Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense diets, present participle dieting, past tense, past participle dieted
1. variable noun
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
It's never too late to improve your diet.
...a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables.
Poor diet and excess smoking will seriously damage the health of your hair.
2. countable noun
If a doctor puts someone on a diet, he or she makes them eat a special type or range of foods in order to improve their health.
He was put on a diet of milky food. [+ of]
...a special diet for children with high cholesterol.
3. variable noun
If you are on a diet, you eat special kinds of food or you eat less food than usual because you are trying to lose weight.
Have you been on a diet? You've lost a lot of weight.
Diet and exercise will alter your shape.
I've only lost sixteen pounds since I started this diet.
Synonyms: fast, regime, abstinence, regimen More Synonyms of diet
4. verb
If you are dieting, you eat special kinds of food or you eat less food than usual because you are tryingto lose weight.
I've been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child. [VERB]
Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives. [VERB]
Synonyms: slim, fast, be on a diet, lose weight More Synonyms of diet
dietinguncountable noun
She has already lost around two stone through dieting.
5. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Diet drinks or foods have been specially produced so that they do not contain many calories.
...sugar-free diet drinks.
...diet margarine.
6. countable noun
If you are fed on a dietof something, especially something unpleasant or of poor quality, you receive or experience a very large amount of it.
The radio had fed him a diet of pop songs. [+ of]
People are rejecting this constant diet of despair.
More Synonyms of diet
diet in British English1
a specific allowance or selection of food, esp prescribed to control weight or in disorders in which certain foods are contraindicated
a salt-free diet
a 900-calorie diet
(as modifier)
a diet bread
the food and drink that a person or animal regularly consumes
a diet of nuts and water
regular activities or occupations
4. (usually intr)
to follow or cause to follow a dietary regimen
Derived forms
dieter (ˈdieter)
Word origin
C13: from Old French diete, from Latin diaeta, from Greek diaita mode of living, from diaitan to direct one's own life
diet in British English2
1. (sometimes capital)
a legislative assembly in various countries, such as Japan
2. Also called: Reichstag(sometimes capital)
the assembly of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire
3. Scots law
the date fixed by a court for hearing a case
a single session of a court
Word origin
C15: from Medieval Latin diēta public meeting, probably from Latin diaetadiet1 but associated with Latin diēs day
diet in American English1
what a person or animal usually eats and drinks; daily fare
figuratively, what a person regularly reads, listens to, does, etc.
a special or limited selection of food and drink, chosen or prescribed to promote health or a gain or loss of weight
verb intransitive, verb transitive
to eat or cause to eat special or limited food, esp. for losing weight
Derived forms
dieter (ˈdieter)
Word origin
ME diete < OFr < ML dieta, diet, daily food allowance (meaning infl. by diet2) < L diaeta < Gr diaita, way of life, regimen < dia-, through + root of aisa, fate < IE *aito-, share < base *ai-, to give, allot
diet in American English2
1. Scottish
a day's session of an assembly
a formal assembly, as formerly of princes, electors, etc. of the Holy Roman Empire
in some countries, a national or local legislative assembly
Word origin
ME diete < OFr < ML dieta < L dies, day: see deity
COBUILD Collocations
fad diet
normal diet
unhealthy diet
varied diet
vegan diet
vegetarian diet
well-balanced diet
Examples of 'diet' in a sentence
Most people who lose weight by dieting do not keep the weight off over the long term.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
But medics said drugs and a healthy diet gave the best results.
The Sun (2016)
Diet drinks and juice also had no effect.
The Sun (2016)
And she's on a strict diet.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
All participants must stick to a sugar-free diet.
The Sun (2017)
You would definitely benefit from doing more exercise and having a healthier, balanced diet.
The Sun (2016)
A balanced diet and regular activity will help your pet to maintain a healthy size and weight.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Remember to look after yourself, because exhaustion, poor diet and lack of exercise will compound grief.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You have to take control of your diet.
Christianity Today (2000)
Their mum provides a constant diet of sweet snacks and fizzy drinks between meals.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Young people need to understand how to enjoy a balanced diet and active lifestyle.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
There is a specific diet to follow for each of the four weeks.
Kowalski, Robert E The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1990)
They are on special diets and experts last night feared for their lives.
The Sun (2009)
She also lets the bossy diet doctors get to work on her lifestyle.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
You may go on strict diets and exercise obsessively.
Colette Harris, With Theresa Cheung PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycysticovary syndrome (2002)
These foods also often crop up in other research on diet and brain health.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
No food or diet plan will cause your body to detox.
The Sun (2016)
Shed some flab through diet and exercise.
The Sun (2014)
Poor diet and obesity have also been linked with the condition.
The Sun (2011)
This time she devoted herself to improving the quality of food and the diet of consumers.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
We put more vegetables and fruits into our diet.
The Sun (2009)
You can go on eating your usual diet if you slightly cut back on serving sizes.
The Sun (2011)
The wartime diet was supposedly healthy but contained very little fresh fruit.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
But if an already slim person did the diet it could be dangerous.
The Sun (2012)
Schools should be places where youngsters learn that good diet and regular exercise mean a healthy life.
The Sun (2013)
So reason suggests that his diet does not contain many.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Cutting out fat from a diet that is already healthy could see you lose out on vital nutrients.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The kitchen will host demonstrations on the planning and preparation of animal diets and visitors will get the chance to help prepare food and feed the animals.
The Sun (2012)
with cheesecake you've got a choice: Either EAT it or BE itLiz LochheadFat Girl's Confession
all [diets] blur together, leaving you with only one definite piece of information: french-fried potatoes are outJean KerrPlease Don't Eat the Daisies
In other languages
British English: diet /ˈdaɪət/ NOUN
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
...a healthy diet.
American English: diet
Arabic: نِظَامٌ غِذَائِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: dieta
Chinese: 饮食
Croatian: dijeta
Czech: strava
Danish: diæt
Dutch: dieet
European Spanish: dieta
Finnish: ruokavalio
French: régime
German: Nahrung
Greek: διαίτα
Italian: dieta
Japanese: 日常の食べ物
Korean: 식이 요법
Norwegian: diett
Polish: dieta
European Portuguese: dieta
Romanian: dietă
Russian: диета
Latin American Spanish: dieta
Swedish: diet
Thai: อาหาร
Turkish: rejim
Ukrainian: дієта
Vietnamese: chế độ ăn uống
British English: diet /ˈdaɪət/ VERB
If you are dieting, you eat special kinds of food or you eat less food than usual because you are trying to lose weight.
I've been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child.
American English: diet
Arabic: يَلْتَزِمُ بِحَمِيَّةٍ غِذَائِيَّةٍ
Brazilian Portuguese: fazer dieta
Chinese: 节食
Croatian: držati dijetu
Czech: držet dietu
Danish: være på slankekur
Dutch: lijnen
European Spanish: hacer régimen
Finnish: laihduttaa
French: être au régime
German: Diät halten
Greek: κάνω δίαιτα
Italian: essere a dieta
Japanese: ダイエットする
Korean: 식이 요법을 하다
Norwegian: være på diett
Polish: zastosować dietę
European Portuguese: fazer dieta
Romanian: a ține dietă
Russian: соблюдать диету
Latin American Spanish: hacer dieta
Swedish: banta
Thai: ควบคุมอาหารเพื่อลดน้ำหนัก
Turkish: rejim yapmak
Ukrainian: бути на дієті
Vietnamese: ăn kiêng
British English: diet ADJECTIVE
Diet drinks or foods have been specially produced so that they do not contain many calories.
...sugar-free diet drinks.
American English: diet
Brazilian Portuguese: diet
Chinese: 低热量的饮食
European Spanish: dietético
French: light
German: Diät-
Italian: dietetico
Japanese: 低カロリーの
Korean: 저칼로리의
European Portuguese: dietético
Latin American Spanish: dietético
All related terms of 'diet'
diet food
a type of food intended to help people slim
diet pill
a pill that is intended to help slimmers lose weight
diet plan
A plan is a method of achieving something that you have worked out in detail beforehand .
fad diet
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
meat diet
a diet in which meat is predominant
milk diet
a diet consisting largely of or solely of milk
crash diet
a strict diet which is intended to produce drastic results in a relatively short period
diet drink
a type of drink, usually a version of an existing drink, that is marketed as being good for slimmers because it is low in calories
diet regime
A regime is a set of rules about food, exercise , or beauty that some people follow in order to stay healthy or attractive .
liquid diet
a diet restricted to liquids and, sometimes , certain semisolid foods, as custards, gelatin, etc.
normal diet
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
varied diet
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
vegan diet
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
balanced diet
a diet consisting of the proper quantities and proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth
slimming diet
a diet with the aim of losing weight
starvation diet
insufficient food to stay alive
unhealthy diet
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
vegetarian diet
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
high-fibre diet
a diet which contains a lot of fibre, supposed to help keep your digestive system healthy
well-balanced diet
Your diet is the type and range of food that you regularly eat.
calorie-controlled diet
a diet that restricts a person to a limited number of calories per day
a diet of mindless pop songs/soap operas多得令人腻烦的无聊的流行歌曲/肥皂剧
节(節)食 (jiéshí)
特制(製)的 (tèzhì de)
to be on a diet实(實)行减(減)肥节(節)食 (shíxíng jiǎnféi jiéshí)
to go on a diet开(開)始减(減)肥节(節)食 (kāishǐ jiǎnféi jiéshí)
to live on a diet of fish and rice以鱼(魚)和米为(為)主食 (yǐ yú hé mǐ wéi zhǔshí)
1 (noun)
to follow a special diet so as to lose weight
Watch your diet – you need plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Enjoy your food!
traditional Portuguese fare
kai (New Zealand, informal)
I'm starving - let's have some kai.
He was unable to take nourishment for several days.
The state provided a basic quantity of food for daily sustenance.
2 (noun)
a specific allowance or selection of food, to control weight or for health reasons
Have you been on a diet? You've lost a lot of weight.
The fast is broken, traditionally with dates and water.
a drastic regime of economic reform
crash diet
dietary regime
dietary programme
Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives.
Some people will gain weight no matter how hard they try to slim.
be on a diet
lose weight
watch your weight
eat sparingly
get fat
pig out (slang)
stuff yourself
subject word lists
See Diets
with cheesecake you've got a choice: Either EAT it or BE it [Liz Lochhead – Fat Girl's Confession]all [diets] blur together, leaving you with only one definite piece of information: french-fried potatoes are out [Jean Kerr – Please Don't Eat the Daisies]
a legislative assembly in some countries
The Diet has time to discuss the bill only until the 10th November.
The powers of the King had been handed over temporarily to a council of ministers.
I travel to London regularly for business meetings.
The Bangladesh parliament has approved the policy.
the recent emergency sittings
A lot has changed since the party congress.
the main political chamber of the Slovenian parliament
I flew to Boston to attend the annual convention of the Parapsychological Association.
What are the proposals before the legislature?
legislative assembly
Additional synonyms
in the sense of chamber
a legislative or judicial assembly
the main political chamber of the Slovenian parliament
legislative body
in the sense of congress
a formal meeting of representatives for discussion
A lot has changed since the party congress.
legislative assembly,
convocation (formal),
hui (New Zealand),
runanga (New Zealand)
in the sense of convention
a large formal assembly of a group with common interests
I flew to Boston to attend the annual convention of the Parapsychological Association.