the right or state of self-government, esp when limited
a state, community, or individual possessing autonomy
freedom to determine one's own actions, behaviour, etc
4. philosophy
the doctrine that the individual human will is or ought to be governed only by its own principles and laws
See also categorical imperative
the state in which one's actions are autonomous
Derived forms
autonomist (auˈtonomist)
Word origin
C17: from Greek autonomia freedom to live by one's own laws; see autonomous
Examples of 'autonomies' in a sentence
There are institutional guarantees (financial and administrative autonomies / self-governance), functional guarantees (tenure, irremovability and irreducible salary) and protection of independence.
Fabrício Ricardo de Limas Tomio, Ilton Norberto Robl Filho 2013, 'Accountability e independência judiciais: uma análise da competência do Conselho Nacionalde Justiça (CNJ) Accountability and judicial independence: an analysis of competenceof the National Council of Justice (CNJ)', Revista de Sociologia e Política Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
It provides a broad profile, assessing different domains of human activities ranging from personal, domestic, and extradomestic autonomies.
Francesco Arcuri, Maria Daniela Cortese, Francesco Riganello, Lucia Francesca Lucca,Sebastiano Serra, Anna Mazzucchi, Antonio Cerasa, Antonio Cerasa, Paolo Tonin 2019, 'The Reliability of the Progression of Autonomies Scale Applied on Acquired Brain InjuredPatients', Frontiers in Neurology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (