A veil is a piece of thin soft cloth that women sometimes wear over their heads and which can also cover their face.
She's got long fair hair, but she's got a veil over it.
She swathes her face in a veil of decorative muslin.
Synonyms: mask, cover, shroud, film More Synonyms of veil
2. countable noun [usually singular]
You can refer to something that hides or partly hides a situation or activity as a veil.
The country is ridding itself of its disgraced prime minister in a veil of secrecy. [+ of]
The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge. [+ of]
Synonyms: screen, mask, disguise, blind More Synonyms of veil
3. countable noun
You can refer to something that you can partly see through, for example a mist, as a veil.
The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere. [+ of]
He recognized the coast of England through a veil of mist.
Bright moonlight shines through a thin veil of clouds.
Synonyms: film, cover, curtain, cloak More Synonyms of veil
See to draw a veil over something
More Synonyms of veil
veil in British English
a piece of more or less transparent material, usually attached to a hat or headdress, used to conceal or protect a woman's face and head
part of a nun's headdress falling round the face onto the shoulders
something that covers, conceals, or separates; mask
a veil of reticence
4. the veil
5. take the veil
6. Also called: velum botany
a membranous structure, esp the thin layer of cells connecting the edge of a young mushroom cap with the stipe
7. anatomy another word for caul
8. humeral veil
9. (transitive)
to cover, conceal, or separate with or as if with a veil
10. (intransitive)
to wear or put on a veil
Derived forms
veiler (ˈveiler)
veilless (ˈveilless)
veil-like (ˈveil-ˌlike)
Word origin
C13: from Norman French veile, from Latin vēla sails, pl of vēlum a covering
Veil in British English
(French vaɪl)
Simone (Annie) (simɔn). 1927–2017, French stateswoman; president of the European Parliament (1979–82): a survivor of Nazi concentration camps
veil in American English
a piece of light fabric, as of net or gauze, worn, esp. by women, over the face or head or draped from a hat to conceal, protect, or enhance the face
any piece of cloth used as a concealing or separating screen or curtain
anything like a veil in that it covers or conceals
a veil of mist, a veil of silence
a part of a nun's headdress, draped along the sides of the face and over the shoulders
the state or life of a nun
chiefly in take the veil, to become a nun
humeral veil
6. Dialectal
7. Biology
verb transitive
to cover with or as with a veil
to conceal, hide, disguise, screen, obscure, etc.
Derived forms
veillike (ˈveilˌlike)
Word origin
ME veile, veil, sail, curtain < NormFr < L vela, neut. pl., taken as fem., of velum, sail, cloth, curtain < IE base *weg-, to weave, attach, a textile > OIr figim, I weave, OE wecca, wick