Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense aggrandizes, present participle aggrandizing, past tense, past participle aggrandizedregional note: in BRIT, also use aggrandise
To aggrandize someone means to make them seem richer, more powerful, and more important than they really are. To aggrandize a building means to make it more impressive.
At the dinner table, my father would go on and on, showing off, aggrandising himself. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
...plans to aggrandise the building. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: exaggerate, advance, promote, intensify More Synonyms of aggrandize
aggrandize in British English
or aggrandise (ˈæɡrənˌdaɪz, əˈɡrænˌdaɪz)
to increase the power, wealth, prestige, scope, etc, of
to cause (something) to seem greater; magnify; exaggerate
Derived forms
aggrandizement or aggrandisement (əˈɡrændɪzmənt)
aggrandizer (ˈaggranˌdizer) or aggrandiser (ˈaggranˌdiser)
Word origin
C17: from Old French aggrandiss-, long stem of aggrandir to make bigger, from Latin grandisgrand; the ending -ize is due to the influence of verbs ending in -ise, -ize
aggrandize in American English
(əˈgrænˌdaɪz; also, ˈægrənˌdaɪz)
verb transitiveWord forms: agˈgranˌdized or agˈgranˌdizing