the rate at which a diffusing substance is transported between opposite faces of a unit cube of a system when there is unit concentration difference between them
Symbol: D. Also called: diffusivity
Examples of 'diffusion coefficient' in a sentence
diffusion coefficient
From the proposed model, the effective diffusion coefficient was deduced.
N. R. Sikame Tagne, E. Njeugna, M. Fogue, J.-Y. Drean, A. Nzeukou, D. Fokwa 2014, 'Study of Water Absorption in Raffia vinifera Fibres from Bandjoun, Cameroon', The Scientific World Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, the swelling and diffusion coefficient decreased at higher temperatures.
Gonzalo Santos-López, Waldo Argüelles-Monal, Elizabeth Carvajal-Millan, Yolanda L.López-Franco, Maricarmen T. Recillas-Mota, Jaime Lizardi-Mendoza 2017, 'Aerogels from Chitosan Solutions in Ionic Liquids', Polymers Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The highest diffusion coefficient was obtained for hydrolyzed collets.
F. V. Grasso, P. A. Montoya, C. C. Camusso, B. G. Maroto 2012, 'Improvement of Soybean Oil Solvent Extraction through Enzymatic Pretreatment', International Journal of Agronomy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Among these parameters, the diffusion coefficient plays a central role.
Anna Wawrzynczak, Piotr Kopka 2018, 'Approximate Bayesian Computation for Estimating Parameters of Data-Consistent ForbushDecrease Model', Entropy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Iron diffusion coefficient versus melt viscosity showed a good linearity.
Finally, we showed altered effective value of diffusion coefficient by diffusion obstacles.
Daisuke Ohshima, Kazuhisa Ichikawa 2014, 'Regulation of Nuclear NF-κB Oscillation by a Diffusion Coefficient and Its BiologicalImplications', PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0109895. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
In other words, the cracks were distinguished from fragments with higher monomer diffusion coefficient.
Mohsen Najafi, Mahmoud Parvazinia, Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy 2014, 'Modelling the catalyst fragmentation pattern in relation to molecular properties andparticle overheating in olefin polymerization', Polyolefins Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The surface diffusion coefficient was constant for all adsorbents and for all fluxes.
Mahatheva Kalaruban, Paripurnanda Loganathan, Wang Geun Shim, Jaya Kandasamy, SaravanamuthuVigneswaran 2018, 'Mathematical Modelling of Nitrate Removal from Water Using a Submerged Membrane AdsorptionHybrid System with Four Adsorbents', Applied Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Finally, we have obtained a self-diffusion coefficient of curcumin molecules in three model solvents.
T. Patsahan, J.M. Ilnytskyi, O. Pizio 2017, 'On the properties of a single OPLS-UA model curcumin molecule in water, methanol anddimethyl sulfoxide. Molecular dynamics computer simulation results', Condensed Matter Physics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (