Yet the foundation stone of our courts is that justice is SEEN to be done.
The Sun (2010)
All related terms of 'seen'
When you see something, you notice it using your eyes.
see of
to meet ; be in contact with
see off
If you see off an opponent , you defeat them.
see out
to remain or endure until the end of
see to
If you see to something that needs attention , you deal with it.
see about
When you see about something, you arrange for it to be done or provided.
see into
to examine or investigate
see over
to inspect by making a tour of
see through
If you see through someone or their behaviour , you realize what their intentions are, even though they are trying to hide them.
see the menu
When a customer asks to see the menu , they ask you to bring them a copy of the menu.
someone wouldn't be seen dead
said to mean that someone strongly dislikes or disapproves of something
to have seen better days
If you say that something has seen better days , you mean that it is old and in poor condition .
wouldn't be seen dead in
would never wear, go to, etc
something has seen better days
said to mean that something is old and in poor condition
wouldn't be seen/caught dead to be seen dead
If you say that you wouldn't be seen dead or be caught dead in particular clothes, places, or situations , you are expressing strong dislike or disapproval of them.
remains to be seen it remains to be seen
If you say that it remains to be seen whether something will happen , you mean that nobody knows whether it will happen.
to be seen dead to be caught dead
If you say that you wouldn't be seen dead or be caught dead in particular clothes, places, or situations , you are expressing strong dislike or disapproval of them.
someone hasn't seen hide nor hair of someone
said to mean that someone has not seen someone else, although they expected to
Chinese translation of 'seen'
Nearby words of
seek out
All related terms of 'seen'
看见(見) kànjiàn ⇒ Did you see what happened? → 你看见发生的事了吗? Nǐ kànjiàn fāshēng de shì le ma?
I haven't seen her
我还(還)没(沒)见(見)到她 wǒ hái méi jiàndào tā
I haven't seen him
我还(還)没(沒)看见(見)他 wǒ hái méi kànjiàn tā
see to
( deal with ) 处(處)理 chǔlǐ ⇒ Franklin saw to the luggage. → 福兰克林负责照管行李。 Fúlánkèlín fùzé zhàoguǎn xíngli.
have you seen my glasses?
你看见(見)我的眼镜(鏡)了吗(嗎)? nǐ kànjiàn wǒde yǎnjìng le ma?
我有好多年没(沒)见(見)他了 wǒ yǒu hǎo duō nián méi jiàn tā le
see through
( help : person ) 帮(幫)助 ... 渡过(過)难(難)关(關) bāngzhù ... dùguò nánguān ⇒ $50 should see you through. → 50美金应该能够帮你渡过难关。 Wǔshí měijīn yīnggāi nénggòu bāng nǐ dùguò nánguān. ⇒ He saw me through the hard times. → 他曾帮我度过艰难岁月。 Tā céng bāng wǒ dùguò jiānnán suìyuè.