Good deflection temperatures, dimensional tolerance, the tensile elongation modules all running fine.
James W. Hall BLACKWATER SOUND (2003)
All related terms of 'dimensional'
having only one dimension and therefore showing only linear information such as length or width or height
A two-dimensional object or figure is flat rather than solid so that only its length and width can be measured .
having or specified by four dimensions , esp the three spatial dimensions and the dimension of time
A three-dimensional object is solid rather than flat , because it can be measured in three different directions , usually the height , length , and width . The abbreviation 3-D can also be used.
three-dimensional printing
the creation of solid objects by building up multiple layers, each layer corresponding to a plan held in a digital file
fourth dimension
In physics , the fourth dimension is time. The other three dimensions, which exist in space , are length , width , and height .
third dimension
the additional dimension by which a solid object may be distinguished from a two-dimensional drawing or picture of it or from any planar object