(ˌsaɪzməʊˈmɛtrɪk) or seismometrical (ˌsaɪzməʊˈmɛtrɪkəl)
of or relating to seismometry or a seismometer
Examples of 'seismometric' in a sentence
All conclusions were based on the field data, seismometric and laboratory tests.
Korchagin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, Sakhnenko Margarita Aleksandrovna, Stepanyan GeorgiyArutyunovich 2013, 'Construction of moorings on loose soils having artificiallyimproved physical-mechanicalcharacteristics СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО ПРИЧАЛОВ НА СЛАБЫХ ГРУНТАХ ОСНОВАНИЯ С ИСКУССТВЕННОУЛУЧШЕННЫМИ ФИЗИКО-МЕХАНИЧЕСКИМИ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКАМИ', Vestnik MGSUhttp://vestnikmgsu.ru/files/archive/RUS/issuepage/2013/8/9.pdf. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
This work intends to improve our knowledge of the inner time dynamics of geophysical non-seismometric parameters.
S. Piscitelli, G. Martinelli, V. Lapenna, J. Heinecke, G. Di Bello, V. Cuomo, L. Telesca 2001, 'Investigating the temporal fluctuations in geoelectrical and geochemical signals Jointlymeasured in a seismic area of Southern Apennine chain (Italy)', Annals of Geophysicshttp://www.annalsofgeophysics.eu/index.php/annals/article/view/3584. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)