liquefied and used as a bleach , disinfectant , preservative , etc.
sulphur dioxide
a colourless soluble pungent gas produced by burning sulphur . It is both an oxidizing and a reducing agent and is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the preservation of a wide range of foodstuffs ( E220 ), bleaching , and disinfecting . Formula: SO 2
thorium dioxide
a heavy insoluble white powder used in incandescent mantles . Formula: ThO 2
uranium dioxide
a black, crystalline compound, UO 2 , insoluble in water, used in nuclear fuel rods , in ceramics , and pigments
chlorine dioxide
a compound used to bleach wood pulp
chromium dioxide
a chemical compound used as a magnetic coating on cassette tapes ; chromium (IV) oxide . Formula: CrO 2
manganese dioxide
a blackish, crystalline or powdery substance, MnO 2 , that is a strong oxidizing agent , used in making batteries , matches , etc.
nitrogen dioxide
a red-brown poisonous irritating gas that, at ordinary temperatures, exists in equilibrium with dinitrogen tetroxide . It is an intermediate in the manufacture of nitric acid, a nitrating agent , and also an oxidizer for rocket fuels . Formula: NO 2
titanium dioxide
a white insoluble powder occurring naturally as rutile and used chiefly as a pigment of high covering power and durability. Formula: TiO 2
carbon dioxide snow
solid carbon dioxide , used as a refrigerant
barium peroxide
a gray-white powder , BaO 2 , used as a bleach and in making hydrogen peroxide
dry ice
solid carbon dioxide , which sublimes at –78.5°C: used as a refrigerant , and to create billows of smoke in stage shows