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English translation of '以及' 连 -
as well as ⇒ 夜校开设了英文班、法文班以及德文班。 (Yèxiào kāishèle Yīngwén bān, Fǎwén bān yǐjí Déwén bān.) The night school has started up classes in English, French and German.
⇒ 医学专家讲解了这一传染病的特点以及防治方法。 (Yīxué zhuānjiā jiǎngjiěle zhè yī chuánrǎnbìng de tèdiǎn yǐjí fángzhì fāngfǎ.) The medical expert explained the peculiarities of this infectious disease, as wellas the methods of prevention.