释义 |
View usage for: (nest) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense nests, present participle nesting, past tense, past participle nested1. countable noun [oft poss NOUN]A bird's nest is the home that it makes to lay its eggs in. I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks. [+ on] Synonyms: roost, eyrie More Synonyms of nest 2. verbWhen a bird nests somewhere, it builds a nest and settles there to lay its eggs. Some species may nest in close proximity to each other. [VERB] ...nesting sites. [VERB-ing] 3. countable noun [usually poss NOUN]A nest is a home that a group of insects or other creatures make in order to live in and give birth to their young in. Some solitary bees make their nests in burrows in the soil. [+ in] ...a rat's nest. 4. countable noun [usually with poss]You can refer to a place as your nest when it is your home or where you feel comfortable and relaxed. Your house is your nest, your sanctuary. The baby had been asleep in her nest of pink and white blankets. 5. countable noun [NOUN of noun]You can use nest to refer to a place where something bad is being done or to the people there who are doing it. Are you telling me that you've got your own little nest of informers in the PoliceDepartment? Synonyms: hotbed, den, breeding-ground More Synonyms of nest 6. See also crow's nest, love nest 7. See to feather one's nest 9. a hornet's nest More Synonyms of nest (nɛst) noun1. a place or structure in which birds, fishes, insects, reptiles, mice, etc, lay eggs or give birth to young 2. a number of animals of the same species and their young occupying a common habitat an ants' nest 3. a place fostering something undesirable a nest of thievery 4. the people in such a place a nest of thieves 5. a cosy or secluded place 6. a set of things, usually of graduated sizes, designed to fit together a nest of tables 7. military a weapon emplacement a machine-gun nest verb8. (intransitive) to make or inhabit a nest 9. (intransitive) to hunt for birds' nests 10. (transitive) to place in a nest Derived forms nester (ˈnester) noun nestlike (ˈnestˌlike) adjective Word origin Old English; related to Latin nīdus (nest) and to beneath, sit (nɛst) noun1. the structure made or the place chosen by birds for laying their eggs and sheltering their young 2. a. the place used by turtles, hornets, fish, etc. for spawning or breeding b. the structure made or the place chosen by any of certain wild animals as its home a squirrel's nest 3. a cozy or snug place in which to live or rest; retreat 4. a. a haunt or den used esp. in an unfavorable sense b. the people who frequent such a place a nest of criminals 5. a brood, swarm, or colony of birds, insects, etc. 6. a set or series of similar things, each fitting within the one next larger verb intransitive7. to build or live in or as in a nest 8. to fit one into another 9. to hunt for birds' nests usually in the present participle verb transitive11. to place or settle in or as in a nest 12. to fit (an object) closely within another 13. Computing to embed (a loop, subroutine, etc.) between the first and last instructions of another Derived forms nestable (ˈnestable) adjective Word origin ME < OE, akin to Ger nest < IE * nizdos (< base * ni-, down + * sed-, to sit) > L nidus, Welsh nythMore idioms containingnest stir up a hornet's nest feather your nest fly the nest foul your own nest a nest egg Examples of 'nest' in a sentencenest The decline was linked to changes in farming practices which led to a loss of food sources and nesting sites for the birds.More obviously, ivy entanglements are important bird nesting sites.In the north of England they have discovered holes in stone walls as satisfactory nesting places.We don't accept that the birds were nesting there this year.War was declared, nests destroyed and birds hunted.Now their former love nest is available to rent for 1,250 a week.Their eggs and nests may also be destroyed.They rarely move more than two kilometres from their nesting places.Suddenly homes are for nesting not investing.Do not trim your hedge if birds are nesting in it.She determined to make a nest right away from the farm.Some bees and wasps reuse beetle tunnels as nest sites.This will be our love nest.So we completed the nesting together.If you do fly the nest, housing will be a huge expense.We were watching the sea eagle 's nest.You'll see them nesting atop buildings and churches.It didn't make for a comfortable love nest.He is accused of taking eggs from the nests of eagles and an endangered Egyptian vulture.They also nest on high buildings such as cathedrals in a number of other English towns.Nest may be ready, are you?This cosy little nest sleeps two and is in the grounds of a 19th-century farm and cider press.I love the permitted nesting of early winter.This year the number of chicks surviving long enough to fly the nest was five times lower than it would have been without the mice. British English: nest / nɛst/ NOUN A nest is a place that birds, insects, and other animals make to lay eggs in or give birth to their young in. ...a wasps' nest. - American English: nest
- Arabic: عُشٌ
- Brazilian Portuguese: ninho
- Chinese: 巢
- Croatian: gnijezdo
- Czech: hnízdo
- Danish: rede
- Dutch: nest
- European Spanish: nido
- Finnish: pesä
- French: nid
- German: Nest
- Greek: φωλιά
- Italian: nido
- Japanese: 巣
- Korean: 둥지
- Norwegian: rede
- Polish: gniazdo
- European Portuguese: ninho
- Romanian: cuib
- Russian: гнездо
- Latin American Spanish: nido
- Swedish: bo
- Thai: รัง
- Turkish: yuva
- Ukrainian: гніздо
- Vietnamese: tổ chim
British English: nest VERB When a bird nests somewhere, it builds a nest and settles there to lay its eggs. Some species may nest in close proximity to each other. - American English: nest
- Brazilian Portuguese: aninhar-se
- Chinese: 筑巢
- European Spanish: anidar
- French: nicher
- German: nisten
- Italian: fare il nido
- Japanese: 巣を作る
- Korean: 보금자리를 짓다
- European Portuguese: aninhar-se
- Latin American Spanish: anidar
Chinese translation of 'nest' n (c) - [of bird]
巢 (cháo) (个(個), gè) - [of insect, animal]
穴 (xué)
Definition a place or structure in which birds or other animals lay eggs or give birth to young I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks. Definition a place or structure in which birds or other animals lay eggs or give birth to young He discovered a rats' nest built from the remains of cardboard boxes. Definition a cosy or secluded place The couple are desperate to buy a holiday love nest. Biarritz was notorious in those days as a nest of spies. SeelairAdditional synonymsDefinition a place visited frequently a favourite summer haunt for yachtsmen Synonyms meeting place, resort, hangout (informal), den, rendezvous, stamping ground, gathering place Definition a hiding place or secluded spot The bandits fled to a remote mountain hideaway. Synonyms hiding place, haven, retreat, refuge, sanctuary, hide-out, nest, sequestered nook Definition a place to which many people go for holidays a genteel resort on the south coast Synonyms holiday centre, spot, retreat, haunt, refuge, tourist centre, watering place (British) Definition a place to which one may retire, esp. for religious contemplation He spent yesterday in his country retreat. Synonyms refuge, haven, resort, retirement, shelter, haunt, asylum, privacy, den, sanctuary, hideaway, seclusion |