A diamond is a hard, bright, precious stone which is clear and colourless. Diamonds are used in jewellery and for cutting very hard substances.
...a pair of diamond earrings.
...a sphere made of diamond without impurity or flaw.
2. plural noun
Diamonds are jewellery such as necklaces and rings which have diamonds set into them.
Nicole loves wearing her diamonds, even with jeans and a white T-shirt.
3. countable noun
A diamond is a shape with four straight sides of equal length where the opposite angles are the same, but none of the angles is equal to 90°: ♦.
He formed his hands into the shape of a diamond.
4. uncountable noun [with singular or plural verb]
Diamonds is one of the four suits of cards in a pack of playing cards. Each card in the suit is marked with one or more red symbols inthe shape of a diamond.
He drew the seven of diamonds.
A diamond is a playing card of this suit.
...win the ace of clubs and play a diamond.
5. countable noun
In baseball, the diamond is the diamond-shaped area of the playing field between the four bases.
diamond in British English
a colourless exceptionally hard mineral (but often tinted yellow, orange, blue, brown, or black by impurities), found in certain igneous rocks (esp the kimberlites of South Africa). It is used as a gemstone, as an abrasive, and on the working edges of cutting tools. Composition: carbon. Formula: C. Crystal structure: cubic
(as modifier)
a diamond ring
▶ Related adjective: diamantine
2. geometry
a figure having four sides of equal length forming two acute angles and two obtuse angles; rhombus
b. (modifier)
a red lozenge-shaped symbol on a playing card
a card with one or more of these symbols or (when plural) the suit of cards so marked
4. baseball
the whole playing field
the square formed by the four bases
(formerly) a size of printer's type approximately equal to 41⁄2 point
6. black diamond
7. rough diamond
8. (transitive)
to decorate with or as with diamonds
Derived forms
diamond-like (ˈdiamond-ˌlike)
Word origin
C13: from Old French diamant, from Medieval Latin diamas, modification of Latin adamas the hardest iron or steel, diamond; see adamant
diamond in American English
(ˈdaɪmənd; ˈdaɪəmənd)
a usually colorless, crystalline mineral consisting of pure carbon, with nearly perfect cleavage and the greatest hardness of any substance: unflawed, transparent stones are cut into gems of great brilliance, and less perfect forms are used for cutting tools, abrasives, etc.
a gem or other piece cut from this mineral
a lozenge-shaped plane figure (♦)
any of a suit of playing cards marked with such figures in red
c. [pl., with sing. or pl. v.]
this suit of cards
4. US, Baseball
the infield
the whole playing field
of, like, or set with a diamond or diamonds
marking or celebrating the 60th, or sometimes 75th, year
a diamond jubilee
verb transitive
to adorn with or as with diamonds
diamond in the rough
Word origin
ME diamaunt < OFr diamant < ML diamas (gen. diamantis), for L adamas < Gr, adamant, diamond
There would be no question of casting a diamond of protection this coming night.
The upper part of her body was clad in a white woollen sweater decorated with blue diamond symbols.
Forbes, Colin COVER STORY (2001)
There are twenty to fifty thousand diggers working in the diamond areas of Angola!
Jenkins, Geoffrey A DAYSTAR OF FEAR (2001)
I'll do what I can do, but I still can't turn coal into a diamond.
Jefferson Parker SILENT JOE (2001)
Word lists with
gem, mineral
In other languages
British English: diamond /ˈdaɪəmənd/ NOUN
jewel A diamond is a kind of jewel that is hard, clear, and shiny.
American English: diamond
Arabic: ماس
Brazilian Portuguese: diamante
Chinese: 钻石
Croatian: dijamant
Czech: diamant
Danish: diamant
Dutch: diamant
European Spanish: diamante
Finnish: timantti
French: diamant
German: Diamant
Greek: διαμάντι
Italian: diamante
Japanese: ダイヤモンド
Korean: 다이아몬드
Norwegian: diamant
Polish: diament
European Portuguese: diamante
Romanian: diamant
Russian: алмаз
Latin American Spanish: diamante
Swedish: diamant
Thai: เพชร
Turkish: elmas
Ukrainian: діамант
Vietnamese: kim cương
British English: diamond /ˈdaɪəmənd/ NOUN
shape A diamond is a shape with four straight sides.
American English: diamond
Arabic: مُعَيـَّن
Brazilian Portuguese: diamante
Chinese: 菱形
Croatian: dijamant
Czech: kosočtverec
Danish: ruder
Dutch: diamant
European Spanish: rombo
Finnish: vinoneliö
French: losange
German: Raute
Greek: διαμάντι
Italian: rombo
Japanese: ひし形
Korean: 금강석
Norwegian: diamant
Polish: romb
European Portuguese: diamante
Romanian: romb
Russian: ромб
Latin American Spanish: diamante
Swedish: romb
Thai: สี่เหลี่ยมขนมเปียกปูน
Turkish: elmas
Ukrainian: ромб
Vietnamese: hình thoi
All related terms of 'diamond'
black diamond
→ coal (sense 1 )
blood diamond
a diamond sold to help finance a military campaign
diamond bird
any small insectivorous Australian songbird of the genus Pardalotus, having a diamond-patterned plumage
diamond drill
a diamond-tipped drill
diamond dust
pulverized diamonds , used as an abrasive
Diamond Head
promontory in SE Oahu , Hawaii , near Honolulu , consisting of the rim of an extinct volcanic crater
diamond point
a diamond-tipped engraving tool
diamond snake
a python , Morelia argus , of Australia and New Guinea , with yellow diamond-shaped markings
false diamond
any of a number of semiprecious stones that resemble diamond , such as zircon and white topaz
Hope diamond
a sapphire-blue Indian diamond , the largest blue diamond in the world, weighing 44.5 carats and supposedly cut from a bigger diamond that was once part of the French crown jewels : now in the Smithsonian Institution
rose diamond
a diamond , one side of which is flat, and the other cut into twenty-four triangular facets in two ranges which form a convex face pointed at the top
rough diamond
an unpolished diamond
diamond cutting
the art or work of cutting and shaping rough diamonds to make them suitable for use by the jewellery trade
diamond geezer
a very nice or good man
diamond jubilee
A diamond jubilee is the sixtieth anniversary of an important event .
diamond wedding
the 60th, or occasionally the 75th, anniversary of a marriage
diamond willow
wood that may come from any species of willow and has a diamond pattern in the grain , used for making walking sticks , table lamps , etc
conflict diamond
a diamond sold to help finance a military campaign
diamond district
the part of a town where diamond merchants and jewellers have their businesses
diamond drilling
drilling using a drill with a diamond-impregnated bit
industrial diamond
a small often synthetic diamond , valueless as a gemstone , used in cutting tools, abrasives , etc
a rough diamond
someone, especially a man, that you like and admire because of their good qualities, even though they are not sophisticated or well-mannered
diamond anniversary
a 60th, or occasionally 75th, anniversary
diamond in the rough
a diamond in its natural state
any of various small Australian songbirds of the genus Pardalotus , esp the diamond bird
PDC bit
A PDC bit is a drill bit fitted with industrial diamond cutters instead of hardened metal teeth.
Chinese translation of 'diamond'
(= gem) 钻(鑽)石 (zuànshí) (颗, kē)
(= shape) 菱形 (língxíng) (个(個), gè)
Derived Forms
diamondsn pl (on playing cards) 方块(塊) (fāngkuài) : the six/king of diamonds方块(塊)6/K (fāngkuài liù/K)