a substance or medium that can sustain a static electric field within it
a substance or body of very low electrical conductivity; insulator
of, concerned with, or having the properties of a dielectric
Derived forms
dielectrically (ˌdieˈlectrically)
Word origin
from dia- + electric
dielectric in American English
a material, as rubber, glass, etc., or a medium, as a vacuum, gas, etc., that does not conduct electricity but can sustain an electric field: dielectrics are used in capacitors, between adjacent wires in a cable, etc.
having the properties or function of a dielectric
Word origin
dia- + electric: so called because it permits the passage of the lines of force of an electrostaticfield but does not conduct the current
dielectric in Electrical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) dielectrics
(Electrical engineering: Semiconductor and electronic circuitry)
A dielectric is a non-conductor of electricity, or an insulator.
A dielectric is a substance in which an electric field gives rise to no net flow of electric chargebut only to a displacement of charge.
The type of dielectric used between the plates of a capacitor will alter the capacitance of the capacitor.
A dielectric is a non-conductor of electricity, or an insulator.
Plasma weapons and perfect dielectric capacitors are wonderful equalizers-lots of punch, not much weight.
S. M. Stirling T2®: THE FUTURE WAR (2003)
All related terms of 'dielectric'
dielectric lens
a lens constructed of a material that converges or diverges a beam of electromagnetic radiation of radio frequency
dielectric loss
Dielectric loss is the loss occurring in the leakage resistance of the dielectric.
dielectric heating
a technique in which an insulator is heated by the application of a high-frequency electric field
dielectric constant
the ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor in which a particular insulating material is the dielectric , to its capacitance in which a vacuum is the dielectric
dielectric strength
Dielectric strength is the ability of a dielectric material of specified thickness to withstand high voltages without breaking down.
relative permittivity
the ratio of the permittivity of a substance to that of free space