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English translation of '从'



  1. (= 跟随) follow
    ⇒ 从众 (cóngzhòng) follow the crowd
    ⇒ 从俗 (cóngsú) follow convention
  2. (= 顺从) comply with
    ⇒ 服从 (fúcóng) obey
    ⇒ 言听计从 (yán tīng jì cóng) blindly follow
  3. (= 从事) participate in
    ⇒ 从戎 (cóngróng) enlist
  4. (= 采取)
    ⇒ 从严治理 (cóngyán zhìlǐ) govern according to tougher principles
    ⇒ 一切从简 (yīqiè cóngjiǎn) do everything simply

  1. follower
    ⇒ 仆从 (púcóng) attendant

  1. (= 从属) subordinate
    ⇒ 从犯 (cóngfàn) accessory

  1. (= 起于) from
    ⇒ 从前到后 (cóng qián dào hòu) from front to back
    ⇒ 从明天起 (cóng míngtiān qǐ) from tomorrow onwards
    ⇒ 从山顶向远处眺望 (cóng shāndǐng xiàng yuǎnchù tiàowàng) look out into the distance from the top of the mountain
    ⇒ 从东到西 (cóng dōng dào xī) from east to west
  2. (= 经过)
    ⇒ 轮船从桥下经过。 (Lúnchuán cóng qiáo xià jīngguò.) The boat passed underneath the bridge.
    ⇒ 飞机从我们头顶飞过。 (Fēijī cóng wǒmen tóudǐng fēiguò.) The plane passed over our heads.

  1. ⇒ 从未 (cóng wèi) never
    ⇒ 他从未见过大海。 (Tā cóng wèi jiànguo dàhǎi.) He's never seen the sea.
    ⇒ 她从未到过苏格兰。 (Tā cóng wèi dàoguo Sūgélán.) She's never been to Scotland.




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