

单词 nervous breakdown

Chinese translation of 'nervous breakdown'

nervous breakdown

n (c)

  1. 精神崩溃(潰) (jīngshén bēngkuì)
    to have a nervous breakdown 精神崩溃(潰) (jīngshén bēngkuì)



n (c)

  1. (Aut) 故障 (gùzhàng) (个(個), )
  2. [of system, talks] 中断(斷) (zhōngduàn) (, )
  3. [of marriage] 破裂 (pòliè) (个(個), )
  4. (Med) (also nervous breakdown) 精神崩溃(潰) (jīngshén bēngkuì) (阵(陣), zhèn)
  5. [of costs, figures] 分类(類)细(細)目 (fēnlèi xìmù)
    to have a breakdown 精神崩溃(潰) (jīngshén bēngkuì)
a mental illness in which the sufferer ceases to function properly, and experiences symptoms including tiredness, anxiety, and deep depression
Looking back, I can see that I was heading for a nervous breakdown.
Their economy is teetering on the edge of collapse.
They often seem depressed and close to breakdown.
crack-up (informal)
neurasthenia (obsolete)
nervous disorder

Additional synonyms

in the sense of breakdown
an act or instance of breaking down
They often seem depressed and close to breakdown.
nervous breakdown,
crackup (informal)

Nearby words of
nervous breakdown

  • nerve-racking
  • nerveless
  • nervous
  • nervous breakdown
  • nervousness
  • nervy
  • nescience

Synonyms of 'nervous breakdown'

nervous breakdown

Explore 'nervous breakdown' in the dictionary

Examples of 'nervous breakdown' in a sentence
nervous breakdown

After his austere upbringing, he suffered a nervous breakdown in his early twenties.

In other languages
nervous breakdown

British English: nervous breakdown /ˈnɜːvəs ˈbreɪkdaʊn/ NOUN
If someone has a nervous breakdown, they become extremely depressed and anxious, and have to be treated by a psychiatrist.
His wife would not be able to cope and might suffer a nervous breakdown.
  • American English: nervous breakdown
  • Arabic: انْهِيارٌ عَصَبِيٌّ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: esgotamento nervoso
  • Chinese: 精神崩溃
  • Croatian: slom živaca
  • Czech: nervové zhroucení
  • Danish: nervøst sammenbrud
  • Dutch: zenuwinzinking
  • European Spanish: crisis nerviosa
  • Finnish: hermoromahdus
  • French: dépression nerveuse
  • German: Nervenzusammenbruch
  • Greek: νευρικός κλονισμός
  • Italian: esaurimento nervoso
  • Japanese: 神経衰弱
  • Korean: 신경 쇠약
  • Norwegian: nervøst sammenbrudd
  • Polish: załamanie nerwowe
  • European Portuguese: esgotamento nervoso
  • Romanian: cădere nervoasă
  • Russian: нервный срыв
  • Latin American Spanish: crisis nerviosa
  • Swedish: nervsammanbrott
  • Thai: ช่วงเวลาที่เจ็บป่วยทางจิต
  • Turkish: sinir krizi
  • Ukrainian: нервовий зрив
  • Vietnamese: suy nhược thần kinh





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