an apparatus for determining the concentration of a solution of a coloured substance by comparing the intensity of its colour with that of a standard solution or with standard colour slides
any apparatus for measuring the quality of a colour by comparison with standard colours or combinations of colours
Derived forms
colorimetric (ˌkʌlərɪˈmɛtrɪk) or colorimetrical (ˌcoloriˈmetrical)
colorimetrically (ˌcoloriˈmetrically)
colorimetry (ˌcolorˈimetry)
tintometer in American English
a precision instrument for comparing tints or colors with those used as arbitrary standards
Derived forms
tintometric (ˌtɪntəˈmetrɪk)
Word origin
[1885–90; tint + -o- + -meter]This word is first recorded in the period 1885–90. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: foregut, reactor, retread, toner, twofer-o- is the typical ending of the first element of compounds of Greek origin (as -i- is, in compounds of Latin origin), used regularly in forming new compounds with elementsof Greek origin and often used in English as a connective irrespective of etymology(Franco-Italian; geography; seriocomic; speedometer); -meter is a combining form meaning “measure,” used in the names of instruments measuringquantity, extent, degree, etc. Other words that use the affix -meter include: altimeter, micrometer, telemeter, thermometer, variometer