Neolithic is used to describe things relating to the period when people had started farming but still used stone for making weapons and tools.
...neolithic culture.
...the monument was Stone Age or Neolithic.
Neolithic in British English
the cultural period that lasted in SW Asia from about 9000 to 6000 bc and in Europe from about 4000 to 2400 bc and was characterized by primitive crop growing and stock rearing and the use of polished stone and flint tools and weapons
relating to this period
See also Mesolithic, Palaeolithic
Neolithic in American English
(ˌnioʊˈlɪθɪk; ˌ niəˈlɪθɪk)
designating or of an Old World cultural period (8000?-3500? b.c.) characterized by polished stone tools, pottery, weaving, stock rearing, agriculture, and sometimes megaliths